29: Erodas Secret

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"Harry" it was the next morning. Harry and i had gotten up early and were cuddling in my bed.
"Yes baby?" He replied.
"D'you want to meet my family on Saturday?"
"Wait, really?"
"We're official. So, why not y'know?"
"I'd love to" he planted a gentle kiss on my cheek before pulling me closer to him, my head resting against his bare chest. "You should stay round mine sometime"
"What about tonight?" I pondered.
"Perfect. Right, c'mon let's get you to work. I'll drive you"

I got ready into a a khakis pencil skirt, a white shirt and a light blue sweater vest. I slipped on my thick tights and Oxfords before starting to do my make up. Harry was finish before me so he watched me do my make up quietly.
"You alright?" I asked him as I tidied it all away.
"You're just...stunning" he said dreamily, crossing his legs on the bed. I took my hooped earrings off my trinket tray and stood in front of him as I put them on.
"Admiring me are we?" I teased him.
"And why not?"
I finished putting them on and put my fingers under his chin, my thumb pressed against it. I tilted it upwards before pressing a kiss on his lips.
"You, sir, are what my ex students would call 'a simp'" i said after I pulled away.
"Proud to be" he removed my hands from his face and softly kissed my knuckles.

Wow...I adore him.

Harry drove me to work and kissed me goodbye before I hopped out of the car and headed into the office. I said good morning to my co workers before sitting at my desk and logging on. I was adamant to get a lot done. I also had to interview somebody later.
"Good Morning Eroda" For God sake. I looked up to see none the other than James Noir.
"Morning James" i responded.
"I would like to apologise for yesterday" he said. "Pam at reception had some mail for us all and she accidentally handed me yours and when I opened it it had your address on it"
"And...where is this thing you opened?"
"I mailed it to you. It was just something about an interview"
"Right, okay" i turned my head back to my computer hastily. "Thanks for letting me know...I should uh get on with my work"

I was ever so busy. I had to go offsite for an interview - TWO because one was rescheduled for today. I also had to meet with my proof reader to discuss some of my work that was yet to be published. And I was NOT in the mood for James' bull crap.

I watched my stunning girlfriend walk into the office she worked in before driving off to do my own things.

"Morning Harry" my best friend Jeff spoke as I arrived to the studio.
"G'morning" I responded, sitting in the chair beside him.
"Excited for tour?" He asked me.
"Yeah, super excited" i grinned.
"You should bring your girlfriend. Could make the experience more fun"
"Oh uh I haven't really talked to her about it yet. She works and stuff" i responded.
"She's a journalist right? She can easily work from tour"
"Maybe...I gotta talk to her about it though. Shes very work orientated"

Would Eroda come on tour with me? I knew she worked really hard and was very independent. I liked being around her but of course if she didn't want to come I couldn't exactly force her. I hadn't even mentioned tour to her!

Hours later, I walked out of the office to see Harry hadn't arrived yet. I stood on the pavement waiting patiently for him, looking at the scenery around me.
"Waiting for someone?" I turned round to see James.
"Yeah. My boyfriend" i responded.
"Ah. Lucky man he is"
"I'm the lucky one" i replied with a soft smile.
"So err how was the interview?"
"Which one?"
"The one with Harry" he replied.
"It went really well. It's being published in a month or so, so...that's pretty cool"
"Isn't dating a musician difficult?"
"No? Not really, it's wonderful actually"
"What about when he goes on tour and he's surrounded by thousands of pretty girls?"

Pretty girls.

My thoughts got interrupted to someone honking their horn. I looked across the road to see Harry had arrived.
"Ta ta James" i made my way over to Harrys car quickly and got in.
"Hello my angel, how was work?" He asked, picking up my hand and kissing it as he started driving.
"Stressful. Hey, can we go to mine first so I can pick up some things?" I replied:
"Yeah of course baby" he kept a hold of my hand but didn't take his eyes off of the road.

We arrived at my house before going up to my bedroom.
"So...is me staying at yours going to be a regular thing?" I asked.
"It can be if you want to" he responded.
"Are we...moving too fast?" I worried.
"There's no such thing. Everyone goes at a difference pace my love"
"Okay, good. I was...worried" i went to my wardrobe and took some clothes out.
"Need some help?" He asked.
"Uh...sure. Just take a few pyjamas out of my top draw please.
"You have such good manners"
"Thank you. My Mum really enforced them"
"Mine too" he chuckled as he opened my top draw. I'd completely forgotten I'd hidden my anxiety medication there until I heard Harry put the small tube on the chest of drawers and choose some pyjamas - HE CASUALLY PUT THEM ON MY CHEST OF DRAWER?

"Oh uh you...were not meant to see those"
"What? This?" He held up an old one direction t shirt which I hadn't wore to bed in years.
"The...uh..." i gestured to the medication and Harry looked around him, clueless.
"The pills!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, those?" He turned his head to see the bottle then back to me. "Forgot they were there"
"I um just...I don't like people knowing. I uh...take...anxiety medication"
"Hey, don't be ashamed. Everyone has mental health - some of us even a mental illness and that's okay. Needing a way to cope is fine"

"I'm just a dumb dumb" i sighed.
"My dumb dumb" He chuckled.
"Michelle doesn't even know. My family doesn't either" I sidled over to him and sat on my bed, him joining.
"That's fine. You don't need to tell anyone if you don't want to - as long as you can handle it:. But sometimes talking about it helps. And you know I'm here for you"
"And I'm here for you" i wrapped my arms round his neck and buried my head into the crook of it.

"Angel" he smiled, holding me close.

Along came Harry | H.SHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin