52: Anne's Advice

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I woke up the next morning, my brain scrambled. Harry and I had gone out to dinner and may have gotten really drunk and did stuff when we got back to the hotel. I didn't remember any of it but I woke up to see my underwear on the floor.
"Morning Angel" Harry had just arrived back, holding a plastic bag. "Didn't wanna wake you but I got you some things"

"Do you remember anything?" I asked him.
"I remember singing to you and running you a bath" he replied, rummaging through the bag.
"Why do we do this?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "I love you though, you're sweet"
"I love you too" he sat at the edge of the bed and kissed my head. "Okay, I got you some aspirin incase of a headache, some water, oh and I know you really like tangerines as they help your anxiety so I got some of those too"
"You sweet boy" I looked at the captivating man in front of me. He was mine.

Harry smiled shyly before checking the time. "Ah shit. We gotta head to the venue soon. You wanna shower?" He asked me.
"Sure" I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom whilst Harry tidied up the room.
I remembered nothing from last night - which bothered me. I really wanted to. I wanted to remember his touch, his taste, how he felt. I sighed and turned the water on. The bath was empty and had bath salts stuck on the sides. He's so precious - always looking after me.

I finished showering before drying my hair and getting ready into a Harry Styles t shirt, white jeans and black combat boots. I didn't put on any make up as I was tired and couldn't be bothered but Harry called me his beautiful angel when he saw me which made me cry with happiness because maybe I believed him.

We tidied up and went downstairs to join everyone else as we had to check out - after the next show we were heading to the next city so we loaded our luggage onto the bus and got inside.
"You look tired" Sarah said to me.
"Drank too much Rosé" I replied.
"Yeah, Mitch and I heard you two"
"Huh!?" I blushed, my eyes widening.
"It's fine, everyone has needs. We just won't be next door to you two ever again" she chuckled.
"What're we talking about?" Harry sidled over.
"Oh nothing just how you and Eroda were getting it on very loudly last night"
"Ah. Sorry about that" Harry had a grimacing look on his face.
"It's fine" Sarah grinned at our shocked faced.

Eroda and I had sex last night and she didn't remember.

I didn't know how to tell her, I mean I obviously had to but how? It would freak her out a lot. We both got carried away as we were really drunk but I gave her a bath afterwards as I was worried I'd been too much for her first time even though she went on about how much she loved it - drunk Eroda was something else. I knew how important after care was and I loved her dearly. I had to tell her soon enough but I wasn't sure how to go about it. But if Sarah and Mitch heard...fuck sake. I knew they wouldn't bring it up as Eroda was awkward and a very private person but this whole situation was worrying me.

I was all about safe sex and I was so worried. We consented surely? But we were pretty fucking drunk. Did she finish? Did she like it? So much was a blur but I know we fucked for sure. Fuck, did we use protection!?

I snapped out of my thoughts when my girlfriend ran over to me and hugged me. We'd arrived at the venue and were doing soundcheck.
"I love you" she gazed into my eyes, her arms round my waist.
"I love you more" I smiled and pecked her lips gently. "Baby, you've been biting your lip"
"I know, sorry" she replied quietly.
"There's no need to be sorry, just be careful. You just need a new way to cope, y'know?"
"Like what?" She asked.
"Maybe just hold objects you can fidget with?"
"Like?" She slipped her hand into mine.
"When I'm around, yeah" I smiled fondly.

"Is Harry drooling again?" Adam asked Naomi.
"Yeah...ugh, simp" She replied.
"Hey!" I pouted at them. The crew teased me rotten about Eroda and it drove me nuts but I loved it secretly. I loved her with my whole heart and I wanted them all to know it - they were my friends.
"They didn't lie" Eroda pointed out.
"Harry, d'you know the amount of fans who said they wanted your girlfriend instead of you?" Naomi laughed.
"What!?" My girlfriend exclaimed.
"Literally, it's all 'okay he's cute but his girlfriends cuter'"
"Don't blame them, look at this face" I squeezed Erodas cheeks gently with one hand.

I knew Eroda rarely used social media nowadays because of the hate she gets which was healthy for her. I watched her skip over to Sarah and the two of them talked like they'd known each other for years. They both giggled before linking arms and going to the dressing room.

I knew I had to ask Eroda something but I couldn't remember at all. I sighed and carried on with soundcheck.

"Gem? Gem, are you okay?"
"Uh yeah, sorry Mum" I'd finally gone to see my Mum after being too anxious. "I need advice"
"You sounded awfully scared over the phone love. What's going on?" She asked in a concerned tone.
"I just...okay uh...you know that weird ex boyfriend I had a few years ago?"
"The german one?"
"Yeah" I swallowed. "Um...he's after one of my friends and I tried warning her boyfriend about him but...I was too afraid to talk about it so I was quite subtle. I'm too scared to directly go to her and tell her 'Hey he's sketchy' but I know I should"

"My freckled face girl, you're traumatised. I think you should see someone about it or even just talk to a friend. Maybe even Michel? Just speak to somebody about it then talk to your friend" she suggested. "I'm always here if you want to talk about anything love"

I needed to tell Michel. Somehow.

Along came Harry | H.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora