49: Sleepless

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"Hello Gemma" I look to my right to see James. For fuck sake. I ignored him and walked down my path. Why the fuck was he at Erodas house?
"You can't ignore me forever" he added.
"Oh please, I'm sure I can!" I snapped.
"Why so scared?"
"I am not scared of you! What are you even doing here?"
"I'm here to see Eroda" Eroda. Oh that sweet girl - she didn't know what she was getting into. I hadn't in me to tell her. I never spoke about it - it was too traumatic.

I'd told my Mum about my cunning ex but I never mentioned his name. Harry knew I dislikes James and he held the same view.
"If you fucking hurt her, I will come for you" I hissed.
"Come for me? You ran away" he scoffed.
"Doesn't mean I won't hesitate"
"Oh hi James, you're early!" Eroda came out of her house and spotted me. "Hey Gem"
"Hi uh what're you two up to?"
"Joint interview" she replied. "Last bit of work before I'm off"
"Oh uh well be safe" I replied.
"We will" James narrowed his eyes at me before he and Eroda walked down her both and headed off.

I sighed and got into my car. Nothing I could do really.

James and I finished our interviews and made our way to the office.
"So, how was New York?" He asked me.
"Incredible. Such a beautiful place - and Harrys show was amazing" I smiled.
"You ever worry about 'Arry?" I forgot French people didn't pronounce the 'H'z
"Well yeah I worry about his health and safety"
"No I mean...don't you worry that he'll leave you for another girl on tour?"
"Uh no. Not really. I trust him" I replied.
"Really? Even when he's surrounded by all these women?"
"Can't lie, I'm more worried he's going to bang his guitarist" I replied as we walked into the building.

"I just...I don't trust musicians. Cheating happens, relationships collapse"
"Maybe in your experience. But Harrys really sweet" I responded. At that moment, my distance bracelet buzzed.

Harry needed me.

I couldn't sleep. It was so fucking late and I had a show tonight. I glances at my phone to see it was 4AM. Maybe I could call Eroda? But what if she was at work?

Harry! She said you could call her whenever you needed to! Call her!

No. Yes. Fuck. I'm tired of sleeping alone, I just want her here with me. I grabbed my distance bracelet from under my pillow and tapped it. Maybe she'd see. A few seconds later, my phone buzzed.

Eroda: Call?

I pressed the 'Call' and held my phone up to my hear.
"Hi. Are you okay?" Her gorgeous voice spoke.
"Uh...can't sleep" I whispered.
"Have you tried meditating? Maybe wanking even?" She suggested.
"Im on the bus" I replied.
"Oh, damn. Well if you want I can send you some links to sounds to fall asleep too. Could you possibly nap later too? I know you have a show today so..."
She was such an angel. Even if we were thousands of miles apart, she was looking after me.

"I just want to hear your voice" I admitted.
"Okay well...I-I guess I'll tell you about my day or something. I did an interview with an author - she writes romance novels. She was telling me how she never found love despite her writing and writing about it and portraying it in exquisite ways. She got her heartbroken so many times but she learned that she was too good for these nobodies who kept hurting her. And eventually she found love...within herself. She's lovely, really. I can't wait to write it all up"

"I like that" I yawned.
"Try and settle down baby. You have a long day ahead of you. I'll see you soon, okay?""
"Wait c-can you stay? Till I fall asleep?"
"Yes of course! I have to work though so...just know I'm here, okay?"
"I love you" I wanted to cry again. I really missed her.
"I love you too baby. Also, I think we should add a new code to the system. Code purple for a phone call, m'kay?"
"Okay" I swallowed.

I heard Eroda walk up some stairs and sit at her desk. I could tell what she was doing from the sounds.
"I need to type up some things so I can't talk much but I'm here, okay?" She said. I felt awful - she was at work but I was bothering her.
"Y'know what, I think I'm going to listen to a sleep story" I replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. I love you"
"I love you too precious. Text me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will"

Along came Harry | H.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora