Wee Woo

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Okuyasu covered his ears, "What? Is there a fire somewhere?"

Mikitaka screamed as his whole face turned red and small lumps started to form. He also tried using his hands to block out the sirens but it didn't seem to work, "This sound... I hate this sound. Stop this sound! I'm allergic to it! Make it stop!" He dove into a bush, still shouting in pure pain.

While Okuyasu and Josuke stared at each other you followed after the Alien. He was on his knees while still clutching his head, "Sorry, I can't just make the sound go away, but is there anything else I can do to help?"

"P-Please take me to a place where I can't hear this sound..." The lower half of his body suddenly turned into blue goo, writhing around in all sorts of directions.

"W-What?!" Exclaimed Josuke. Okuyasu had left, but the Higashikata felt bad about leaving the extraterrestrial in such a state. "You're actually...?"

The rest of the alien's body became blue goo, "I have a power that allows me to turn into anything. H-Hurry... I feel like my head will split open amidst the sound... I'll turn into sneakers, so please, where them and take me with you!" He split apart, the goop wrapping around your shoes before gaining the appearance of normal sneakers.

"Um... okay." You started to run away from the fire trucks. However, the moment you pushed off the ground with your feet, you were launched into the air at incredible speed. "What?! Are you making me this fast?!"

"With your strength and mine combined, our speed and jumping strength are doubled." Explained the alien.

"Holy shit!" Was Josuke's reaction to the event, "Is he a Stand user? W-Wait up (Y/N)!" He started to sprint in the direction you had leaped.

You enjoyed the bird's eye view of Morioh while you could, before you started falling towards the ground again. Mikitaka seemed to absorb most of the shock as your legs didn't break despite the speed you fell at. After another step propelled you into the air once more, you landed safely on the top of a building. "Um... Are you feeling better now?"

He removed himself from your shoes and went back to his more human-like appearance. He bowed his head, "You saved me by taking me away from that. The people from my planet can't stand the sound of sirens. It's a wavelength that aggravates our nerves. I'd like to do something for you as a thank you for saving me." In one hand he held a Kame Yu shopping catalog. "Shall I turn into a fan and fan you?" His right hand shifted into the named object and he started to wave it through the air. "Or maybe a back scratcher so I can scratch your back?" This time his head morphed and he moved closer, trying to let you see the book.

"I wasn't trying to help you because I needed something, so you really don't need to transform into anything for me. But for yourself, maybe you could make a part of you noise cancelling headphones to at least help block out the sound of sirens the next time it happens." You took the catalog from him and flipped through before finding some being advertised. "See? Like these."

"I can try." His arm shifted to match the picture.

You helped him put them over his his elf ears. "Are they working?"

His eyebrows furrowed, "What?"

"I said are they working?"

He shook, "What? I can't hea... oh. That is the desired outcome. These might help against the sound." He let the headphones turn back into his hand, "But you have helped me again. I am extremely grateful."

"Oh, but where are you going to stay now that you are on Earth? I don't have any spare bedrooms at my place. Noriaki has a few. He'd probably be fine with you living there, especially since he's only there during summer time. I'd have to ask first though.I guess I could also get a hotel room for you if that's more preferable."

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now