Roll Over

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"Which way did Requiem go?" Asked Bruno, who had lost sight of it during the time of Narancia's death.

"To the left. It looks like people are starting to wake up in the direction he's headed." Somehow Polnareff was able to tell what was going on even from his position on the ground as a turtle.

"Find it? But your body is..." Trish glanced past the wall, "What about your body, Bucciarati?"

"I'll be able to de-age his body without issue later." Prosciutto was confident in his skills, "And I am sure that the bullet wounds in his legs will be able to be healed by Giorno's Golden Experience. He just won't be able to stand up and move."

"I'm sorry, Naranica." You crouched down and gently lifted the head of the Ghirga's dead body. "But we're going to leave you behind for now. I'll be back soon, I promise."

Giorno knelt next to you, adding a few words of his own, "And don't worry, Naranica. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise that I will take your body back home." He placed his hand on the side of the wall, letting a few flowers take bloom from the Ghirga's body.

"Prosciutto will have to stay here to keep his ability working on Doppio. Pesci and Ghiacchio, I want you two to watch his back." Risotto took another look at the dead man, "Also, make sure nothing happens to Narancia's body." Prosciutto simply nodded.

"You got it, Risotto!" Pesci saluted his leader. "We'll make sure everything stays a-okay!"

"Yeah... yeah..." Ghiacchio's mouth set in a snarl, "Just make sure you give the boss a solid hit for me, okay?"

With that sorted, the three named individuals stayed behind. The other seven of you, eight including Polnareff, made a makeshift circle in an attempt to keeps eyes on all of your surroundings. The bunch of people continued its chase after Chariot Requiem.

"Watch out for anyone coming near us! Let's go!" With Bucciarati taking the lead, the rest of you followed him out of the Colosseum. Except Trish, who started to lag behind. Feeling something was a bit off.

Mista glanced back at her, "Trish! What are you doing? Stay close!"

Trish put a hand to her forehead, as if she had a light headache, "R-Right." She started picking up the pace.

As the group made it to the streets, Abbachio held up a hand to signal for the others to stop, "Do you guys hear that?"

Bruno kept his ears open, "It sounds like barking... but it's a bit muffled."

Risotto looked down at his feet, feeling them begin to sink into the ground slightly. "Oh, I see..."

A tiny chihuahua leaped out of the ground and onto your face, his tail wagging. It started licking you, only to stop when it actually saw you. It gave the air a good whiff. "Y-You smell like (Y/N) b-but you don't look like her." Secco's confused voice came from the puppy. "Does that mean you guys h-had your minds switched, too?"

You removed the dog from your face and held it instead, "That's right, Secco. The mind swap was caused by this grey knight looking Stand that is holding a Stand arrow. Have you seen it by any chance?"

"Things l-look different for me now. Everything's more yellowish and... blurrier than before.  Although, I do think I've seen that Stand! I was gonna chase after him, but I wanted to find you first! If you put me down I can lead the way." At Secco's request, you set him back on the stone street. Secco happily trotted to the front of the group.

"Great... a dog is leading us." Grumbled Mista, who still didn't particularly like the dog man.

"It's... It's fine..." Giorno was saying the words mostly to himself. To try and convince his own person that it was alright for Secco to help out. That things really were... fine. He ran a tad faster to stay at the same speed as you.

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now