Rain, Rain, Go Away

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"Does Giorno think this strategy is really going to work?" Fugo carefully put one foot in front of the other, making his way through the rocky terrain.

"Well, at the very least he probably intends to make it work." You skipped up alongside him.

"When you first met Giorno, what did you feel?" Inquired Sheila to the blonde man.

"Umm..." Fugo was cautious with his answer, unsure of how the girl would react. "I guess I thought the way he presented himself could have been mistaken for weakness. But I suppose he always had the potential to be something greater. I mean," Fugo turned to you and Narancia, "That's what all of us were thinking at the time, right?"

You shrugged. "I had already met him before Bucciarati introduced him, but I never thought of him as weak."

Narancia tilted his head to the side, "I dunno. At first I thought he'd be some kind of idiot and I didn't want more people joining the team than we already had. But after he drank Abbacchio's piss, I was convinced."

Sheila seemed like she wanted to ask about the whole sipping urine thing but decided against it. "Well, Giorno said this to me, 'You take me for an honest man because you yourself are honest.' I asked Mista the same thing and he said he thought Giorno was lucky. Except he's the lucky one, isn't he? When people look at Giorno, they see something so unfathomable they see themselves reflected in him. They're swallowed up in his potential, and wind up seeing only themselves."

You raised an eyebrow, "Yeah... I don't know about that." Maybe it was because you didn't have Giorno fever like she did or perhaps because you weren't so focused on his potential. You saw so much of his father in him and you'd like to think that you were quite different from Dio.

"I never really met Giorno, but I think he's a very strong and confident person." Doppio shook his head, "There's no way that could be me. I'm not strong or confident."

Sheila let out an angry huff, and picked up her pace, "Maybe you just aren't looking hard enough." A few steps forward, she paused, angling her nose upwards. "That smell..."

You followed her action, your face scrunching up, "Vomit, I think."

"Exactly." She started running as she called out to the rest of you, "You all just wait for me in town! I have to check on something!"

"What is she checking on?" Doppio looked to you for an answer.

You let out a long sigh, "I have no idea. Let's just get going. Teatro Greco isn't far."

"There. That's it right there." Pointed out the blonde man. It was an Ancient Greek theatre and was partially imbedded into the land around it. Seeing a speckle of water land on his hand, Fugo's eyes followed to where it had come from. "Great. It's starting to rain." And in a few seconds it was already pouring. "I guess we just have to pushing forward, anyway."

Doppio reached into his little bag, "Don't worry. I brought an umbrella. I was listening to the weather report earlier today." He opened it up, holding it above his person, inviting the rest of you to join him underneath.

"It's kind of cramped under here." Complained Narancia.

"But can't you have the rain just go right on through you?" Fugo wasn't sure why the Ghirga had decided to join you under the little umbrella.

"Oh. Right!" So he started floating a few paces ahead instead.

"Do you see many people around, Narancia?" You wanted to know if there'd be any civilians that needed to be watched out for in case there was a big fight.

One of Narancia's eyes glowed a bright green. "There's barely any people at all. I think there's just one person and they're in the theatre. Not moving much or anything."

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