Episode 56

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"We are arriving in Taipei, Taiwan. Please stay seated until we land, I repeat--" I looked out of the window and it is already noon, we have been in the air for close to 3 hours and we are finally landing in Taipei, the place that I wanted to travel to search for a certain someone.

DaIn unnie told me that her mother and Han Sanghyuk has been residing in Taipei for the past 5 years and the very reason why they wanted to go there is that their mother wanted a fresh start but my father somehow got hold of that information and locked them up in Taipei and they are not being able to go anywhere else unless to buy groceries but most of the groceries will be delivered to their residence so they are stuck in the same place all the time without a way to escape.

And even if Han Sanghyuk could escape, my father would threaten him that he would do something to me and that would be why Han Sanghyuk hasn't tried to do anything for the past 5 years. I have been trying my hardest to track him down for the past 5 years and finally, I can get some information about his whereabouts thanks to his older sister, she couldn't bear to see me searching for her younger brother aimlessly when she knows exactly where they are at.

"Miss Choi, are we going to check in a hotel first?" My butler Seungmin asked me as soon as we touched down from the plane.

'Of course.' I told him. 'Don't be crazy, no one would be carrying 2 pieces of luggage around searching for someone.'

"With your personality, I wouldn't be surprised that you will go out to search for him as soon as we get out of the airport. But I am now reassured that you wouldn't do that and I will be able to get my rest before you begin searching for him." He said, dragging the two pieces of luggage that we have brought over from Seoul, I don't plan to stay for very long because I am a person who has a managerial position in my father's company and he will find it suspicious that I am overseas for more than a week so I am only going to be here for a few days at a time.

And I will be only bringing Seungmin each time I come to Taipei and no one will know about it, we can't raise any suspicions at all in this secret operation. We will stop the search once we have found Han Sanghyuk and his mother and we will bring the both of them back with us, the most important thing is to find them first and the best is that I will be able to find them in this trip.

We checked in the nearest hotel that is around the city area and my butler was shocked that I have booked two huge rooms for the both of us, I know that we are only here to search for people but I have too much money to spare and it doesn't hurt to spend money on this once in a while. Seungmin could only shake his head at me when I told him that but I know that he is grateful that I have booked him a huge room for his first trip with me who is like an older sister to him.

We given ourselves 2 hours to take a rest and do whatever we want to before I told him to come to my room and we mapped out the places that we are going to go later in the evening and for the next few days as well, it is better to have a clearer view of where we are planning to go to so that we can cover more places in the next few days.

My phone was ringing like crazy when I got out of the shower, I guess that they have found out that I am not in the office and I am now in another country and they can't get through to Seungmin as well because I told him to ignore all the calls that come from Seoul, once I pick up, they will be able to track our whereabouts and my secret operation is going to come to an end without even starting it.

I could just say that I was on my vacation when I get back, they wouldn't be able to say anything by then and I know that my father wouldn't be that determined to track me down on my vacation, he is stubborn and he knows his limits and he keeps his word about it. My older brother could be the one who is calling me but I couldn't care less about that, he will tell my father about it if I tell him the truth about my trip here to Taipei and he will beg for me to return no matter what.

I don't want anyone to control what I should do or not do anymore, I had enough of this and I want to do things without my father not allowing me to. So I am officially rebelling against him with this secret operation to get back Han Sanghyuk whom he has been trying so hard to keep me away from, but I won't allow him to take away Han Sanghyuk anymore.

He needs to be free and I am here to help me, my father can't do anything to him at all if I get Han Sanghyuk back, he will not have his way anymore when I am here to protect Han Sanghyuk. I might have a lot of power to go against my father right now but I will go against my father because I have to protect Han Sanghyuk away from him and make sure that he can't do anything to him anymore, not under my watch.

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