Episode 63

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It is a normal day at work with me being the workaholic and not caring about anything else but my work, I have nothing to do other than to work. And also to check up on Choi Jooeun which the CEO had ordered me to search for her, but the thing is that I have no idea where to find her other than the fact that she left the country and she is not back till then.

Her father has been pestering me every single day about her whereabouts and demand me to give him an update every single day, and I don't get why he is so worked up about her when she is already a working adult. She could be just taking a short break and going on vacation for a few days and her butler is there to take care of her, she can't go anywhere without her butler because she has a hearing disability.

It was easier for her when we were still schooling because we don't need to meet so many people at one time but things are different now, we are all adults who are secured down with a job and we are required to work or we will not be able to pay the bills and have a roof over our heads. But there is no need to worry about Choi Jooeun, she will return when she wants to and it is not the company will crumble if she is not there, she only has a lower job position compared to her older brother who is the successor and she does not need to come to the company to work all the time.

I wanted to tell the CEO that I don't need to go after Choi Jooeun because she is an adult and she knows what to do with her life but it is her father that we are talking about here, even though she is the lovechild of her father, she is still recognised as the other child of the CEO and she gets her share of the inheritance as well. Her father might fire me if I don't do anything that he tells me to do so I am just pretending that I am searching for Choi Jooeun, I have no idea where she could have gone to.

Both Choi Jooeun and her butler Seungmin are not picking up their calls at all, I bet that she just shut it off because she wants to take a break without anyone calling her about work, no one wants to be disturbed when they are on vacation. But it doesn't make sense that Seungmin is not picking up as well, he is the butler of Choi Jooeun and he is tasked to take care of her, which would mean that he would take her calls on her behalf and that would include calls from work as well.

But if the two of them are not taking their calls at all, that would mean that something bad had happened to them and they are in a different country which makes the situation so much worse. What if they got kidnapped?

There was a knock on the door and it was Choi JooHwan, he entered my office and looked around for a few seconds before sitting down. "Have you seen Jooeun today?" He asked me.

I don't even know if he knows that his younger sister has not been making any appearances in the past few days so I waited for him to continue talking, I looked down at my laptop and I continued to do my work with him standing around in my office.

"She bought me this watch when she is on her break in Taiwan, it is the Limited Edition and there are only 10 pieces ever produced." He showed off the watch and I wasn't focusing on the watch at all, all I know is that Choi Jooeun is back and she went to Taiwan.

So she wasn't being kidnapped by anyone... A sigh of relief emerged from my face and I stood up from my seat. "Is she in the office today?" Choi JooHwan nodded his head and I went ahead and went out of the office, completely disregarding his presence but my focus right now is not about Choi JooHwan but his younger sister who has finally returned from her break.

I am so glad that she has come back or the CEO is going to pester me again, she just went to Taiwan for a few days and came back with gifts meant for everyone that she is close to. I made my way to her office and she is indeed inside there, with a bunch of flowers surrounding her and she looked so beautiful in there.

I knocked on the door of her office and it took her a few seconds for her to look up and stand up from her seat to get the door for me, she usually doesn't do that and she would avoid me at all costs. But she is not doing that today, maybe it is because she just returned from vacation and she is still in her happy mood.

She opened the door for me and she stood at the doorway, waiting for me to speak. "I heard that you went to Taiwan, was that fun?" I asked her even though I know that she is not going to answer my question and she is going to slam the door in my face in the next few seconds.

But she smiled and she didn't slam the door in her face. 'It is a beautiful place and I had a great time there, I took a lot of beautiful pictures there and I bought a lot of gifts as well.' She turns around and she takes a small gift box from her desk and gave it to me. 'I was out shopping and I saw you and I was immediately reminded of you, I don't know if you will like it or not.'

I stared at Choi Jooeun like she is a foreign species, did she get brainwashed when she was in Taiwan. It is as if she became a different person when she came back and she treated me especially nice.

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