Episode 50

5 1 0

Taipei, Taiwan


It is a nice and beautiful morning, even the air smells good. Although I have been facing the same sunrise every single day for the past 5 years, every single day is like a new start for me. It has been 5 years and I have not been able to leave this place for good, as long as I don't get the pass to get back to where I came from, I might as well stay here for the rest of my life.

I sighed as I stared at the letter that I have last received a week ago, it is news from Seoul and it is from my older sister. She is the only person whom I can contact and she is the only person whom I told her my address so that she can come to visit me one day but she has been so busy with her life, she told me that she will only be able to visit me at the end of the year.

She is leading such a successful life ever since my mom and I have moved to Taiwan, I thought that she would stay unemployed for the rest of her life and she would either find a husband who will feed her and provide for her but she did the unexpected, Han DaIn actually found a job that is stable and she is able to spend some money on herself to some extent.

She became an air hostess in one of the best airline companies and because of that, she has been so busy that she doesn't have the time to rest and even when she has the time to rest, she would be sleeping at home the entire time. And I have no idea how she even got the time to date anyone, but she found a guy to love while still living her life as a busy air hostess.

She would often post many photos of her at work and with her boyfriend, I would literally roll my eyes every time I see one of her posts but my mother would be so happy to know how her daughter is doing, how she is coping with her life with my father being in charge of her. I might have been a little envious of her achievements in the past 5 years but she gets her freedom to do whatever she wants for so, I don't get to.

Ever since I moved here, I have been confined in this small space even though I have the choice to go whenever I want to. I am not allowed to do anything I want as long as Jooeun's father is watching, he is always watching my every move and preventing me to do everything that gains any kind of attention.

I am also required to use a false name here or people will find out who I really am, Choi Jooeun will track me down and try to bring me back and the plan will become a complete failure, I want that to happen but Jooeun's father will get rid of Jooeun right away. Choi Jooeun doesn't know the exact reason why her father is trying so hard to keep me away from Jooeun but she is trying so hard to find me for the past 5 years, I have heard from my older sister that she has looked for her to get more information about me and where I am situated at. I longed for the day that I will be able to meet her again but I know that day will not come as long as Mr Choi is still alive, he needs to be dead for us to meet each other again.

I just wished that he will die today or tomorrow, the faster the better.



I sighed deeply as Han DaIn shut the door in my face, she has done it again when she doesn't have anything much to say to me. And it is not the first time that it happened, it has happened every time I go over to visit her. She told me that she doesn't know anything about where her younger brother could've been or if she has been contacting him secretly, she doesn't tell me anything and shuts me out as if I am some annoying salesman trying to sell her something useless.

Ever since Sanghyuk left, DaIn unnie is not the same Han DaIn that I have known. She pretends to not know me if I bump into her on the streets and she would avoid me if I did see her, it was as if I am someone dangerous and she needed to avoid me at all costs. All I wanted to do is to know where Han Sanghyuk has been for the past 5 years and I will be able to reunite with him, I am sure that he has the same thinking as me.

I left the place and I went back to my car where my butler is waiting for me as he should be. "Aren't you tired of doing that and getting rejected every single time? Is that person really that important to you? You have been living your life without him for the past 5 years and you have been coping rather well without him around."

I shook my head. 'That is just me trying to pretend that I am fine with everything, I am not doing well at all without Han Sanghyuk around. You are still young, you don't understand the feeling of waiting for someone with no luck that the person will ever come back.' I told my butler and one lone tear streams down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away before Seungmin notices it, he has really sharp eyes and he sees through everything. 'Let's go, we have a meeting to go to and you wouldn't want anyone to talk about your tardy punctuality abilities.'

"Aren't you the reason why we are always late to every single schedule that we go to?" I glared at Seungmin through the front car mirror and he gulped his saliva before stepping harder on the accelerator. Han Sanghyuk, where have you been hiding at? Why is it so hard to find you?

Her Voice / han sanghyuk (#14)Where stories live. Discover now