Episode 26

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DongMi paced in front of me back and forth, her arms crossed over each other as she walks around in circles and it is starting to make me a little dizzy. Why is she even walking around?

'Stop walking around, it is giddy!' I told her desperately and she stopped, at last, taking a seat opposite me. We have been studying in the library for an hour now, our exams are coming up and I do not want to flunk my examinations. It is bad for a transfer student like me to do so badly after transferring to a new school, the school has expectations for me to do well and they might want to reconsider their choices if I were to fail.

"I just don't understand!" She exclaimed, looking really serious and all.

'What is it that you don't understand? Is it the topic or something else?' I flipped over to the new page of my notebook to copy down my notes.

"Han SangHyuk! I just don't understand that he hasn't approached you ever since you went over to his house. It has been over a week and he hadn't done anything yet." He didn't say anything much about the book that I had given him, he doesn't seem to be knowing about the note that I had slipped in between the pages. The look that he has been giving me the past few days hasn't changed as well, it is as if nothing ever happened.

"Did you forget to put that note into the book for instance?" I shook my head. "Then why doesn't he give you an answer yet? I'm getting so nervous and frustrated that nothing is happening."

'There is a chance that he hadn't touched the book at all, he doesn't have the habit of reading.' I told her of a possibility and she nodded.

"If it were to be HakYeon sunbaenim, he would have understood it right away and you wouldn't have to wait for an entire week for nothing to happen." She groaned. "Why do you have to like a blockhead than a bookshelf filled with books like HakYeon sunbaenim?"

I gasped as I watched the person mentioned above starts walking towards our table, he is carrying his bag around looking for a place to sit down at. "What are you staring at?" DongMi noticed me being frozen in place and she turned around, receiving a huge shock herself as HakYeon sunbaenim is just standing behind her. "Good to see you, HakYeon sunbaenim..."

"Are you girls studying? Mind if I sit down with you two as well?" He asked with such gentleness that I will never imagine Sanghyuk ever addressing me in that tone. "All the tables are already taken in the library and I don't know where I can sit at."

DongMi immediately took the bag off the chair next to her. "You can sit with us! We don't mind anyone sitting at our table, especially you Sunbaenim."

"Well, thank you, girls." He took his seat next to DongMi as planned, DongMi wanted him to sit with her no matter what, she has a little crush on him ever since she was a first-year student. "What are you girls studying? Is it maths?"

"Right, maths. It is my most hated subject ever and I totally have no ideas on how to pass it this time around." She pretended to not know anything about maths, it is her best subject and she has always been the top 10 in the whole cohort.

"Which part did you not understand? I can teach you about that since you are a friend of JooEun." He takes a look at my work which is terribly scribbled on. "Are you having problems with math as well?" I wanted to shake my head to disagree but what he had said was true, I indeed have some problems understanding the logic behind the problems, I don't understand how it exactly works for math. My mother was an excellent tutor when I was homeschooled till a few months ago, she knew the way to tutor me but she wasn't as good in math as the other subjects that she teaches me and being her daughter, I would be equally bad in mathematics as well.

"Please help JooEun, she is going to fail her exams if she doesn't pass maths," DongMi answered on my behalf and I could only force a smile, I seriously needed someone to tutor me and I feel bad for HakYeon sunbaenim to do that. He is also going to study for his examinations and he is here trying to teach an idiot how to pass maths, I think that I should just say nothing about me not being able to really understand the subject well.

"Is this a tutoring session that I'm seeing here?" Han SangHyuk suddenly appears and takes the seat next to me, I reluctantly took my bag off and placed it down on the floor next to me although a part of me was excited that he is here to see me. "Can I join in as well as the 4th member in this study group?"

HakYeon sunbaenim looked at him with a look, he isn't pleased to see him here. "Why are you here for? I'm sure that you are not here to study, perhaps to play games on one of the computers here?"

"Please... Can't you stop doubting me and thinking that I'm a dumb person? I do study when the exams are coming up."

"And you would only study at this time period, you would be having fun during the other times." He replied. "Don't you agree that he is an extremely lazy person? DongMi ssi and JooEun ssi?"

"Definitely, that was spot-on! Sunbaenim, why are you good at judging people?" DongMi clapped her hands. "How do you know that he is lazy? And he is not just lazy, he is rowdy and sleeps all the time in class, I even heard that he threatens the teacher to give him full points on that one science test."

He only laughed, he said nothing but laughed so loudly that everyone was telling him to shut his mouth up. "What makes you so sure that I cheated on that test? Maybe I am not that dumb after all, and I have the potential to do the best that I can."

"I just know that you aren't that smart." SangHyuk was ready to yell at her but I pulled him back, tugging at his sleeves and pointing my pen to the paper, a sentence that I have just written down. "I know that you want me to calm down but she is very ridiculous."

HakYeon sunbaenim cuts off the tension between the two. "Why don't we do this? The one who gets the higher score in maths, the person will grant the other a wish no matter what request it is." I stared at the two battle with each other just using their eyes and I knew that it is getting real, they were serious about this. And I still needed help for my maths problems and the book that he hasn't read till this date.

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