Episode 75

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"Sorry, excuse me!" I shouted to all the people that were in the way, and I pushed my trolley to the counter, the cashier is looking at me with a judgemental look on her face as if I have done something to offend her.

She said nothing and then proceeded to scan my items while still keeping that judgemental look, it seemed to be a signature look for her. "Is there any problem?" I asked her because I am very curious about why she decided to look at me that way.

"Are you a making streamer?" She asked me and I shook my head. "Then why are you buying so much for? You can't be eating all of it on your right?"

I am now so offended by her, I have never felt so offended by any stranger before except for this cashier. "Excuse me but what makes you think that I am not going to be able to finish this all on my own?"

I know that my image is about to get ruined if anyone finds out that I am that famous ballerina who performed in front of the president and received a standing ovation for that, but I don't care about that right now because I am going to get hurt if I don't try to defend myself from this.

"You are so tall and skinny and I know people like you probably starve their whole lives, and you are one of them. You are just going to throw all of that food and I am not going to ring all of that up just for you to waste your money and the food." She said to me and I felt like a volcano just erupted inside of me.

"I am so sorry for that you have assumed that I am someone like that but I am someone who has an appetite of an elephant and it is not like I am the only one who eats all of that food, there are people around me and they can help me finish the food," I asked and I looked around, looking for someone to spread the word around that I am getting discriminated against for buying too much food.

"Isn't that the famous ballerina that performed in front of the president?" Indeed everyone is starting to talk about me and I allowed them to talk for a while because I want the cashier to feel embarrassed about what she said to me. "If you don't want people to gossip about you, please do quickly scan my items so that I can have a feast with my friends. You are wasting my time and all the people behind me are waiting as well." I told her and she rolled my eyes and let out a huge sigh, quickly finishing up the transaction and giving me my items.

I got out of the supermarket and I looked up at the skies, it is already so dark and it is all thanks to that cashier who wanted to find fault with me. Choi Jooeun must have been starving waiting for me to come back, even though I know that she won't complain much about it but it has been more than 45 minutes since I have been outside and it is late now.

She wanted to make her butler go with me but I insisted that I would do the shopping myself because I am the one who suggested that we would have dinner together and I am going to be the one who is going to cook, it would be bad if I force everything on her butler when he is not even working for me. Choi Jooeun is my friend for the longest time and I know that there is still a limit that would lead to breaking our friendship and I take note of it and not go over it.

I returned to her apartment and I looked around for her but she is not in the living room, could she be sleeping? I was about to go into her bedroom when her butler comes out of her room, telling me that she is just sitting in there and refusing to communicate with anyone at all and I know exactly what she is thinking about.

She is tired of everything in her life, she suddenly got engaged to Cha HakYeon when she doesn't even like him, she likes Han Sanghyuk and her father doesn't approve of the two of them getting together so he is doing all he wants to make them not end together.

So Jooeun is feeling stressed out that her life has turned out to be like that and she had told me repeatedly that she doesn't want to stay here in South Korea and she wanted to run away to some foreign country so that she won't have to face all of these problems, but that would just be an easy way out and it is not the way to solve the problem.

The only way for her to make her father stop is for her to stand up against him and that is a very difficult thing for Jooeun to do when her father doesn't care about her well-being but only his reputation of being the best businessmen out there, and I am going to cheer her up by cooking her a feast so that she can forget about the chaos for one moment and only focus on the food.

There was one thing that kept bothering me when I met Han Sanghyuk earlier this morning, I met him and I said all of those things to him, I even yelled at him on the streets telling me to wake up and stand up against her father and ask her hand for marriage but he gave me a very strange look.

It is as if he has given up on everything and he is just following whatever he is told to do but his eyes tell me something else, it is like he is hiding something. Maybe it is about his feelings towards Choi Jooeun...

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