Episode 29

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I came back to the bookstore, frantically trying to chase down Jooeun who out of the blue bolted out of the café without saying anything at all, I barely had any time to react. She seemed pretty happy when we got out of the bookstore as we made our way to the café, she was fine as well when I came back with her order.

It couldn't be that she didn't like what I ordered for her, she was the one who wanted the matcha latte and I bought it on her behalf. It would be so ridiculous of her to be acting when I got her matcha latte and running out of the café after she decided that she didn't like matcha latte, there is no way that she would act like that. She also wouldn't say that she hated me, she is an angel who knew how to do things her own way without interfering into anyone's business. And she spoke for the first time but her first words were hurtful to me, she said that she hated me and it hurt a lot.

The Jooeun that I know is incredibly calm and she would analyze get things carefully before coming up with a perfect solution in a very calm manner that she will always be, she wouldn't act so rash and burst out crying just like that. There is definitely something that she is hiding and I want to know about it, I should be the one to know if I am her best friend. And she is the type to bottle things up in her heart until she couldn't take it anymore and she would burst out crying, just like what she did earlier, scaring the daylights out of me. What did I do wrong?

I came back to our table in the study section in the bookstore and she was already packing up her belongings, wiping away her tears at the same time. Yang DongMi and Cha HakYeon sunbaenim were surrounding around her, helping her keep away her things while not having a single idea of what happened earlier, they all looked really lost and Cha HakYeon looked straight in my eyes, telling me off with those piercing eyes of his. She slung her bag over her left shoulder and I stopped her from leaving. "Wait! Tell me what happened, I need to know the reason why you are crying like this."

She shook her head and begged me to let her go. "Please, Jooeun! I need to know!"

HakYeon sunbaenim pulls me away from her. "Stop it... Leave Jooeun alone." He said to me firmly. "Class is cancelled for today. DongMi ssi, bring her home, for now, I will deal with him."

Yang DongMi nods her head and took her belongings with her, leaving with Jooeun after giving me a death glare. I can see that trouble is happening for me and I literally have no idea what will happen to me, I don't even know what happened that Jooeun had become like this in the span of 15 minutes. She was happy 15 minutes ago, asking me to accompany her to the café and she came back crying without any particular reason, she is making me worried and I have no idea how to comfort me.

"Come with me." Cha HakYeon ordered me and I had no choice but to do as what he told me to, going to the corner as he cornered me in. "What the hell happened? You guys were alright with each other when you two left for the café."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea either, I bought her matcha latte on her behalf and I waited for her to finish her drink when she stormed out of the café without any warning." I took out the part that she uttered that she hated me, it would cause him to beat him up if I were to tell him that.

"She did that? She isn't that kind of a person to just burst out like that, you might have done something to piss her off. There is no reason that she did that without any warning."

This can't do, I have to go to her house straight to clarify things to her before it gets more complicated. "Even so, you need not care too much about it. There is something between the two of us, it is better that you keep out of this and do your part in tutoring us."

"I can just not interfere in your matters, it is already bad that you made Jooeun cry like that and you are the cause of it. To solve things, it is better for you to stay out of it and allow me to take things into my hands."

I am so mad at what he is trying to do, he is just a senior, he is not Jooeun's boyfriend, he doesn't need to do something like that at all. "You are just a senior, there is nothing much that you can do in this situation because it is a thing between me and Jooeun, only I can able to resolve our issues with each other." I stared at him with eyes that could pierce him through his poor soul. "You have to focus on getting your idol ex-girlfriend back, you are the reason why she left you."

His eyes widened in size and he grabbed me by the collar. "Han Sanghyuk!"

I smirked, I have found his weak spot and I have the upper hand now. "I didn't say it wrong. It is because you are that good to every female that you meet in your life that you become too friendly and it is risky for you, JooHyun sunbaenim was jealous that you didn't give her the amount of attention that she wanted because you spent all that time on building such useless relationships that will not even benefit you in the long run, people will just call you a womanizer."

"You!" He yelled, fully affected by my insults and I smirked even more. "Don't think that I will not punch you just because I am working part-time at this bookstore, I can do anything to you when I am mad and you will not be spared."

"Do it then! Will Jooeun be proud of what you are going to do to me? She hates violence, doesn't she?" I said softly and he slowly let go of his grip on my collar. "Back off, it is my matter with Jooeun. I can't allow the woman that I love to get comforted by another love rival like you."

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