Episode 48

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"Miss Choi, wait up for me!" My butler struggled to catch up with me when I came out of the store and because he was carrying a lot of shopping bags in both of his hands, I decided to use the spare time that I have after my meeting with the different heads in the various departments to use it up for shopping, something that I don't usually enjoy doing on my own but since I would have to attend my family's dinner later in the evening, I would have to impress my stepmother with everything that I could.

I know that she dotes on me a lot but not as much as her real son who is also my half-brother and he is the first child of the Choi Family, I am only second in line to my half-brother and I am always told to learn how to pamper my stepmother well or she would complain about my lack of affection towards her to my biological mother who is usually not allowed to attend our gatherings.

During the last 5 years of my life, I have learned how to survive as the illegitimate daughter of my father and how to pretend that I am totally not affected by the words that people would throw at me for being the lovechild of my father. I have also trained myself to become the confident and capable Choi Jooeun that everyone wants me to be, it is a tough thing to do when I am the total opposite of that but I have to, for the sake of my mother who is currently ill and staying in the hospital for a long period of time and for the sake of Han Sanghyuk who is still overseas.

I have to be strong for him because he would want me to see me being strong for myself as well and being able to stand up for myself without being belittled by anyone else, it is tough but I have gone through the toughest times of my life and I have emerged to be the improved version of Choi Jooeun.

'Just one more and we will make our way to the mansion, I promise.' I made my way into the store that sells a lot of health products and I took a whole box of red ginseng extract for my mother and for her to recover from her illness soon, it has been too long since she had been admitted in the hospital and I want her to get discharged as soon as possible.

Even though she had become the bad person and prevented me for keeping contact with Han Sanghyuk when she saw me return home that day in that bloodied school inform, she was afraid that Han Sanghyuk would hurt me and prevented me from going over to him because she was worried for my safety. I know that she loves me a lot but she has misunderstood this part about Sanghyuk, he might look like he is capable of doing all the reckless things but he cares about his family more than anyone else.

But they didn't bother about that and sent him and his mother overseas just because of that and it has been nearly 5 years since I have any information about him, I have tried many times trying to track him down but it is to no avail. It is hard living without Han Sanghyuk around for the past 5 years but I believe that he would come back for me someday and be with me.

"Miss Choi, I always have a question that I have been wanting to ask you for a very long time but I have been hesitant about it." My butler popped this question when we are already in the car and he was driving me to the mansion, he usually makes small talk like this to keep me entertained from the long hours from my work.

I nodded, allowing him to continue with his questioning. "Why are you always so polite and kind towards your family? I have been working for your father ever since I have graduated from high school and I have seen everything that I had while working here, he is not a very good man as what people had described him as and he even had an affair when his wife is still pregnant with the young master who is also your half-brother. But why are you still so nice towards Master Choi?"

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. 'I have no idea actually, maybe it is because he allowed me to still be born into this world when he found out that my mother was pregnant and he even allowed me to take part in the matters in the company as well. I am always grateful for what he has done for me and my mother even though he is a horrible man like what you said about him, it is true but he is still my father and the head of this family.' I told him. 'If he were to be your father, what would you do?'

He shook his head. "I will not be able to do that, Miss Choi. I am not as capable as you to be able to stand up against my family and pretend that I am not angry towards they have done towards me." He stopped talking for a while. "I would not get fired right, for spouting this kind of nonsense towards you?"

'Don't worry, your secret is safe with me because we share the same mindset towards the people that we disliked. It is okay to share it with me when we are alone but you have to be careful with yourself when everyone is around.' I told him. 'Have you recently gotten any information about the person that I have gotten you to check up on?'

He shook his head. "He is nowhere to be found, it is either that he is living under a new identity or he is just trying his hardest to lay low in everything that he does." I sighed. "But don't lose hope Miss Choi, we have to keep trying hard to get what we want and we will achieve that someday."

'Thank you, SeungMin for always making me feel comforted.' I got out of the car. 'I will notify you by text when I am about to leave.' I retrieved the shopping bags from the car and I walked in the mansion wearing the brightest smile that I know.

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