Episode 19

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I let out a very long sigh after putting down my phone and I slotted it back into my pocket, and I flagged down for a taxi at the same time. The taxi arrived and I opened the door, getting into a taxi. "Seoul Hospital please..." I told the taxi driver. "Just drop me off at the entrance, it will be cheaper than to drop me in the basement carpark of the hospital." He nodded and we drove off to the hospital.

"Girlfriend?" The taxi driver asked and I looked at him with a look of confusion. "Who are you going to visit?"

What a nosy taxi driver... I cleared my throat. "A classmate, she sprained her ankle," I told him. "Why?"

"You looked really anxious when you are calling for the taxi, you were shaking your legs when you were telling me your destination. If the person isn't someone that you care for, you wouldn't have to be so anxious."

"She is my friend and she got injured during class," I told the taxi driver and he gave me an uncertain look. "Really, she is. She is a very good friend."

"Fine, I was just asking. She must be a very important friend to you if you are here rushing to see her in the hospital when she only sprained her ankle. I thought that she was in a car accident and you want to see her as soon as possible."

"Just shut up if you still want the money to be in your pocket." I threatened him and he immediately stopped talking, focusing more on his driving instead. "Good."

I arrived at the hospital in 10 minutes flat and I got out of the car, after giving my money to him. I got up to the second floor where she is supposed to be at, she is at the Accident and Emergency Unit of the hospital and there is someone accompanying her.

Could it be HakYeon sunbaenim? I haven't seen him since the end of class and I don't know where the hell did he even go to, he isn't in the drama club room either and none of his club members knows who he is at. If he were to be there, I will immediately separate the both of them.

I don't like HakYeon sunbaenim coming so close to JooEun, I know that he is kind and all but he irritates me to an extent that I can't stand him being so friendly with JooEun. He has that vibe that makes others feel uncomfortable, he makes me feel annoyed whenever I see him in school. Maybe it is his face? But he isn't that handsome to make me angry at him, besides I don't even know the reason why I don't like him.

And JooEun, she is always smiling at HakYeon sunbaenim at everything that he did. Even when there is nothing to smile about, she is still smiling at him and not at me although she laughed at some of my jokes. My jokes aren't funny at all...

I spotted her coming out of the room with clutches on both sides of her arms and her right ankle, it is in a bandage and a very big one at that. How did she even injure herself?? "So I called her a pig once and that moniker stuck like a piece of gum on her, everyone started calling her and it became part of her name." There was indeed someone accompanying her, a girl around the same age as her with long hair that is tied in a ponytail and bangs that covered her entire forehead. It is not Cha HakYeon...

"Yah! Choi JooEun!" I called for her and she stopped walking, the girl beside her looked up at me and then back to JooEun. "How can you get injured?"

She just smiled, not knowing what to do. "You are the one who is accompanying her right?" I asked the girl and she was startled by my tone towards her.

"Y-yes! Why?" She asked being very frightened and JooEun ssi told her using her hand gestures. Wait, she understands that? How did she-- She cleared her throat. "So you're Eunnie's good friend right?" She asked and I nodded. I am a good friend... "Han SangHyuk right?" I nodded once again, my mind still rewinding at the part where the girl asked me if I am JooEun's good friend. I am her friend... She treats me as a friend... A friend...

"Han Sanghyuk ssi?" I better act like a normal human in front of this girl or JooEun would not befriend me anymore.

I snapped out of my thoughts and introduced myself to her. "I am. Your name?"

"Yang DongMi, I'm in the same modern dance club as JooEun ssi." She introduced herself. "As you can see, JooEun ssi has sprained her right ankle and it would take a while for it to heal completely so she might need some help moving around."

"Don't worry, I will take care of her," I replied, surprising myself and the two people stunned at my response. "Of course, I am her only friend."

"From now on, you're not the only one. I'm the second one to be her friend." That statement made me a little angry on the inside but it is good that she is starting to make more friends day by day, she is making a lot of progress since the first day she transferred here.

The girl looked at her watch and gasped as she saw the time. "Oh my?? I almost forgot that I have to go somewhere this instant and I am running late." She looked back and forth at both of us. "JooEun, let's meet on Monday." She turned to face me. "You too, Sanghyuk ssi..."

She ran off, leaving the two of us behind. I looked at JooEun who is standing with the clutches under her armpits and I walked closer to her, standing next to her as we began walking back to the taxi stand. "Have you eaten already?" She shook her head and pointed her finger at me, mouthing 'Your House'. "Are you sure? My sister is around today and I don't want her to get close to you."

She took a seat at the taxi stand and passed me her clutches as she took out her notebook and wrote stuff in it, as usual, I sat down next to her while holding the two clutches in my hands. How I wished that I had known how to speak sign language, that would have solved everything between the toe of us and we wouldn't need the notebook or the phone to communicate with each other. 'I just love to be with DaIn unnie.' I read and I responded. "You are already addressing her as unnie? She's my noona and I don't allow you to call her unnie."

'Then what else?'

"DaIn ssi," I told her. "Or call her by her full name, I call her that all the time."

She hit my arm and gave me a death stare. 'You're being very rude to your own sister. I don't even get to call my half-brother Oppa.' She has an older half-brother whom she rarely met and when they do, it is always with the entire family.

I gave her a smile. "Let's not care about people that don't deserve your respect." I wrote in her notebook and passed it back to her. "Han DaIn can be your older sister by all means." And I can be your first friend...

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