Episode 54

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I left the restaurant in such rage that I have never been, I have never thought that my older brother would do that to me when he knows that I hate Cha HakYeon and I want nothing to do with him but I have no idea why my older brother even liked him so much. What is so good about him anyways?

Well, he might be kind and thoughtful to a lot of people but he listens to people way too well, be could have avoided my father but he didn't, obeying and taking all of his orders and keeping me away from Sanghyuk, that is the one and the only thing that made me hate Cha HakYeon. Why is he being so cruel to Sanghyuk?

Sanghyuk did nothing to make him do such a thing to him, Sanghyuk doesn't deserve all of that at all and Cha HakYeon is an idiot and a coward for bootlicking my father and now my older brother. I stomped my way to the office where my older brother is having his lunch in his office, I knocked on the door and he saw me and he jumped up in fright, he must have never expected me to walk out of the restaurant after ordering my food.

'Choi Joohwan! What is the meaning of this?' I signed angrily and glared at him. 'What do you think that you are doing?'

"What are you talking about? I don't understand a thing." He still tries to deny the fact that he wanted to set me up with my nemesis and make me want to kill Cha HakYeon off.

'It is your intention to set me up with Cha HakYeon by making us have lunch together, just the two of us. What do you think would help me?' I signed.

"I am helping you get a husband, you haven't dated anyone in your life and you are already in your mid-twenties, our father is worried that you will have a hard time finding a life partner and he asked me to help you find one. And it just so happens to be Cha HakYeon, am I good at matchmaking?" He laughed to himself, thinking that he must be some kind of a genius but he isn't. He is a complete idiot for not knowing anything at all...

'You are not, Cha HakYeon is not the right person for me. Well, I used to think that he could be the right person for me because he cares for me a lot and makes sure that nothing bad happens to me but that is just a facade.' I told my older brother and he looked really confused, he must have thought that Cha HakYeon is only a diligent employee of the company and a potential husband candidate for me.

"Facade? How can you say that about your best friend? And why would he even do that for?" He asked me.

'Because he is ordered around by our father and he was also the one who ordered Cha HakYeon to stay away from me and have him migrate to another country so that he doesn't have a chance to come back here again.' I was about to sign the entire thing to him when the door opens and Cha HakYeon appears behind it.

"Mr Choi, I am so sorry!" He immediately kneels on the ground, pleading for forgiveness when he has done nothing at all.

"Don't apologize, you have done nothing wrong at all. And what did you even do wrong in the first place?" He asked Cha HakYeon.

"Mr Choi, it is my fault that Miss Choi doesn't want to do anything with me, I am to blame for everything here." He said and he looked at me. "I am so sorry for making you angry and leaving the restaurant."

I stared at him and said nothing back in return, I just can't believe that he dares to say such a thing when he is the bad guy here. "Choi Jooeun, would you want to explain this?"

'He is lying, he is hiding the truth from you and our father is involved in this as well.' I told my older brother.

"No, that is not true at all. I didn't hide anything from you and I just want you to forgive me, please forgive me." He turned towards me.

"So Cha HakYeon, what the hell are you even apologizing for?" The door opened and my father appeared behind it, I bet that he plans to make Cha HakYeon come all the way here and make a scene out of nothing.

"I was the one who ordered Cha HakYeon to have lunch with you, and I can't believe that you walked out of the restaurant just like that. It is not the way to do things, Jooeun." He said and I don't even want to listen to him, he is the cause of everything that has happened in my life for the past 5 years and he still thinks that he is innocent.

'Abeoji quit that act. I know that you are behind all of that 5 years ago and you have hidden him somewhere that I can't find him.' I signed and I walked out of his office, calling for Seungmin who is currently having his lunch to buy my share of food and told him to wait for me at the carpark.

I arrived at the carpark and my car was indeed there, I opened the door and there was already food at the back seat, Seungmin must have known that something like this would happen and he was all prepared for it. "Boss, what happened? I thought that you were supposed to be having lunch outside?" He asked me.

'I was supposed to until a certain someone ruined it and I can't have my lunch in peace.' I told him and began eating my lunch.

I finished the entire thing quickly as I was famished and I could have eaten my lunch in some fancy restaurant if only a certain someone didn't decide to set me up with the person that I hated. 'Seungmin, can you help me hand in a leave of absence letter? I want to go somewhere far away from where no one can find me.'

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