Episode 10

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I continued to bang on the door as it couldn't open and it would be 8 pm soon and we are still stuck in this stupid auditorium, I wasn't even planning to even go into the auditorium in the first place, I went in there by chance. I was just passing by while coming out of the detention classroom as usual as I have done something wrong again in the eyes of the law and I needed to serve punishment.

I stared at the stupid ring that I have on my left pinkie. Why did it even drop off when it is so tight? Because of this freaking ring, I got locked up in this auditorium with Choi JooEun. I dropped the ring near the entrance of the auditorium and somehow it found its way in as it wasn't locked, the janitors opened it because they have to clean up the place as a daily routine before they close the school.

So, I went in without knowing that I would get locked up, all my mind was only occupied with finding the ring as the ring is very important to me. This ring is my grandfather's and he passed it to me before he passed on, I even promised that I would never take it off and this happened.

I looked under every seat and corner hoping that the ring would roll over there. How can the ring get lost at this moment? And just at the time I found the ring, there was the fumbling of the keys and soon I found that I got locked up.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around, it was Choi JooEun looking at my knuckles. "What are you looking at?" I raised my voice at her and she flinched but her eyes were still on my knuckles.

What is she trying to do? She walked closer to me step by step and now I am being the one feeling a bit scared. What is she trying to do to me? I felt the wall behind me and she is still walking towards me with a weird facial expression, a facial expression that I have not seen in a long time, she grabbed hold of my hands and took out a handkerchief from her pocket putting it in my hand.

I just stared at it, not knowing what to do. She sighed and took the handkerchief, doing something to my knuckles, she was wiping the blood away on my knuckles. I stared at her wiping the blood away from my knuckles and the way she treated my wound delicately just like herself.

She's beautiful... She placed a plaster on both knuckles and looked up at me, her eyes gleamed even in the darkness. She's very pretty... I can't fall for her ever. Never. "What was that for?" I shouted and got away from that weird position, standing really far away from me. My hands, a girl touched them.

She didn't say anything but typed something on her phone. Ah, she can't talk. 'Your knuckles, it looked like it would hurt a lot so I treated the wound for you. It doesn't mean anything at all.' Her note read.

"It better be that I tell you," I said feeling a bit touched but I can't let my guard down yet. "Why are you here?"

'I came here to rest for a while and before I knew it, I got locked up and you were here as well.' She smiled as I read her message.

"You are really something, an auditorium is a scary place. No one comes here to rest except for some weirdo." I said. "Blackouts happen all the time in this place so I hate--" There was a flick of the switch and the whole auditorium vanished into the darkness, there was a blackout just as I mentioned it. "Ah!" I screamed for a few seconds, I have a slight fear of the dark and I hated being in dark places so I didn't really like the auditorium due to that.

I felt someone holding my hand and I flinched, no one had held my hand for a very long time and I used to like that feeling of being held. I didn't have to ask who was the person holding my hand, telling me to calm down. She just accompanied me quietly without speaking a word, of course, she couldn't speak as a matter of fact.

She's mute. We didn't talk to each other a lot as I didn't feel the need to. We aren't friends nor enemies now, we are a little in between. If we hadn't been locked up, I would've hated her forever with the way she smiles all the time and her innocence always in her.

Why is she always that happy? "Why do you always looked so happy no matter what you are doing?" I asked her as I had calmed down and we are now sitting side by side, the lights still out from the earlier blackout.

'Because I loved myself. Loving yourself makes you happy.' The note read. 'Are you always that sad?' I nodded. I'm sorry for bullying you...

She fell asleep quickly as it is getting later and leaned her head against my shoulder, her scent was faint but sends me chills down my spine, she smells like lavenders and it is one of my favourite flowers.

I'm sorry for treating you like someone who shouldn't exist. There is no one that is perfect in this world and I know it very well but I still chose to pick on people that are different from me, I wanted to be king so I got rid of the kind people.

And before I could say anything to her, it was already morning and the janitors have opened the door to the auditorium. She woke up and mouthed a 'goodbye' before getting out, leaving me frozen in place. Did she just say goodbye to me?

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