Episode 24

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DongMi conversed to me in sign language as we walked up to the door of SangHyuk's apartment while clinging on her arm on mine. "Better remember to ask him that later, he has to know."

I nodded and I pressed the doorbell which made a melody echoed through the whole apartment, an elderly woman appeared behind the door a few seconds later. "You're here already, JooEun ssi! And you brought along another friend as well."

"Nice to meet you, My name is Yang DongMi and I'm JooEun's friend." She introduced herself as his grandma allowed us in the house. "Now it is more lively with one more person available to have dinner with us, I'll call Sanghyuk out and we can have dinner. His sister will be home later."

I shook my head and pointed a finger to myself, telling her that I would go to SangHyuk's room myself. "Oh really, you would do that? Splendid, that kid would never listen to me whenever he games. I better finish up on that soup that I am cooking." She walks to the kitchen while DongMi and I opened the door to his room, he is indeed in there sitting at his desk with his headphones on.

I have known from his older sister that he enjoys gaming a lot and would spend his weekends' gaming, not doing any homework when he should be spending time doing so. He is somewhat good in his studies but he should spend some time outside as well rather be cooped up in his room all day. I wonder if he is even taking good care of Chloe as he promised, the last time that I have come to his room, Chloe was just laying down on his bed while he is on his desk gaming the whole day. I even have to feed Chloe on my own, if this keeps on happening, I would have to bring Chloe back home even if my mother would oppose to it.

DongMi squeals at Chloe who is asleep in her bed. "He has a kitty? That's so unexpected of him, he doesn't look like a cat person." She runs over to the kitten who immediately dashed and jumps into my arms. "What's your name, Kitty?" She looks at Chloe who is in my arms.

SangHyuk takes off his headphones and looks over to her bed which is now empty. "Chloe, where are you-- Where are you!" He gets up from his seat and turns around, looking at the two of us and the kitten in my arms. "Since when did you even enter my room?"

"Since 1 hour ago -I'm kidding- we have only been for around 5 minutes and I didn't know that you own a cat, a very pretty kitty. What is her name?"

"Who gave you permission to even come into my room?" He glares at me. "Were you the one, Choi JooEun?" My heart is beating fast again, especially when he stares at me in that manner.

"She did not, I let myself in as I am very interested and curious about how your room looked like and how you are like in your private life."

"My life is nothing special, I'm just a gamer boy in my free time." He scratched his head and I find that action of his very adorable, it is something that most people wouldn't find it adorable. "And I'm the owner of Chloe, I'm her father."

'And I'm the mother of Chloe, we promised to take care of it together.' I told DongMi ssi about it and her eyes doubled in size.

"For real? You guys are the parents, that's so cute!" She squealed even more and I swear that I got even more embarrassed because of her. Why is she reacting this way? It is not like she had never seen two people taking care of a kitten before.

Sanghyuk raises an eyebrow at her reaction, feeling the same way I do. "What is with you? What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, I just find it cute." She looks towards the door outside. "May I know where is the toilet? I'm feeling a little urgent."

"It is in the kitchen, you will see it when you get there." He gave the directions to DongMi ssi who sprinted out of the room and he deeply sighed. "Why was she there in the first place?"

He turned towards me and just gave me an awkward smile. "She didn't want to leave your side for even a second right?" I nodded. "She sure is a good friend." She is indeed a great friend to me, even though she is a little too enthusiastic at times. The professional side of her dancing is one thing but the playful side is also way too extreme. If anyone hasn't seen this side of her, they wouldn't think that she would be this playful when she is with the people that she likes.

"Are your arms sore?" I nodded, Chloe is a little heavier from the last time that I have carried her. "Sorry, my grandma has been feeding her way too much these days. I told her that kittens her size doesn't need to eat as much as an adult cat but she just doesn't listen to me, Chloe is going to turn into Garfield the longer she feeds her."

Whatever he says has an effect on me, whether it is funny or not, it would never fail to make me smile brightly and make me happy. That is the effect that he has on me, before that he would only make me feel scared of his presence and make me want to avoid him all the time. Little did I know that I have to spend a little more time with someone like him, someone who will only show its true colours the longer you spend the time to get to know them.

"Is there something on my face?" I shook my head while still keeping a smile on my face. "Then what is with all the smiling? That is going to make me feel weird inside." I feel weird inside as well when you look at me like that...

Are we... Having the same thoughts right now? Do you like me? I find myself hiccuping and I placed Chloe down, running out of his room to keep my face from heating up.

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