Episode 69

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A week passed by without any big issues in my life and it is already the day that I would go try on my wedding dress at the wedding boutique that my father had engaged, everything that he is doing is in his plan and the only thing that I should do is to follow his orders and not to reveal any of my plans to him. I have been wracking my brain so hard to overdo him and honestly, there hasn't been anything original than to run away from the wedding on the day of my wedding and become a runaway bride.

I could run away to some foreign country and change my entire identity, I might not even be Korean for my new identity but it is the worst decision that I should take, there are a lot of things that could go wrong with this. First of all, I am deaf and it is hard for deaf people to live in their home country and getting used to everything and moving to another country would be an obstacle for me.

And I have already experienced that firsthand at the convenience store during my trip to Taiwan over 2 months ago, it was evident that that guy didn't understand me and he didn't even try to make the effort to understand me. It is clear that he is ignorant and people like that exist all over the world and I am in some country which the official language is not Korean and I barely know any Chinese to begin with.

It would be a hassle for me to move to another country so it is best for me to just stay here for a while until my father has other plans in his grand operation, for now, it is for me to get married so that Han Sanghyuk can't take me back, he would be labelled as a horrible man if he does.

"Try to put on a smile when you see everyone, especially towards Cha HakYeon and your father. You have to show them that you were extremely satisfied with their arrangement and that won't give them the chance to think that you have a different opinion about this." My butler Seungmin told me when we arrived at the wedding boutique.

I sighed and I put on a smile. 'Fine, is this enough?' He shook his head. 'More?' I rolled my eyes at him and then proceed to give the biggest smile that I could do and he nodded his head in approval. 'Won't it be too fake?'

"It is not, just try to be yourself and remember to text me when you can't take it anymore and I will escort you out of here." He said and he suddenly realized and let out a groan. "Oh wait, I just remembered that I needed to be by your side at all times. I thought that I would sit out of this but I can't."

'Glad that you know, but you better escort me out of there if things get so bad.' I told him and we got out of the car and I prepared myself to appear calm and composed with every step I take to get into the wedding boutique, I can't believe that I have to act happy and elated for something that I didn't sign up for.

Seungmin told me that Cha HakYeon is already looking around for his tuxedos and the staff is recommending me a few lovely dresses and told me that I could try everything on and the entire boutique is my playground, but the thing is that I am not interested in looking pretty at the wedding, it is not like anything good is going to come out of it.

"What about this dress, Miss Choi? The attendants told me that it is made in Italy and every single crystal that you see here is hand-stitched and I think that it costs half a million, do you want to try this on?" He asked me.

Yang DongMi gave me great advice when I met her that day at the cafe, she told me that I would go along with their plan and everything that they try to do, I would go for better things than that.

And for my wedding dress, since they said that the entire place is my playground, I better take it for granted and go for the most expensive dress in this boutique and wear it on the day of the wedding, that would make me the most beautiful bride in the world.

'Can you find me the most expensive dress in this entire boutique? I want to look like a very expensive price tag and it would make me look like a million-dollar doll.' I told him and he looked at me with a weird look and then he nodded, going to search for the most expensive dress.

I hear the door open and it is my older brother who is looking happy that he is here to try on his tuxedos for his younger sister's wedding, I feel so bad for him that he doesn't know about the exact reason why I am getting married and he is only happy for me because I am getting married to the guy that he like the most in the entire company.

"Hey, Jooeun! Have you chose your dress?" He asked, turning to greet my butler for a short second before looking back at me. "I am sure that everything looks good on you but it is good to choose the dress that fits you the best and make you look like the upgraded version of Choi Jooeun."

'I hope so, I don't want you to make you disappointed with me looking like a whale in every single dress.' I then noticed that there was someone behind him, who is he? 'Who is that guy that you brought along with?'

"He is my new secretary and he only started his first day with me, I am bringing him along because he is my assistant and he is supposed to stay by my side all the time until he gets off work which is in a few more hours." He turned towards the guy. "Sanghyuk, come greet my beautiful sister who is going to be the most beautiful bride on her wedding day.

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