Episode 1

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I arrived at school with one aim- to sleep, it is not because I stayed up to play computer games or anything or what, it is to earn a living. I study and work at the same time, I normally work after school which is around 4 and I end work around 10 to 11. After all, I still have schoolwork and I am only able to lay on my bed at 1 am.

"Sunbaenim, Hello!" A few juniors that recognized me greeted me as soon as they see me, I just simply nodded and continued my way to the class which is also known as my second bed other than home. I passed by the office where they do administration work and saw a girl in here. I have not seen her anywhere, is she new? I'm sure that she is going to transfer into some hot guy's class just like any kind of school k-drama or school anime you can find on the net, it is always like that.

I walked into class and sat down on my seat taking out my headphones in one hand and choosing the music that I want to listen with another, I laid my head on the table and slept for about 40 minutes until I could smell the perfume of Mrs Jung walking into the classroom. "Good Morning class!" She said and placed her files on the table. "Sleepyheads, please wake up for a while. You guys can sleep after that. I only need your attention for just a few minutes."

I took off my headphones and hung it around my neck in case if I still want to listen to it. "Kids, we have a new student joining us for just this subject. She is your junior of 2 years, so treat her with respect even though you guys are older." I looked at the new student from head to toe.

Her shoulder-length hair paired with a white headband complemented the school uniform very well, she seems like one of those student models that model for school uniform, she has that aura in her too. "You can introduce yourself now." Mrs Jung said to her. Instead of just speaking, she held out an A4 notebook, there is something written in here.

"Hi, all sunbaenims in this class. My name is Choi JooEun, nice to meet you all." I suddenly heard the voice beside me. It was Seo Eun Kwang, the class clown of this class. I glared at him. "What? I'm just reading what she is writing."

He continued. "I'm home-schooled all my life so this is my first time studying with people around my age. I would like to learn from you all." Learn? As if we have anything good for her to learn from... She is naive, too naive. Did she even go to school?

"Ok, JooEun ssi. Thanks for the introduction. May I know who would like to sit with JooEun ssi? Any girls or any guys?"

"Me!" Jang DongWoo raised his hands up high.

"Ok, who else?" Mrs Jung asked. "Nobody raised their hands so she is your buddy, for now, DongWoo ssi." She walked to Dongwoo's seat while trying to walk through the 'obstacles' that the others placed around her.

I thought that she would be annoyed but it turns out that she is still smiling, the same expression that she has been making since she introduced herself. She is way too optimistic, I wonder how did she survive all these years? I immediately laid my head back down after the new student has taken her seat beside Jang DongWoo, the happy angel.

I walked out of the class after I heard the school bell ring, It is so much better than sitting in that classroom. I entered the clubroom and sat down on the table again, I was going to put my head down but I stopped as there was dust all around the table. Who was the one that didn't clean the clubroom before leaving?

It must be one of the ignorant juniors, especially Yook SungJae, I began tidying everything before laying my head down again. It feels better laying on some table that has been cleaned thoroughly by this mister myself, I would have to reprimand the juniors when they come into the room later, it's been 4 months since the start of the school year and they are already like that.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder, must be one of the annoying juniors. I ignored them and turned towards the other side. I had expected that they had already got the message that I am annoyed but the person keeps tapping me on the shoulder, there is only one person who would continuously pester me like that - Yook SungJae. I got up and took off my headphones, ready to scold him.

"Yah! Yook SungJae! Did you even get the message that I am annoyed? Did you--" I immediately stopped when I realised that the person that I have been talking to is not Yook SungJae. It was a new student. "Emm, sorry. Do you need any help?" I looked around awkwardly as I just took her for Yook SungJae.

She looked confused for a while and immediately changed her expression to a brighter one, she showed me something in her notebook. It said. 'May I know if this is the clubroom for dance?'

Dance? But this club is for drama... "Nope, the dance studio is upstairs," I said.

'Can you bring me there? Sorry, I'm super bad with directions.' She smiled brightly. And did I mention that she hasn't spoken a word till now? Won't she get tired of smiling and not speaking at all?

"Of course, you can trust this sunbaenim. He knows the dance captain there, he's attached to the dance captain there." Yook SungJae said walking in, he must have heard our conversation from outside, I mean 'my' conversation with her, I was the only one who is talking all the time.

"You..." I mentally cursed him inside and cleared my throat, I must calm down. I glared at him and he just gave me the smiley face.

'Really?' She smiled brightly.

"I will go with you too in case he doesn't want it and I'm sure that he would reject your offer as sunbaenim's girlfriend is there." He leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "Reject her and I will tell Joohyun sunbaenim about it."

I sighed. "Let's go," I said and walked to the dance studio with the two following me from behind.

I arrived at the dance studio and knocked on the door. One of the juniors opened it and peeked out. "Yes, are you here for Joohyun sunbaenim?"

"Yes but also to accept this new student, she is in the same year as you."

"New student?" I showed the girl to her. "I will talk to Joohyun sunbaenim about this, please wait for a while." She told us and went back inside.

"I'm sure that she would accept you as she is a kind and loving person." Yook SungJae told her and she just nodded.

Joohyun opened the door and smiled.  "So you are the new student, right? You can show us your skills now if you can." She opened the door wide and all of us entered the dance studio that is usually not allowed for outsiders to enter. "You guys just help me do the audition, I will be back later." She said and took me by the hand.

We went to our usual hangout and sat down on the bench. I wonder what she has to say to me. "Oppa, let's break up." She said looking down.

Emm, what? "What? Why? Aren't you happy to be with me?" I held onto her hand which she shrugged it off immediately.

"I am but I can't be with you."

"Why? Is it about your family again?"

"No, it had about my traineeship at SM entertainment. They chose me as one of the members in a new group and I would have to break off all relationships before I can be one."

"And you can be that selfish when it comes to that. You didn't even think how would I feel, do you know that it hurts a lot?" I said pointing to my heart.

"I know but I have no choice. You do know that I had the passion to be a singer and the chance is here for me." She seems so kind and thoughtful at first sight but she isn't when you really know her, she is a selfish person and only cares about herself.

"Fine... It is not like the first time that I have broken up with someone, just pursue your dreams all you want." I got up and walked back to the clubroom.

Her Voice / han sanghyuk (#14)Where stories live. Discover now