Episode 57

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I entered the company building 20 minutes before I start work and there were people blocking my way when I wanted to get to the lift, I have no idea why they are doing that for and I don't want them to ruin my mood first thing in the morning. "Excuse me but I needed to get to work."

"Mr Cha, you have to follow us to somewhere and you can't tell anyone about it. Let us escort you and allow us to lead the way." One of the people said, making me even more confused with whatever they are trying to do. They can't be kidnapping me right here right?

There are a lot of people here on the ground floor and there is no way that anyone would try to do such a stupid thing in front of so many people but it is still a possibility because these people are wearing all black and they look shady as if they are part of a secret organization, and I am going to be their target. "There is no way that I will be going with you, there is no reason for me to do that. And I will call security if you try to do anything to me."

One of the guys cleared his throat before coming closer to me, whispering to me as if it is a secretive thing. "Mr Cha, it is the CEO. He wants to see you about something but it is confidential and you can't allow anyone to know about it, he is now waiting for you in his office and he wants you to come right away which is why we are here to escort you to his office."

"Okay, but I need to work," I told him and their faces didn't change at all, they want me to be there and I can't do anything about it. "Fine, just bring me there and make sure that it ends in 20 minutes so that I wouldn't be late for work," I told them and they all nodded their heads before leading me to the private lift lobby that only the CEO uses and no one else, not even the managers have ever taken the lift in there and I am going to be the first one who did that.

They led me up to the highest level of the company building which is only dedicated to the CEO and nothing else, the CEO enjoys working alone and he doesn't allow anyone to be in his office for no reason. Except for the secretary who is supposed to attending to him, no one is allowed to be at the CEO's office for no reason.

And I don't know what the CEO is going to talk to me about, the people who escorted me didn't have a pleasant facial expression and I have a feeling that something bad has happened to someone close to me and that was why he called up to his office. I didn't say a word to any of the guys and they dropped me off right at the entrance of the CEO's office and told me that to go in by myself, I informed the secretary about my arrival and she told me that the CEO is in there waiting for me.

I opened the doors and there was a long corridor that I have to go through to reach his office and it is getting scarier and scarier with every step that I take, I have no idea what the CEO is going to say to me. No way that he is going to fire me right? There is no reason to get rid of me when I have not done anything wrong at all, I even betrayed my friends to be loyal to him when I was back in high school and that made Choi Jooeun hate me for the rest of her life.

I reached the end of the corridor and he is sitting at his desk, scrolling through the tablet that he uses for his work and I cleared my throat a little to inform him that I am now in his territory and he looks up at me. "Cha HakYeon, have a seat. Would you like to have something to drink?" He asked me.

"No thank you, I am not thirsty," I told him before making a step closer to him. "What do you have to say to me that you called me up to your office?" It took me a lot of courage to ask him this question, I didn't want to but I have to know exactly what I am here for.

"Have you noticed that a certain someone has not been in the office yesterday? There were no records of her clocking into work and no one has seen her either, have you seen Choi Jooeun around yesterday?" He asked me and I have no idea how to answer this question because I have no idea where Choi Jooeun would have been, I was so busy with my work that I haven't taken notice that Choi Jooeun didn't come in yesterday.

"Maybe she was stuck in her office the entire day and no one happened to see her, she could have gone shopping with her butler to kill some time before a meeting," I suggested to him a few reasons to why Choi Jooeun didn't come to work yesterday.

"Her butler SeungMin is missing as well and the two of them are missing at the same time which makes everything so suspicious, and I am very sure that they are not in the country anymore. Do you know where she might've been?" He asked me.

I didn't answer and he let out a deep sigh, he is disappointed in me and I am extremely sure that I am going to get fired no matter what. "I want you to do something for me and you can't tell anyone about it, not even my son JooHwan. Report to me about everything that might lead up to where my daughter would have gone to." He said to me and I am sucked in a dilemma that I can't escape from.

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