Episode 18

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I twirled around at my feet while maintaining a consistent rhythm with myself as well as the other students who I was told to address as fellow dancers in the dance studio, I can't be slower by a beat and faster by a beat or it would be out of sync. Dancing is a form of art and it is a type of art that expands to several forms, ballet, Latin dance, hip-hop but all of them have their own distinctive features that separate themselves. There are two kinds, one is dancing that has been evolved over the years, becoming better as time goes by.

Hip-hop is a pop culture that wasn't widely appreciated by people because of its dancing that doesn't follow any basics of the foundations of dancing, it is just a mixture of dance moves which would eventually become a whole dance routine. It became really popular in the coming years with a lot of evolutions still making its changes with the new trends coming in very few months.

I liked the other type of dancing, the ones that have been discovered a few hundred years ago and is being passed down from generation to generation without much changes in its dance moves. Ballet has always been the type of dancing that I had loved ever since I was a little kid since I had a hearing disability dancing only appealed out of the other pastimes that involved a lot of teamwork and coordination.

I didn't have the opportunity to learn it as a child, my mother refused to let me out of the house without her supervising me. She was that controlling rather than being overprotective, she didn't allow me to go anywhere unless she was there with me. That's why I got homeschooled all the way since elementary school till I was finally given the chance to go to a normal school at the age of 17 after asking them the same thing over and over again. And I was given my freedom for the first time ever, to do my things my own way and not the way that my mother wants and I like it. I liked that no one controls what I do in school and I get to make my own decisions without anyone interfering.

And I chose to join a modern dance club on the first day of school, except that I don't know how to dance. I fell down on my butt with a thud and it hurts a lot, especially when you fall flat down against the floor. A hand came in front of me, it was one of my fellow dancers. I took her hand and got back up and I massaged my butt while at it when the injury is still new and fresh.

"Are you okay?" DongMi ssi asked me and I nodded. I'm okay... For now.

She then made an irritated face and placed one hand at her hip. "Why can't you get the tempo right? And you are supposed to be turning into the clockwise direction, not anti-clockwise." She chided me. She learned ballet since she was 4 and she was assigned to me as my mentor. "OK? Now turn into the clockwise direction and land on your dominant foot."

That's my right foot... I nodded and I twisted and turned in the clockwise direction, the right direction that she has been telling me to do for the past hour. I have been sweating so profusely just by learning how to turn and to land on the correct foot and I can't imagine how much difficult things that I would have to do in time to come.

As I was turning, I had my dominant foot down but it didn't land down properly. It was at the side from the inner part of my ankle and my ankle bent, making the ankle produce a painful crack sound and I fell down to the floor after losing my balance. I had just sprained my ankle and it feels like I am going to die.

She squatted down immediately and came to my ankle. "Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot?" I nodded with my eyes closed due to the piercing pain that is caused by the sprain. She touched my ankle and I yelped in pain. "It is definitely a sprain."

By this time, all the girls in the class have all already gathered together in a circle hovering around me and my mentor. They were all talking about me but I couldn't care more, my ankle is more important than anything else.

"Someone get me a bag of ice and a mattress for JooEun ssi to lay down." She told the girls and one of them agreed to get a bag of ice for me and two of them carried me to a mattress that another one set up for me to rest for the time being. "I'll call for the teacher and you would stay like this for the time being." She asked and I just nodded, not knowing what to reply to her. Well, that is the only thing that I can do... They can't understand my sign language anyways...

The girls in this dance class are all very kind people, even though they might seem cold at first. There were two girls who stayed by my side while I am still dealing with the pain, they were the same two girls who care me to the mattress. They would've just continued with their practice but they chose to look after me while DongMi ssi is gone looking for the teacher in charge, they had all gone for a meeting an hour ago.

Not before long, the ice pack had arrived and DongMi ssi placed it on my ankle, I felt a lot better instantly and I could finally breathe. "The ice should help to lessen the pain but it is better for you to visit the doctors as soon as possible. If possible that you have nothing to do tonight, I could bring you to the doctors personally." I shook my head. "I have to! I was the one who caused you to sprain your ankle."

I was the one, not you... "I feel bad that I caused you to get injured because I was too harsh on you who is a beginner at the ballet. I shouldn't have forced you to do the same moves over and over again."

I shook my head to tell her that she wasn't at fault and she did a good job at tutoring me. "I am such a bad mentor right?" I shook my head. "That's why you got injured."

She is a great tutor, it is just that she is just too stressed about taking on the club president role. The previous club president Seo Joohyun ssi thought that she was the best person for the role and encouraged her to take the role. Yang DongMi ssi is very strict in her teachings as she wants to learn faster and I would be able to catch up to the other girls.

I stopped her from crying just in time as I passed her my phone that I had gotten from my bag and I texted all my thoughts about her as a person and how she shouldn't blame herself for my injury, she read it and she burst into tears. Did I write anything wrong?

"JooEun ssi, I don't deserve you being so kind to me. Let's be friends, shall we?" I nodded. I had made another friend. "Let's get to know more about each other, starting from bringing you to the doctors. Do you have anything on tonight? I will help you cancel it." Sanghyuk is coming over to my house to have dinner. Should I tell Sanghyuk that he is not going to eat dinner at my place?

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