Episode 45

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I immediately rushed to the hospital as fast as my legs would take me, I don't have the time to spend my sweet time traveling to the hospital by the public bus so I ran all the way there, it is the first thing that came up to my mind. I am doing something really rebellious right now and I might even get punished even more after this but I don't really care, I can't bear to waste this chance that I painstakingly got because DongMi helped me escaped out of the school toilet.

I thought that she had turned evil by my mother and her brain has been inserted by a microchip where my parents might use to control her, it could be possible given the status that they are in and how the technology is today. Without her help and her swift thinking, I wouldn't have mustered up the courage to even escape out of school just to see Han Sanghyuk.

I was told to stay away from Han Sanghyuk because he is a bad influence in my life and he might do more harm to me the longer I became friends and come into contact with him, I disagreed with them of course but they wouldn't believe me that Sanghyuk is nothing that they have described him to be.

He wasn't bad, he became bad to protect himself and he is a boy who was hurt and decided to become stronger himself so that no one can do a thing to him, he is actually someone with a heart of gold and he loves his late grandmother and his older sister. He is such a good person and he is a very good friend to me but my family will not believe anything that I said to them, they just think that Sanghyuk is going to be the bad guy for the rest of his life and do anything with great achievements.

Only DongMi understands how much I feel about Sanghyuk, she knows the entire story between me and Sanghyuk and how I have feelings for him and how he seems to have feelings for me as well but she can't say a thing about it. My mother wouldn't like it and she will lose hope in her and order me to stay away from her as well, she didn't want to lose me as a friend by doing the right thing so she had to do the wrong thing for a while.

And now she is helping me escape from my parents' clutches for just a day so that I will be able to see Sanghyuk for once, it has been days since I have seen him and I have missed him so much. He must be hurting so much in here and it must be so horrible staying in that awful hospital bed and not doing anything else, it would be better if I was there to make him happy.

I arrived at the hospital room and I was astonished that the room was empty and no one was occupying the bed, there isn't anyone else at all. Sanghyuk should still be staying here for the next few days, his condition is still unstable for him to get discharged at this moment. I fished my pockets for my mobile phone and I remember that I didn't have my phone with me because I was being grounded and my mobile phone is now at my mother's for safekeeping.

I also didn't have a notepad with me so that I can somehow converse with the nurse who is making her way into the room. "You shouldn't be here at all, who are you visiting?"

I gestured to her that I would want a notepad so that she would somehow know what I want but in that kind of a situation, my hands looks more like it is just flapping and not meaning anything at all. "You want a notepad? Here it is." She passed a clipboard to me and I thanked her for it before writing down what I want to say to her, I was glad that she managed to figure that out out of all that chaos.

She told me that Sanghyuk just got discharged this morning and it wasn't his older sister that was with him, it was a older woman that should be his mother. The nurse didn't know exactly why Sanghyuk is being discharged so early but she heard his mother saying that he is going to get more rest in Taiwan and start a new life there, and they are going to leave in an hour's time.

That means that Sanghyuk is moving there for good and he is probably not going to return back to Korea anytime soon, and he is be there for more than a couple of years which means that I am going to lose contact with him if I don't hurry up to meet him for the final time. I called for a taxi when I got out of the hospital to go to the airport where Sanghyuk is going to Taiwan probably for the rest of his life and I may not be able to see him again.

I still have a lot of things to say to him and I don't want to miss him when I get there later, I want to tell him how much I missed him for the past few days and how much I want to see him, and hopefully tell him that I want him to stay in Korea so that I will be able to see him for a little longer but I know that it is a selfish thinking of mine.

He wouldn't just cancel his flight because of me, I am just a deaf girl who will never find happiness with him no matter how much I try but I don't care, I love him and I want him to know how much I love him and how much I want him to stay. But he was gone when I arrived at the airport, his flight has taken off and there goes my chance at seeing him for the final time and I am probably never going to see him again.

I broke down crying on the floor of the airport and many people came to comfort me but I could not feel the warmth at all, I could feel nothing at all and all I want is to get out of here. I couldn't stand up because I was too shocked to even do that and I stayed in that position for almost 10 minutes and a hand pulled me out of that human crowd, it was HakYeon sunbaenim and he was looking all concerned staring at me for the next few seconds before my entire world blacks out and I see nothing.

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