Epilogue part 2

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A lot of things have happened in the past year and my life had been a rollercoaster, I got engaged to someone that I didn't love and I was forced to marry that person and it was so bad that I had to come up with a plan to run away from that wedding the help of a few people which includes, my older brother and Han DaIn who is now my other older sister and my sister-in-law and Han Sanghyuk, the man that I had decided to marry after all of that fiasco.

We were so sure of our feelings at the time that it didn't matter how long we dated each other, we didn't even date each other and we merely confessed our feelings to each other and we decided to get married. He proposed to me at the park where everyone can see me and I accepted his proposal, I didn't even hesitate to think about it and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

And now we are happily married to each other for the past year and of course, no marriage would be perfect without a little spice added into it. Because we were best friends before we decided to marry each other, we tend to quarrel with each other a lot and over a lot of trivial stuff that isn't significant at all but we still do quarrel with each other.

For one example, it would be the one that happened just this morning where I forgot to set my alarm at the correct timing and I woke up late, what Han Sanghyuk should have done is to wake me up if he knows that I am late for work but he doesn't, he spends all of that time just to stare at my face and do nothing else. I would understand if we are still in the honeymoon phase and he is still getting used to me sleeping on the same bed as him but it had been a year since we have gotten married and he is still in the honeymoon phase, he needs to get out of that phase soon and stop staring at me like I am some goddess.

But I still do love him despite all the daily quarrels that we have with each other, it is the one way that will make us get close to each other and learn more about each other at the same time. He did make me breakfast after I have told him that it is his fault for not waking me up in time to get ready for work and I had my breakfast in the car while he drives me to work, it is his day off and he has been working so hard for the past week without any break so he deserves to get a day off and rest at home.

The both of us have resigned from the company after the entire fiasco and we have restarted our careers at the same time, for me, I have always loved reading and I have been wanting to have a bookstore that specially caters to people with speech or hearing disability and there isn't much of this facilities so I decided to operate one on my own using the money from my bank account and I started a store 20 minutes from our apartment.

My goal in opening this bookstore is not to make money, it is about catering to the needs of people with disabilities and giving them more opportunities to be confident and to have a place in society. It is a very small bookstore with a loyal following, most of them come over to my bookstore when there is a book reading session or if there is a small play for them to watch, the whole place will be packed and it would be a very enjoyable day for me.

I finished checking off everything on my list before getting ready for the only book reading session, I would have gotten it done if I weren't late for work and it doesn't matter now. There was a knock on the door and I turned to greet the customer which turned out to be Cha HakYeon, I immediately turned back to what I was doing and completely ignored him.

It has been a year since I have run away from his wedding and I haven't seen him since then, and I never thought that I would see him again. "Long time no see, Choi Jooeun... I heard that you opened this bookstore so I came over to take a look, how has life been going for you?" He said. "I heard that you got married to Han Sanghyuk as well, has he been treating you well?"

'This is not the place for you, I would like you to leave.' I told him straight in the face.

"Jooeun, I would like to apologize for what I have done to you and Han Sanghyuk, I didn't realize that I was such a horrible human being." He said to me.

'I am glad that you know how horrible you are, so please leave my bookstore before I would call the police.' I continued to do my stuff and he still doesn't get away. 'Can't you understand my sign language? I want you to get away.'

"I know that it will not be easy for you to forgive me but I would want to be friends with you again, this time without any ill intentions and I mean it." He looked at me. "Jooeun, I am so sorry for everything that I have done to you and I regretted everything about it and I want to start afresh again."

He seemed sincere and he will continue to stand here until I forgive him, I let out a sigh. "Just don't do anything bad in the future and remember to be true to yourself."

He nodded his head. "Yes, I will do that and I wish that your marriage with Han Sanghyuk will be a long-lasting one. I will take my leave now and I will come by someday." And he leaves, a bittersweet smile formed on my face.

At least he knows that he is wrong and he asked for my forgiveness, I hope that he doesn't do anything wrong in the future or we will not be friends anymore.

A few hours passed by and it was time for me to close the store, Sanghyuk is waiting for me in his car as usual and he allows me to close the shop without any disturbances. I got into his car and he passed me an iced latte for me to perk up. "I thought that you would need this to stay awake, how was work today?" He asked me.

'Cha HakYeon was here earlier and he asked for forgiveness.' His eyes got so much bigger and he begged me to say no. 'He seems rather sincere and he didn't have the desire to do anything bad anymore, I know that he has gone something bad in the past but he wants to repent for his mistakes.'

He sighed. "As long as he doesn't do anything bad, everything would be fine." He started the car engine. "The two couples are already waiting for us, I heard JooHwan hyung and my older sister are planning to bring us to have dinner at his penthouse and they are going to watch a movie at their outdoor home theatre."

'Yang DongMi and Seungmin are going to take the best seats, I can't let them do that.' I said to him. 'Drive faster so that we will reach faster than them, I can't let them take the good stuff all the time.' And it is just the beginning of our beautiful relationship and there are more milestones for us to reach in the future but for now, we will take things slow and let things between us happen naturally.

The End.

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