Episode 70

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I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder and I turned around, it is Choi JooHwan, the next successor of this very company. "You are Han Sanghyuk, right? Come with me for one second."

I am finally back in South Korea after a long 5 years and I had a reason to come back, I have received orders from Choi Jooeun's father that he has something for me to do and I should return to South Korea for that. And so I immediately left for South Korea as soon as I said farewell to my mother and went back to my home country where I grew up and met the one that I loved.

The CEO says that he had something for me and I don't have a choice in the first place, I might be able to go down to the convenience store to buy groceries all the time but I don't have the freedom to do anything else so I had longed for the day that I could return to South Korea. And the day had arrived and I went immediately, at least I wouldn't get stuck in Taiwan as an unemployed person and looking at the new view over and over again.

It is good to have a change in scenery and I am back in South Korea which is what I have been waiting for, I don't mind what the CEO has in mind for me as long as I get to come back with my mother and I get to see my older sister again.

I entered Choi JooHwan's office, looking over at everything in his office and I stopped right at his desk, he is working at his desk like how any other person would be because he is working in a higher position.

"You are my new secretary right?" He asked me, not taking his eyes off the screen and I responded yes. "I don't know about male secretary but you have to prove to me that you can work as well as my last secretary, she was the best secretary that I have ever worked with and you have to be better than her for me to like you." He told me. "But you can treat me like your older brother if you want, I am fine with anything that you address me as."

He seemed like a nice person, he reminds me of Choi Jooeun and it might be because he has the same surname as her but their names are similar as well, it could be that they are siblings but they don't look alike to be siblings. Stop thinking about her, she is too good for you...

I am trying hard to not think of Choi Jooeun when I am here in South Korea and it is at the company that her father is the CEO of, I can't help but think that I might be able to see her if she ever comes by.

It is not possible, Choi Jooeun is not interested in taking over the business, her passion is to read many books and open a bookstore with her favourite books. She would be crazy to work here in this company, she will never do that even if she is forced to.

He worked for another hour before he gets up from his seat and notifies me that he is going somewhere important and I am supposed to be following him, I forgot that my job is to be around him all the time and be his assistant.

He gets into his car and I sit next to him, securing my seatbelt and he starts driving, he looks all happy and I can't help but ask him about it. "My younger sister is getting married soon and she is going for her wedding dress fitting today and I am going to be there to support her, she is really beautiful and she is only 25 years old." He said to me. "It is a shame that it is an arranged marriage but it still has its charm of getting married to the person that your father chose for you."

He rambled on and on about her younger sister and he reminded me of my older sister whom I haven't seen in the past 5 years, is she doing well with her life? We have face timed each other a couple of times and she told me that she is working in a huge corporation, earning a lot of money and I wished to be like her. Little did I know that I would become like this.

This is my first time working ever since I became an adult and I don't even know if it is going to be my job for the rest of my life but for now, I would have to follow this guy to go to a wedding boutique because he wants to go support his younger sister. We arrived at the wedding boutique and he jumped out of the car after parking it in the car lots, not even caring if he parked it correctly.

I walked in and I looked at Choi JooHwan talking to his younger sister. "I am sure that everything looks good on you but it is good to choose the dress that fits you the best and make you look like the upgraded version of Choi Jooeun."

I stopped in my tracks, did he just say Choi Jooeun? I looked up and Choi JooHwan turned around. "Sanghyuk, come greet my beautiful sister who is going to be the most beautiful bride on her wedding day."

I just knew that they didn't just have the same surname, they were siblings and Choi JooHwan is her older half-brother, the first son of the CEO. And I suddenly realized that she is getting married soon but to who?

I began searching around for answers, and my eyes landed on Cha HakYeon who just came out of the fitting room wearing a tuxedo. "There is my future brother-in-law, I can't believe that you looked this good in a tuxedo!" She is getting married to Cha HakYeon?

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