Episode 80

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Seungmin walks into my office and I see the phone in his hand, I continue staring at him until he notices me. "Is anything the matter? If it is about my forgetfulness, I will apologize over and over again about it and I will make sure that I won't be that forgetful anymore." He said to me.

I rolled my eyes at him and continue to mind my own business and that made Seungmin try to interrogate me again about the stare that I gave him and the apology that I didn't accept. "Did something bad happen?" He asked me.

'You shouldn't have forgotten your phone, you missed out on everything.' I told him. 'I met Sanghyuk in the lift and it was so awkward.'

"Were the two of you the only ones in the lift?" He asked and I nodded my head and he groaned. "I should have been there to witness the entire thing, this is a rare thing that doesn't happen all the time and it could be a historical moment between the two of you."

'Can't you stop? I even tried to make a conversation with him and he didn't seem to be liking all of my questions.' I said to Seungmin while taking a small sip of my coffee.

"What did you even ask him?" He asked me.

'I brought up Chloe and I asked him if he is still taking care of Chloe, he told me that I could come over anytime I want to see Chloe.' I said and he looked at me all confused and I realized that he wasn't in that part of my life, I have never told him that Han Sanghyuk and I adopted a cat back in high school and he was the one who took care of the cat. 'Chloe is not some bitch, she is a cat that the two of us adopted when we were still back in high school. Han Sanghyuk was the one who was in charge of taking care of Chloe back then.'

"So he said that you can come over to see your cat anytime you want, isn't that a good thing?" I shook my head. "At least he is still talking about you and willing to let you see your cat again and not being like an overprotective owner and preventing you to see the cat."

'But nothing is ever going to change, I am still going to get married and I am just going over to see my cat as a dear friend who is already married to the man that she does not love.' I told him and he nodded his head.

"You are going on about this? I thought that you said that you were over him already and you are ready to move on to the next part of your life? Then why are you still thinking about him?" He said and he gasped dramatically, pointing a finger at me. "Don't you tell me that you never stopped liking him, you were just lying to yourself that you didn't like him anymore and you are ready to like someone else other than him."

Indeed, I have never forgotten Han Sanghyuk, there is no way that I would ever forget him. He was my first love and he will always be my first love, even if I get married to Cha HakYeon, Han Sanghyuk will still be my first love and nothing will change the fact that I have loved him for so long that I had forgotten how it feels not having a crush on anyone.

I hear a knock on the door and it was my older brother, I looked around for Han Sanghyuk and he is nowhere to be seen. Why is the secretary not following him around? "Hey, how are the wedding preparations going for you?" He asked me as if I had spent the entire weekend working on my wedding and making sure that it looks perfect for me.

I have never thought about the wedding and I had no intention to be at that wedding either even though I am the bride, it is not like I will be happy preparing myself for the wedding. "The wedding preparations are proceeding smoothly, Mr Choi," Seungmin spoke on my behalf.

"I don't want to hear it from you, Seungmin but the actual Choi Jooeun, are you happy preparing for the wedding?" He turned to me. "I can't believe that you are going to get married to your best friend, it is like a fairytale come true and I am like one of the side characters who helped encourage the two main characters to be together."

No, you didn't, what you did was a total mistake... 'Oppa, I don't have the time to be talking to you, I have a lot of work to do and I am sure that you are extremely busy yourself as well. Where is that secretary of yours? He is nowhere to be seen so he is doing such a bad job of being a secretary, what made you even decide to hire him in the first place when he doesn't even work properly.'

"Don't say about my secretary, Sanghyuk is a very hardworking man who knows what I want and he makes me very happy with his work and I have no issues about it, the only thing bad about him is that he works a little too hard and it looks bad that I am forcing him to work so hard so I have given him a short break as a reward for working so hard." He said. "You do know that I am picky at choosing my secretaries, they have to be the most hardworking people and they never slack off."

Which is someone like Han Sanghyuk, I am glad that my older brother likes him and he doesn't get himself in trouble here. I was honestly so scared that he might turn my older brother's life upside down and make my older brother so angry that he would be fired within the first few hours but he is still working for him after so many days, it just meant that he is good at his job and my older brother is pleased with him. Good job for being your best, Han Sanghyuk...

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