Episode 58

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I stood outside the cafe, looking through my phone for the places that I am going to visit while my loyal butler and younger brother Seungmin is in the cafe, getting me a coffee so that I can function for the rest of the day without breaking down. It is the first day of me searching for Han Sanghyuk's whereabouts and honestly, I don't have a clue where to start with.

I spent the whole of last night racking my brain hard and thinking about the places that my father had done business, although he is a Korean businessman and he has a huge corporation in Seoul, he has a lot of connections with the other businessmen in the Asian region as well and that includes Taiwan.

I have heard that he has a lot of partnerships with Taiwan and that could be the reason that he has Sanghyuk and his mother locked up here, and it is hard to track down one place. I have tried asking Han DaIn whether she knows the location where Sanghyuk and his mother is staying at but my father kept such a tight secret that no one knows about it other than Han Sanghyuk and his mother and they are not allowed to tell anyone about it as well.

Seungmin comes out of the cafe and he hands me my hot latte and I took a tiny sip of it. 'Let's get going and we will stop for lunch, have you prepared everything that we will need throughout the entire day?' I asked him and he nodded his head.

He reached for something behind his backpack and handed it to me. "That is the portable fan, it is summer right now and it can be a little hot with us on our feet the whole day." He said to me. "Remember to inform me if you are getting tired or something and we will stop for a break, I know that you will just continue to search even though you are very tired and you will not stop no matter what."

'I won't do that.' I told Seungmin. 'And if something did happen to me, I know that you can help me.'

"I can't speak mandarin fluently." He said. "And you only know Korean Sign language, the signs can be a little different from the Chinese version."

'You have to learn, didn't I gave you the Chinese Language textbook yesterday? You should be able to master the language by now given that you are a genius.' I told him.

"I am not a genius and no one can master a language in just one day, learning a language takes a lot of time and I can't simply learn Chinese in such a short period." He told me and I glared at him. "Fine, I will master it just to make you happy. Is that okay, Miss Choi?"

I nodded my head. 'And call me Jooeun instead of Miss Choi, I don't want people to mistake you for being my slave.'

"But I am your slave in a way except that I get better treatment and I get to travel overseas with you, that is nothing better than being your butler." I smiled at his compliment, he doesn't do that very often but when he does that, I feel like a proud older sister.

We set off for the first location where a real estate company is being situated at, it is a huge company and they are having one of their showrooms and then I will find out more about the real estates they owned and maybe I would have a clue to where Han Sanghyuk might have been.

But it has been a total failure as I wasn't being able to get any information and the both of us almost got kicked out by the staff in there and they wanted to get us banned as well and we got out before they would even do that, talk about hiding my identity to do things like this. I am not here on a vacation and I can't let anyone know my true identity, they would tell my father right away and he will come to get me and I might not be able to return here ever again.

So I have to keep my identity and make everyone think that I am here on a vacation with my younger brother Seungmin and we are just here to enjoy our time for a few days before we return to our lives, and for that to happen, no one must know our identity or our plan will be a failure.

We returned to the hotel room to rest for the day and to prepare ourselves for the next day, it was tough walking around all day and my feet felt so sore because I have not walked around for so many hours before and I feel like I am about to collapse but I can't do that, I will not be able to meet Sanghyuk if that happens.

I got out of the shower feeling much refreshed and I sat down on my bed, looking through everything on my tablet and touched upon my work back in Seoul, I am still so surprised that there is no one coming after us even though we have disappeared for almost 48 hours. Did they not notice that I was gone or is it just my father allowing me to be in Taiwan for now?

I honestly have no idea and my only wish is for him to accept Han Sanghyuk and for me to be with him, that is my only goal for the longest time and I longed for the day that I would be reunited with him. My stomach growled and I looked around for snacks in my bag but I couldn't find any, I ran out of snacks and my first thought is to inform Seungmin about it so that he can go out to buy some snacks but he isn't picking up his phone at all.

I would want to wait till the next morning but my stomach couldn't take it anymore and I decided to go down to the convenience store on my own and I hope that it goes well, it is my first time in a foreign country and I am deaf and mute which puts me at a total disadvantage here but my stomach matters the most right now.

I followed the GPS on my phone and I arrived at a convenience store, I got what I got and I was about to pay when I realized that I had forgotten to bring out my wallet and I have no way to pay for this, I have my digital wallet installed on my phone but it is not in Taiwan dollars and the cashier wouldn't be able to understand what I am signing to him as well. Am I going to die in a foreign country just like that?

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