Episode 67

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I stomped out of my father's office, furious at what he said to me. I was hoping that he was just making a joke and it doesn't mean much but he is for real. He is going to make me marry Cha HakYeon, my father has officially gone nuts. What made him decide this on his own?

I for once have told him that I have feelings towards Cha HakYeon, we weren't even dating and we are friends, friends that have rekindled their relationship this recently and he is trying to matchmake the two of us thinking that I would agree to that so easily.

A sudden realization comes to my mind, don't tell me that he already knows about my trip to Taiwan? About that trip, I have never told anyone about it and the only person who has known about is Seungmin and the other person would be Cha HakYeon since I gifted him that watch and that watch is only available in Taiwan and nowhere else.

Could Cha HakYeon be the one who told my father that? That could be the case because they have a close relationship with one another and I have seen them going out for meals all the time, Cha HakYeon must have snitched me on this and that might have led my father to want to marry me off to Cha HakYeon so that I can't go back to Han Sanghyuk.

But Han Sanghyuk is not my priority anymore, he has shown me what a betrayal feels like and I have experienced it to the point that I don't want anything to do with it. He made use of my feelings for him and made me spend the past 5 years of my life searching high and low for him but what I got in return was nothing but an empty kiss.

Why did I even kiss him then? I feel so useless right now and I want to get away from everything right now, everyone just wants to make use of me because they know that I am dead and no one would want to understand a deaf person.

I got down to my car and Seungmin is already in there, he seemed shocked that I had decided to leave this office this early, I am supposed to be in the company till 5 pm today but I am already out here at 11 am. "How did it go, Noona?"

He knew about the engagement because he was there helping me interpret but he left as soon as the meeting was over and I told him to stay in the car while I go see my father, he wanted to go with me but I told him to stay in the car until I give him further instructions.

'There was nothing that I could do about, my backup plan had already been backfired with Han Sanghyuk not wanting to return to South Korea with me.' I told him, letting out a sigh of relief and a tear escapes from my eye. 'What should I do, Seungmin?'

He didn't say anything and waited for me to cry my eyes out, I needed that time to calm down but I can't seem to calm down at all. I am way too angry to do anything and everyone treats me like a joke other than Seungmin but it is only because I pay him his salary every month and he can't go against me.

I didn't choose to be born like this, it is the fate that I was born like this and I had to accept it but the people just decide to make fun of it. Treating me like I am not that important and thinking that I am just some pretty doll who has the voice function broken and being an empty shell inside but I am not like this, I am Choi Jooeun and I am just like everyone else in this world.

"Noona, I would like to say something to you but promise me that you wouldn't get mad." He asks me this question after I am done calming down, the crying did helped relieve most of my stress and I feel better now.

'Go on.' I said to him. 'It better not be something stupid, I will not listen to that.'

"Why don't you go along with that plan that the two of them are plotting? I think that it is a great move, don't try to fire me because of that." He told me. "There is a lot of reasons and they are good, first of all, you can get close to Cha HakYeon and try to find out what his real agenda is, and he wouldn't know of that because you will threaten him to call off the wedding. And second, you can call up your best friend to carry out this plan."

'Yang DongMi, isn't she still in some foreign country performing? She has a very busy schedule and you would have to book an appointment with her a month in advance, I would have to do that as well even though I am her best friend.' I told him.

"I forgot to inform you but your best friend Yang DongMi is currently on a plane to South Korea because she had read the news of your engagement to Cha HakYeon and she must be here to be your maid of honour, you have only one best friend and that is Yang DongMi." He said to me. "And Yang DongMi can help you find out about stuff that you can't do on your own because she is a hearing person and it would be easier for people to speak to her."

'Are you sure that she has cleared up her schedule? She has months and months of performances lined up for her and the only thing she needs to do is to turn up for those performances.' A phone call comes in and Seungmin answers the call. "Yes, Yang DongMi ssi. You have already landed at the airport and you would want to be picked up, that wouldn't be a problem and Miss Choi is already in my car." And then he hung up. "She was in Japan just to add that, and you two are going to meet each other very soon." I think that I would have to give Seungmin a pay raise for doing such a great job without me even telling him what to do.

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