Episode 82

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I looked at the time on the clock and it is not nearing the end of my work and I am about to get off work, I am usually that punctual and I don't like to stay in the office for too long. It has the people that I don't like and I don't want to waste too much time on people that I don't like, especially my father who owns the company and he is the freaking CEO.

I stood up from my seat and my butler comes into the room holding a whole packet of snacks. "You're going home already?" He usually doesn't do anything much as my butler at work and he is only there to help me interpret and be my voice, he helps me to speak to the people that I don't really like but other than that, he is just a butler and one of the main things that a butler does is to make sure that the needs of the person that they are taking care of are being fulfilled and they will be there when their bosses need them.

And I usually don't bother Seungmin that much so he is free to do whatever he wants to and he now thinks that he is the boss of this office and he can do whatever he wants to, snacking in my office while I am at the desk working my ass off. 'Do you have a problem with it?'

"That would mean that I need to drive you home, don't forget that I am your butler and your chauffeur." He said getting up from his seat but I stopped him from doing that. "But we need to get home now."

'You can have your snacks and then return home by yourself, I am taking the bus today.' I told him.

"The bus? You have me to drive you around, you are the heiress to this company and you don't take the bus, the bus is too dirty for you." He said. "And it is my job to drive you around to wherever you want to go, where are you planning to go anyway?"

I grabbed the bag that I have on the couch and it made a rustling sound when it got picked up. 'I have something important to do and I don't need you to be around, I will call you immediately if I need you so do whatever you want in the next few hours.'

"Is that cat food?" He asked me. "Don't tell me that you are going to see that female cat?"

I seriously got offended with the way he referred to Chloe as Chloe is not some cat on the street and she has a name and she is owned by me and Han Sanghyuk. 'She has a name and her name is Chloe, I am about to meet my cat for the first time in 5 years.'

He scoffs. "Good luck meeting Chloe, I heard that cats would scratch humans that they are a stranger to and that applies especially to female cats so beware of Chloe because she might scratch you thinking that you are some woman." I cleared my throat, where does he even get the courage to say all of that to me and I am his boss? "Right, I shouldn't be saying that unless I want to get fired. Call me when you need my help and I will be there as soon as possible."

I left the office and I made my way to the bus stop, I used to take the public bus when I was in high school and I used to take public transport with Han Sanghyuk because we were such close friends at that time and he offered to take the school bus with me every single day so that it wouldn't be that boring.

It felt so nostalgic to me and it had been close to 5 years since I have taken a bus and without Seungmin around, he wasn't sure about leaving me alone earlier but I reassured him that I am fine on my own and I am giving him a few hours to take a break and not the butler that he is supposed to be but the 23-year-old young adult who should be in university and meeting his close friends on the weekends but he doesn't have all of that, his life for the past 5 years has only consisted of taking care of me and being around me all the time.

And today is also my turn to be independent for once and I will be going back to the place that I spent most of my high school years at and the place that I learned that the world is not the peaceful place that I grew up thinking, I will be going to the apartment that Han DaIn and Han Sanghyuk used to stay in 5 years ago and I heard that they still have the apartment but they are not staying there anymore and instead turned into a hostel kind of place where they would stay there if they don't have the time to go back home.

I arrived at the lift and it looks the same as before, nothing changed and I ended up at the door, wanting to knock on the door when I heard something that sounded like a scream and I got frightened. What the hell happened in there?

I wanted to knock on the door but it is not the time for me to do that but I just tried to open the door and it was unlocked to my disbelief, something bad happened to them. I opened the door to see three people in the living room, Han DaIn and my older brother trying to style Han Sanghyuk's hair and he is screaming for help.

They stopped whatever they are doing and they looked up at me in perfect sync as if they have rehearsed for it. Wait! Why is my older brother in the same place as them?

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