Episode 7

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I looked around the room and there's no Choi JooEun, she has not been coming to school for the past few days. We were already preparing for the musical and are in the final stages of putting together the script that was discussed among the members of the drama club and the dance club. It would be good if everyone agrees but as expected, there will be some agreements no matter what, this always happens, even between the members of the drama club. We will always have different opinions about it, regardless of the plot.

"So we will make the last scene of Romeo and Juliet where Juliet drinks the poison and make her sleep not die. She will be in a coma instead."

"Won't that be like Sleeping Beauty or Snow White where the princess falls asleep only to be awake by a true love's kiss?"

"Right. I agree too. Why don't we make her lose her memories and she will wake up a few years later where she will meet a better man and fall in love without having to die?"

"I don't know about it. What do you think about it, HakYeon sunbaenim?"

"Eh?" I snapped out of my thoughts, I was so into thinking of Choi JooEun that I didn't listen to what they said earlier.

"Have you been listening?"

"Yes, I did." I lied. "It is about the last scene right?"

They nodded. I guessed it right. "What do you think will be good for the last scene??"

"Why don't we make it into a modern setting rather than the traditional setting? More people will like it right?"

"Are you serious, sunbaenim? That should in the earlier stages of planning, why are you bringing it up now?"

Oh no, they are getting angry... "Wait, that is actually a great idea to bring it in now." The drama club president suddenly said and brought our attention to him. "It can be a traditional setting at the start and bring in the last scene there. And then she wakes up to find herself in the modern world. Who's with me? HakYeon, you are right?"

I nodded. "Well, if that is what the president wants, then we will go with that. How about the dance club members?"

I looked at the girls and they all nodded except for Joohyun who left yesterday, she already went for her training at the entertainment company. "Since everyone agrees, we will call it a day. Go home and think of more ideas, OK?"

The club president tapped me on my shoulder. "What was the name of the new newbie in the dance club? Joo-Kyung--" I cut him off. "Choi JooEun."

"Yes, her. Find out where she is and get back to me. If she still doesn't come, we would have to kick her out of the dance club.

Everyone left the room and I went to find Han SangHyuk who is of course in the detention room. Why would he not be in there? I called him out and he stood with a nonchalant attitude. "What? You are going to beat me up again?"

"Come with me to visit JooEun, she hasn't been in school for the past 3 days."

"That deaf? And why does it have to do with me?"

"You know what exactly happened that day, don't even try to deny it."

He sighed and went back into the classroom, I got hold of his hand. He yanked my hand away. "What's with you? I said that I wasn't a part of it, go and find Im HaJoon instead."

"But you are the one why her book is torn up, you practically ruined her first schooling experience on her 2nd day of school."

His face expression softened. "It is her first time going to school?" I nodded. "I... I'll go take my stuff. Wait for me outside." He went into the classroom. He came out a minute later with his schoolbag sling over his shoulder, I didn't want to talk with him so I walked my way to JooEun ssi's house while he just follows me behind wearing his earpieces and listening to his playlist.

I can't believe that I am doing this but I have to, I stopped in front of one big mansion and pressed the doorbell, waiting for the people inside to open the door for the both of us. A kind lady in her 40s opened the door and I bowed to her. She is JooEun's mother. "Nice to meet you, Mrs Choi!"

"Oh, you're the guy that brought JooEun home that day and who's that guy standing way behind you? Another friend of hers?"

"Sort of. We are here to visit JooEun, is she fine already?"

She shook her head. "She has been crying for the past few days and she doesn't want to come out of her room at all."

"Can we see her? Are we interrupting your privacy?"

"No no, you guys are totally not. Come on in." We took off our shoes and went up the second floor where JooEun's room is at.

Her mother knocked on the door. "JooEun-ah, stop crying for a while and come out of your room. Your classmates have all came to visit you out of concern."

Instead of hearing the usual 'No, just freaking leave me alone' that girls usually say when she is angry, there wasn't any noise except for one. She threw something towards the door, making us jump in fright.

Her mother faced us with a sad smile. "Sorry boys, but you really need to come out next time. She really doesn't want to meet you guys." I nodded, if she doesn't want to talk about it, we will wait till she wants to. It is not good to force someone when she is already traumatized.

"We will come by next time, sorry for wasting your valuable time..." I said and head for the entrance of the door when I heard a kick, someone kicked the door. "Yah Han SangHyuk! What do you think that you are doing?" He kicked the door and it blew open, He broke the door and made his way into JooEun's room.

"Yah! Choi JooEun!"

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