Episode 52

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I sat down at my desk, finishing off all the documents that I needed to do before the meeting that I am required to attend after the lunch break, and I don't even think that I can have lunch today. Maybe I can ask SeungMin to buy me lunch on my behalf, he is always on standby in case of any problems that can occur and he is in charge of taking care of me anyways, my father hired him but he listens to my orders, not my father's.

I texted the food order to SeungMin and I was about to send it when I heard a knock on the door, it was my older half brother Choi Joohwan and he came in with a smile on his face. I don't know about his smile but I know that he has something to say or plead me to do whenever he smiles. "Are you done with your work?" He asked me and I shook my head. "Are you hungry? Let's go for lunch together, I am treating."

'But I still have a lot of work to do and my work will get delayed if I left my desk for even a minute.' I told him. 'I already told SeungMin to buy food for me and it would be here in a minute.'

"About SeungMin, I told him that we are going for lunch together and he doesn't need to buy you food at all, instead he will help you with your work while you have lunch with me. Don't you want to have lunch and some sibling bonding time with your older brother?" He showed me the puppy eyes and he knows that I can't refuse any offers from him and I only could nod my head and do what he wants me to do.

I stood up from my desk and pushed in the chair. 'Will it be very long? I have to get back 15 minutes before the meeting starts so that I can prepare everything beforehand.'

"It won't, I promise. The place that we are going to is one of the places that I go to very frequently and I have already reserved a table, we only need to turn up for the reservation and it is in 10 minutes and it is only within walking distance." He said to me as we were leaving the office, it is a rare occasion for me to have lunch with my older brother, I have been eating alone most of the time and SeungMin would always be there in case something happens to me and he will be there to save me from losing my life.

And SeungMin gets a few hours off today because he is not sitting with me for lunch and he can do whatever he wants, he needs his alone time as well during lunch and he doesn't need me to boss him around all the time. My older brother and I chatted the entire time while we were making our way to the restaurant, it has been a long time since I had time to talk to anyone outside of the company, and it is not like anyone could understand sign language anyway but it was good catching up with my older brother about life and what he had been doing outside of work.

We arrived at the restaurant and the waiter in front of the restaurant took one look at my older brother and immediately escorted him to the table that was probably most used by my older brother whenever he dines here, it is a lovely restaurant and I hope that the food is delicious as well or I would be wasting my precious time eating food that is not up to my taste buds.

I was reading through the menu and I heard my older brother mentioned something about having a third person joining us for lunch and I asked him who the person was. "You would know in a minute, he will be here soon."

I nodded, feeling a little upset that we are not getting some sibling bonding time but to share that bonding with someone that I probably don't know at all, all I know that it is a man and he might be one of my older brother's clients. I looked out of the window and I saw a familiar person walking into the restaurant, he couldn't be dining here right? I eyed his every single moment, watching him enter the restaurant and saying something to the waiter and having the waiter escort him to some table and it ended up to be the same table as me and my older brother.

He was the extra person that my older brother wanted me to include in today's lunch date, there is no way that I would allow myself to eat my lunch with Cha HakYeon, he will just make me lose my appetite. "Jooeun, greet the chief financial officer Cha HakYeon."

I gave a slight nod, I didn't want to do that at all but I was forced myself to be nice, my older brother is around and he is very close to Cha HakYeon for some reason, maybe he is my father's beloved godson that makes my older brother like him so much as well. What did Cha HakYeon even do to the both of them?

Cha HakYeon sat down next to me and my older brother handed over the menu to him and he quickly ordered his food, I hoped that he didn't order anything at all and get out of the restaurant right at this moment. "The restaurant is lovely, isn't it? I am so glad that I had booked  a table beforehand if not we would be waiting for hours under the hot sun, we only have an hour to spare so we wouldn't want to waste time waiting for the things that we could've prevented it from happening in the first place."

'Oppa, you do have a motive in coming here right?' I conversed to my older brother and he nodded. 'What is it then?'

"I didn't ask the two of you to join me for lunch if there was nothing that I want to know about but I just wanted the two of you to get closer to each other, you two were friends back in high school and you guys are now working in the same company as well. Shouldn't the two of you talk to each other more often and go out to eat with each other more often?" My older brother told the both of us and I had the urge to leave this restaurant right now but I couldn't, I don't want to hurt my older brother with the truth that I have already ended the friendship between me and Cha HakYeon ever since 5 years ago, the day where he betrayed me to get rid of Sanghyuk.

Her Voice / han sanghyuk (#14)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora