Chapter 48 The Adults Talk

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*Headmaster's Office*
"Headmaster Vaughn, I'd like another meeting with him next week. In the mean time... I ask that you please keep him out of school-" Keon gets interrupted.

"You want me to suspend another one of my students? I'm the one running this school. Not you Mr.Keon. You will have no meeting, and there will be no suspension." Vaughn states.

"Sir-" Keon gets interrupted again.

"John expressed he has no interest in the book's message, corrected?" Vaughn asks.

Mrs.Lance and Maria look concerned.

"Yes..." Keon replies.

"And did he tell any lies, Miss Nadia?" Vaughn asks.

"N-No sir." Nadia replies.

"So then... What seems to be the problem?" Vaughn asks.

"I would like to know as well. He is under the protection of LA HQ and under my watch." Mrs.Lance says.

"As I've mentioned in the past headmaster.... It's a precaution. The authorities don't want the book's message to spread. And John was once a problem child. We shouldn't let him off easy. Even if he happens to be one of your members." Keon says as he looks at Mrs.Lance.

"Keon, this boy has had this book since before it was even released to the public. If he had any intention to share it.... Don't you think this entire school would be out on the streets fighting crime by now?" Vaughn asks.

"He has a point, you know." Maria says.

"....." Keon stays silent.

"When John enrolled into Wellston, he requested his rank to be kept secret. He rarely uses his ability and has no influence on the other students. He wants to keep to himself... so I see no reason to worry about the book." Vaughn says.

"Headmaster-" Keon gets cut off for the third time.

"You don't get it, do you?" Mrs.Lance says as she cross her arms.

"...." "I've always wondered why John was so ashamed of his own talents. But after observing his demeanor around you.... I now finally understand. He was one of your students, wasn't he?" Vaughn asks.

Mrs.Lance and Maria look surprised. Maria eyes glow and red lightning begins to spark around Maria. Nadia looks worried. Maria eyes stop glowing and exhales.

"Yes." Keon replies.

"What exactly do you teach during these re-adjustment courses?" Vaughn asks.

"I'm not authorized to give you any specifics, sir. But it varies depending on the student." Keon states.

"Oh don't worry Vaughn. I can ask John himself if you want to know." Mrs.Lance says.

"Interesting." Vaughn says.

Keon looks at Mrs.Lance.

"A few weeks ago... You wanted to enroll Seraphina into one of these classes as well?" Vaughn asks.

Mrs.Lance looks at Keon with concern.

"Yes, everything has already been prepared. I will be back to collect her in a few days." Keon says.

'Collect her? She is not something to play with.' Maria thinks.

"No." Mrs.Lance and Vaughn say.

"You can forget about it." Vaughn states.

"What?! You can't just-!" Keon gets cut off as Mrs.Lance crystal wings appear by his neck and Nadia's.

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