Chapter 14 Meet the Octavius Family, Mili & Zack

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*Woaba Boba*
After John and Arlo had their talk, John remembered something.

"Ahhh shit! I forgot!" John says.

"Forget what?" Arlo asks.

"I'm suppose to meet up with Zari and Zane!" John says.

This interests Arlo. "Why?" he asks.

"Oh! They invited me to hang out with them." John says. "Anyways, I have to go! See yeah!" John says as he gets up and runs out.

'Why does Zane and Zari want to hang out with John? Do they know about his ability?' Arlo thinks.

Zane and the others are sitting down.

"I though you said John was gonna come with you?" Otto asks.

"He was!" Zari says with a bit of anger.

"Woah there! Calm down sis. I'm sure he has his reasons. Remember, he doesn't have a phone right now." Zane says.

Marlize gets up and opens the door. She sees John panting and he looks up.

"Oh... hey! Sorry I'm late." John says while catching his breath.

"Come in." Marlize says.

John enters and sees the rest. "Hey!"

"Where the hell were you." Zari says with anger.

John gets a bit scared. "S-Sorry. I was with Arlo at Woaba Boba."

Zane and Zari raise an eyebrow.

"You were hanging out with Asslo?" Zari says.

"Yeah? As an apology for hitting him and helping me from the mid-tiers." John says.

"*sigh* I see. Well, next time, let us know. We waited for you for like fifteen minutes before we decided to come here." Zari says.

"Sorry! I'm here now." John says.

"Yeah. That's all that matters right now sis. You can be mad at him later. Now, today we are gonna have training. Otto, I assume Rosita has the training room ready." Zane says.

"Oh yes. My sister has made the necessary preparations. She, Mili and Zack have fixed up the messes we did last time. She's still pissed about it." Otto says.

"Heh! Guess I'll have to deal with her rambling." Zane says while rubbing his neck.

"Alright, let's go." Zari says.

Everyone nods their heads. As they leave and go outside, a van stops in front of them. The window rolls down.

"Is this everyone?" the man says.

"Yes Mr.Octavius. This is all of us." Zane replies.

"Alright." Mr.Octavius says.

Otto opens the door and gets in a seat. Everyone gets in and Marlize closes the sliding door. The van begins to drive off.

"So, I see two new faces. Are they new members?" Mr.Octavius asks.

"Yes dad. The male is John and the female is Rosa." Otto responds.

"Hi!' Rosa says happily.

"Hey." John smiles.

"Pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Max Octavius. Otto's father. I'm a cripple in case you are wondering." Mr.Octavius says while still driving.

"Well, like Otto said. I'm Rosa and I'm the healer of the group. I recently joined a few days ago." Rosa says.

"And I'm John. I don't know what position I am but my ability lets me copy and amplify abilities as long they give physical feedback." John states.

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