Side story: Oliva

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"............" Oliva was looking outside of her apartment room. 'All this time..... I've been thinking.... Maybe this could be my chance to redeem myself. Stop Ricardo Diaz from hurting these people. And maybe.... Save my family entirely.'

Oliva walks to the kitchen and grabs a pack for Oreos. She opens it.

'Maybe it's high time I ditch the criminal life and focus on doing good for once.' Oliva eats an Oreo. 

She looks up.

Oliva eyes glow

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Oliva eyes glow. Darkshock eyes glow black. Oliva fires lightning at Darkshock. Darkshock fires dark lightning. Oliva tackles Dennis and runs out of her room. Oliva jumps out of the window and lands on the emergency exit. She jumps down and lands on the ground. Darkshock breaks through the window and lands on the ground. Oliva looks around sees she is surrounded.

 Oliva looks around sees she is surrounded

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"Cousin. You want to fight her right?" Darkshock asks.

The female in pink jacket cracks her keck and eyes glow. Oliva braced herself. The female dashes at Oliva. Oliva fires multiple fireballs. The female creates a flame ring and uses it as a shield. The fireballs hit the flame wheel. Oliva fires icicles. The female jumps to the side and fires fireballs. Oliva jumps back.


"Why are you attacking me?" Oliva asks.

"Simple. To kill you." the female responds.

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