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You were sitting on your bed, after a long day at work. Staring at the diary your brother gave you for Christmas, you thought about the man you had just left.

It has been a month since you met Ryuzaki, and already you have fallen for the strange man.

When you agreed to work with the mysterious  detective, you didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't the man that had greeted you in that hotel room. 

You adored his brilliant mind and were fascinated by his ability to notice small things, like when he noticed that Raye Penber had been holding an envelope when he boarded the train, but it wasn't on him when he died.

You thought he was cute, with his dark eyes that look at you as if he can see your every thought. You loved his 'just got out of bed' hair that made you want to run your fingers through it.

You were amused by the way he sat and talked, and how he holds things. It makes you wonder how he would hold you if you ever told him how you felt.

His love of sugar matched yours more than any other sweet tooth you had ever met. You had never met anyone who could eat sweets as often as you could, most people couldn't understand that you had a high metabolism and wouldn't gain much if any weight.

Finally tired of your thoughts driving you crazy, and making it impossible to focus on the Kira Case, you opened the diary to turn your thoughts into words.

You wrote of your feelings for Ryuzaki and your  wishes that he would confess his feelings to you so you wouldn't have to fear rejection. 

You sighed, only feeling slightly calmer than before. You went to sleep, not noticing the soft glow from the diary.

The next day was another long one, and it was finally time to leave, except Ryuzaki asked you to stay for a few more minutes. You agreed immediately, thinking that he probably just wanted your opinion on some evidence, you are the only taskforce member who doesn't argue with him on his suspicions, after all, L is  the one who solved all of the impossible cases, if he is suspicious of someone he probably has a good reason.

You were surprised when he told you point blank that he loves you and went on to explain how he had been feeling this way since he first met you. He explained that he tried to ignore his feelings in order to focus on the case, and because he felt that someone like you wouldn't love such a quirky man.

You put those fears of his to rest when you told him everything that you had been holding back for the past month.

That is how you (First name) (Last name) became the secret girlfriend of the World's Greatest Detective.

You didn't look at the diary again until mid-April. You were worried. A second Kira has revealed their presence, and this Kira did not need a name to kill. They had announced their existence through some messages sent to Sakura TV, demanding a response from the police, namely whether or not the NPA will work with Kira.

L's response in the negative, led to a new message for either L or Director Kitamura to die. L would be the likely victim. There are only four days in which you had to come up with a counterattack.

You wrote of your hopes for L's safety and to the desire for something to save the man you love.

The next day L tells everyone that he believes that the Kira who sent the tapes is a second Kira and has asked the Chief to allow his son, Light to work with us.

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