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It was dark and stormy as I went about my evening, deep in thought.

I hated rainy days. The worst things to happen to me all happened on stormy days like this.

The day my grandfather died, or the day I was abandoned by my mother, who decided that her own desires were more important than the result of those desires.

Or the worst day of all, the day my heart almost died.


I had been away when it happened, at Wammys setting things up so the boys would get all of our digital evidence in case something happened to us.

Matsuda called me to tell me the horrible news. Watari and L had been killed by the Shinigami.

I cried as I listened to him explain that after L collapsed, Light began laughing like an insane man as he announced  to everyone there that he was Kira, and that by defeating L, he would become the God of the new world.

Mogi apprehended him, while Aizawa took care of L. That surprised me because I knew that Aizawa didn't care much for my fiancee.

I had come to be pretty good friends with Aizawa before he left the taskforce in order to keep his job. I acted as the buffer between him and the detective.

I had told him of my relationship with the strange man, in hopes of showing Aizawa that L wasn't the emotionless character that he portrayed himself to be.

"He has emotions; he just doesn't know how to express them. You've seen it yourself when we first learned about the second Kira."

He was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking back to that day, when L first showed his emotions, however slightly, when Ukita was killed.

Perhaps Aizawa took care of L's body out of respect for my feelings, knowing that it would be hard enough for my return without seeing him laying on the cold floor like a forgotten doll.

I told Matsuda that I was returning for the funeral. I owed Watari that, and I needed to say goodbye to the man I loved and the future that we had wished for.

(End flashback)

I was brought out of my thoughts at the sound of a car coming up the long driveway.

I turned to the window, watching the rain fall as my mind wandered.


I was standing in the cemetery, staring at the two newest graves. Matsuda stood beside me, and I could see Aizawa a few feet away from me. He looked like he wanted to tell me something, but I wasn't really in the mood to talk.

I quietly thanked Matsuda for helping me while I was here, and turned to Aizawa, who had volunteered to take me back to the airport.

Except, when we got in the car, he took me in the opposite direction, deeper into Tokyo. Closer to Headquarters. A place I never wanted to go back to.

"I will explain when we arrive." Was all he would tell me.

We arrived at the garage hidden beneath the building L and I had built for the case. He led me to the elevator which had a rose taped above the button that would lead us to the monitor room.

I took the rose in confusion. If this was from L, the rose should have wilted by now, two weeks since that horrible day Matsuda called me.

I turned to Aizawa, tears in my eyes.

"L is alive." He went on to explain that a Shinigami came to him. He explained that this Shinigami was the apple lover Light had hinted at in his notes using criminals.

The Shinigami told Aizawa about the other Shinigamis promise to Light of killing L if it would save Misa. He even told the cop that he could stop L from dying.

Aizawa had no idea how the Shinigami planned to stop L's death, but what really got him was that the Shinigami asked him to make sure I knew that L survived.

I had remembered that I would always end up losing some of the apple baked goods I would make, whether it was a pie or a crumble or some apple dumplings I had made.

I thought L was sneaking past me when I would bake, since he has done so many times, but I realized that it must have been the Shinigami, who apparently really liked my baking.

Who knew that my apple desserts could safe L's life.

"Go (First Name). Ryuzaki is waiting for you." He smiled. I gave him a big smile, tears in my eyes as I thanked him before hitting the button to open the elevator.

(Flashback end)

I had been so delighted to be reunited with the man I had thought I lost.

We held each other long into the night, just relishing in the comfort of the others presence. We celebrated the end of the case and the reality of a future that was finally  ours.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a door slam closed, and turned to the garage door as it opened, as it revealing a tall pale man with messy black hair, wearing his iconic white long sleeved shirt and jeans.

His bare feet walked silently across the carpet as he pulled  me into his arms so my back was to his chest.

I relaxed into him as I let my worries about the weather melt away.

"I missed you Sweetheart." He spoke softly before giving me a gentle kiss.

"I missed you to Lollipop. I hate it when your work takes you away. You've been gone too long." I hated the fact that I sounded whiny. I hate feeling like I'm acting like Misa did, but I think I can let It slide this time.

"It won't happen anymore. I am, for the most part, retired. Near is taking over for L, and Mello is working as Coil. I can handle all the Deneuve cases from home."

"Good, because I'm going to need you here tomorrow."

"Why? Is everything okay? Are you sick?" He questioned, worried.

I took his hand in my, laying it on my 16 week baby bump, watching as his eyes widened at the change.

"We're fine my love, but tomorrow is the day we'll find out if we'll be greeting a son or daughter."

I replied, watching as a large grin covered his face.

"We're having a baby?" 

I nodded, watching as he dropped to his knees, caressing my stomach.

"You've just made me the happiest man alive." He kissed me deeply.

I smiled as L led me to the bedroom to cuddle with me.

Perhaps rainy days aren't so bad.

Not anymore anyway.

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