Reader part 2

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Light and the man had all left for the night, once again leaving me with the detective.

I had observed the man ever since I initially observed the look he directed at Light.

Every time I spoke to Light, or to someone close to the teen, Light would perk up. L would give the college student a dark look that seemed to be laced with jealousy.

It was apparent to me that Light was attracted to me, but is it possible that L is as well?

Well, Light is definitely Kira." I began once L had crouched down in his chair.

"What did you see?" He asked, sounding intrigued.

"The first memory was of a strange notebook falling from the sky."

"The sky?"

"Yeah. Light had been sitting in his last class of the day. He sat by the window and had been looking out of it because he was bored with the lesson. The notebook just fell from the sky like it was dropped by a plane or something. That was what got his attention. I guess he decided to examine it out when class ended. That notebook appears to be the murder weapon."

"A notebook that kills?" I nod.

"I see him watching the broadcast about the hostages and scribbling the name of the man in the notebook. He seemed to feel that the book sounded like a joke and he was wanting to prove to himself that it was a fake. He was startled that the man had in fact died, however he wasn't convinced that it wasn't a coincidence." I paused to take a drink of the tea sitting in front of me.

"The next memory I see was presumably of the same night. Light had observed some bikers assault a young woman, and one of the men stated the boss's name. Light jot down the name down and wrote that he'd suffer an accidental death. The woman broke from from the man's grasp on her jeans, and the man pursued her on his bike, only to be hit by a truck that came out of nowhere."

I continued with how he meets a Shinigami, and how he learned of the FBI agents investigating the police. I continued with his discovering Penber's name, as well as the deaths of all the agents. I moved on to him meeting Naomi Misora. I told him her theories and how Light killed her for getting too close to the truth.

I finished with Light's reaction to meeting him, as well as his desire to learn more about this new Kira.

After L thought over all this new information, we discussed the new Kira and I presented my theory that this Kira was a woman because they had made the tapes to get Light's attention, but had not challenged him like a rival male would have.

"It is not unlike high school girls leaving notes in their crushes lockers. However, since she doesn't know who Kira is, she had to go with a more public route in the hopes of her message reaching him. Eliminating her targets was to garner his attention, much like how girls would spend time on their hair and makeup to gain the attention of a potential boyfriend."

In the end, we decided to see if this new Kira, whomever she is, would contact Light or us. With my power, all I need to do is accidentally graze the teen every so often to keep an eye on him.

After we concluded our case discussion, L stated his displeasure of Light's undisguised interest in me.

"Are you a perhaps a little jealous Ryuzaki?" I gently teased. His blush was the answer I was anticipating.

"It's alright Ryuzaki. I'm already attracted to you. It's only proper for you to feel the same." I responded, to his blatant surprise.

He abruptly stood up and walked over to where I now stood up, intrigued about what he was about to do.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine in a kiss.

The sole thought I received from him before my mind blanked was that he was genuinely surprised that a beautiful person could be interested in him.

I felt the need to dissuade him of these upsetting thoughts by deepening the kiss.

"You don't give yourself nearly enough credit L." I told him when we pulled apart for breath. I told him how I regarded him, including the fact that I thought that he was someone I could enjoy cuddling.

We began dating that night.

A couple of days later we retrieved a reply from the second Kira. The video talked about how she doesn't think Light possesses 'the eyes'. I would suspect that this is how she can kill without a name. She also mentioned revealing their Shinigami, which made L freak out. Shinigami have confirmed to Ryuzaki by someone besides just me.

Everyone else believes that these are merely code words referring to their killing method. They were even worried that Kira may have been in contact with the second Kira, however L stated that there was no proof yet to any meeting between the two yet.

A quick accidental graze of Light's arm as I rushed to assist the detective informed me as much.

The next two weeks were comprised of days working on the case and nights of deepening our relationship. We had graduated from telling stories to L showing my tidbits of his life.

Since he knows of my power, he is capable of showing me what he wants me to see by thinking of the memory as I graze him.

On May 12th we received another message from the second Kira. This time it was a diary page dated to last year. There were a few dates of interest, revealing that she was going to meet with friends at certain places on certain dates.

The days passed, and despite undercover officers in all locations, we didn't see any suspicious people.

However, a few days after the Aoyama trip, we were sent another video, this time claiming to have discovered Kira. However, I was able to confirm that they had yet to be in contact.

So how does the second Kira know she found him? It's apparent to me at least that Light didn't notice this Kira.

I was still wondering this two days later when we received what we suspected would be our last video. One in which she stated that she was no longer seeking Kira.

Light had avoided me as we listened to the video, so I didn't have the chance to read his mind and uncover the identity of the second Kira.

That was rather telling, considering that Light seems to have a crush on me. Does this second Kira have a crush on him and is perhaps threatening the lives of any female he seems too close to?

After everyone had left, I told L my thoughts, and he told me that he already had a suspect, and that he was planning on catching her tomorrow.

He told me that he was going to confront Light at college, and expected her to show up, which would allow Mogi to detain her for questioning. He asked me to stay at the hotel for my safety. He worried that she might attack me if she sees me with them.

I silently observed him gather the evidence, wondering when this case would end.

The next day, Watari and I set things up in our new hotel suite, while L was at the university.

We had a single tv monitor hooked up on a table in the center of the room, while Matsuda and Aizawa were prepping some solitary confinement rooms. L had specified what he wanted to have placed in each of the three rooms. Room 1 was clearly meant for the second Kira. It would have her tied up in a chair, so she can't hurt anyone.

It wasn't too long after we set things up that Mogi came into room one, with a blindfolded golden-haired adolescent girl.

I recognize her as Misa Amane, due to the magazine L had been looking at a couple of days ago.

L returned shortly after her arrival, and asked if she had said anything, which she hadn't.

L also told the men that Light is his prime suspect so he will be wanting to interrogate him as well.

Three days later Misa began talking. However she was only begging to be killed.

Thanks to Light's memories, L and I know that Shinigami attach themselves to people who have those killer notebooks. So I wondered if she was talking to her Shinigami or if she was talking to us.

She passed out for a few minutes after begging for death, and when she woke up she acted as though she didn't comprehend why she was apprehended.

The girl apparently thought that this was some kind of creepy stalker fetish.

Seriously, girl. If you have stalkers that do things like this, you need some bodyguards or something. There's a difference between fetishes people have of celebrities and obsessive harmful behavior.

The next day, Light shows up claiming that he might be Kira and not know it. He asked to be confined, and we removed all personal items from the teen. He only had his watch and wallet. I offer to take him to the second room.

Placing my hand on his back, I led him to my car. Thankfully he is silent as we leave the hotel and I go over the memories I haven't examined yet.

It's only after we get into my car that the boy starts flirting with me. He asks if we can spend time together once it's revealed that he isn't Kira.

I tell him that I have too much respect for his father, my boss to date his son, and that I thought he was dating Misa. Especially since she is claiming him as her boyfriend.

He explains that she is obsessed with him and that the feelings are strictly one-sided.

Luckily for me, we arrive in his new room rather quickly, and he shuts up as I leave him in his cell.

I need to let L know what Light is planning.

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