The Future

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I could feel the case was nearly over. We have both notebooks now, and the evidence had been analyzed.

Light was just a couple of days away from finally being arrested. Misa had already been taken care of, though nobody but L and I knew that.

It began last week when I had the night shift with L.

I had been worried about him, so while he was away from the monitor room I had a talk with the Shinigami.

I learned her name was Rem, and she had a deal with Light to keep Misa safe. Rem had agreed to kill L, if Misa was in danger of being sentenced to death.

L had walked in during the conversation, and in the end, it was decided that Misa will go to a top secret psych ward instead of prison.

"Misa would never have gotten into this whole Kira mess if it hadn't been for her witnessing her parents murder." I told the detective. "It was the fact that Kira killed the murderer that led her to him."

Since Misa was safe from Light, and the fact that Misa wouldn't have to die, Rem had no reason to kill L.

Over the course of the case, I had gotten rather close to the detective. To be honest, I never even expected to be so far into the case. I'm not a police officer. I am a criminal profiler. The basics are I use psychology and the understanding of human behaviors to create a profile on what kind of person we are looking for as a suspect. I can also use these to determine how a suspect will behave in a given situation.

I was originally brought in by L himself to figure out who Kira could be, and then figure out how he might react to anything L threw his way.

L seemed to gravitate towards me more than the others. I don't know if it was the fact that I agreed with him on Light's guilt or that I was about his age. It could be that I am a lot calmer around the strange detective than the others or that I don't annoy him.

Either way, I had gotten pretty close to L, and I had grown to love the man.

I had never said a word about my growing feelings for the dark-haired genius, though I have been leaving little hints when I can.

I have made most of the cakes he has eaten the past few months, especially in the summer when work was so slow. I had been making his coffee each morning, and staying with him even after everyone else had gone home. I am the one to volunteer most often for the night shift alongside L.

I do what I can to coax a small smile or a slight laugh out of him. I try to get him to relax when possible.

I have even taken to leaving small messages in his desk drawer to read when he is alone.

That is what leads me to my current problem. What will happen when the case is over? Will he head off to his next case without a thought on those he had met here? What would I do next?

I have no intention of telling him goodbye, but I have no idea how to stay with him. Would he even allow me to follow him to his next destination?

What should I do?

I gave the man beside me a quick glance. I could tell he was thinking hard about something.

It was late, and everyone else had already left for their homes for once, since we are pretty much done with the case. Light and his father were the only ones that hadn't gone home.

Light still wasn't allowed to leave, and Chief Yagami stayed since he couldn't leave with his son. They were both in their rooms, and Light's room was on the monitor in front of us.

I moved my chair towards him a bit.

"Are you okay?"

(L's pov)

The case was nearly over, and my mind was racing.

When I normally take on a case, I only interact with people through the computer, with a voice filter if I need to speak to them. It makes it easy for me to just leave when the work is done.

This case was so much different. With Light's previously unknown method, I needed to work more closely to the local police and other people, to get the job done.

That was when I discovered (First Name) and her skills as a criminal profiler. I knew her talent would be invaluable on this case.

We worked very well together, and she easily agreed with my assessment on Light.

So, now we come to my current problem.

I had gotten close to (First Name). Too close.

At the beginning of the case, I told everyone not to allow personal feelings to cloud their judgement. I had originally meant it to be on possible suspects.

Not this.

I had never expected to fall in love with (First Name), but here I am. So what should I do?

Could I ask her to join me? To take her with me to whatever my next location will be?

To constantly jump from country to country? Hotel to hotel? Could I ask her to just abandon whatever life she had before the Kira Case?

"Are you okay?" (First Name)'s voice jolted me from my thoughts. I turned towards her, realizing for the first time that we were alone.

"Y-yeah. I'm just thinking about the end of this case."


"This case was not like any of the other cases I've ever taken on. This was the first time I interacted with anyone face to face. I never expected this..."

"Expected what L? Is something wrong?" She asked, sounding worried.

"Nothings...wrong...It's just..." I trailed off with a sigh. "I never expected to fall in love. I told everyone not to allow emotions to interfere with the case, but now that the case is over, I don't know what to do. I never expected to meet anyone as beautiful and nice as you. You treat me like I am a normal person, worthy of love. You don't look down on me for my habits or lack of social skills."

"Of course you are worthy of love L. You are an amazing person, and I don't just mean as a detective. Even with your lack of social skills, you still care about the people you work with. You had things set up to help the officers in the case they lost their jobs because of the case. You were considerate of the Chief's feelings when Light was incarcerated. You made sure he was kept up to date while he had himself locked up, and you made sure he was as comfortable as possible. You allowed him to keep in touch with his family, even if it was just to keep them from being suspicious. You were even affected by the deaths of Ukita and the FBI agents. All of those things show that you have a good heart, despite what the others think of your methods." She gave me a smile, and I couldn't help the burst of hope in my chest at her words.

"If you haven't figured it out L, I love you. You truly have no idea just how amazing you are."

"I love you too (First Name). That's why I feel lost. I've never been in love before. I don't really interact with people. I have no idea how to be a boyfriend. I also don't know what you had planned after the case was over. What did you want to do?" I asked.

(Your pov)

This was my chance.

"All I want is to be with you. Wherever you go L. I know we'll probably be moving from place to place, like we were in the beginning of this case. Switching countries and hotels every few days. I don't care about any of that, though. As long as I get to be with you, I am happy."

"Are you certain? It'll be a difficult way to live. I do have a few safe houses in some countries and will probably go home for a while. I have some people I need to see. However, for the most part we will either be in the place I grew up, or moving to one of my safe houses."

"I don't mind that at all. I tend to move from place to place too, so I'm used to that. You are worth it."

"Well, I'll have Watari book a ticket for you then, but I think I should tell you about where we'll be going first."

From there he told me about how he was raised in an orphanage in England. The orphanage was a very secretive place, and all the kids there used aliases instead of their names.

The people he had to see were his two successors, both of whom were teenagers.

He also had to finish up the report for the orphanage so that kids in the detective program had access to his cases and all evidence and other information. They can help future detectives from Wammy's.

I thought it was smart to have a successor in case anything happened, though I swore to him nothing would happen to him if I could help it.

Over the course of the next few days we finished packing our belongings and just talked.

I told him about my childhood in (country). I told him about my family, my friends from school, and the mischief I had gotten into as a kid.

He told me about life at the orphanage and what I could expect when we got to England.

He ended up jumping into all of his favorite places near the orphanage. The park he used to play in when the kids had trips out of the orphanage. He told me about the candy store he loved to visit and buy bags full of candy. He told me of his favorite bakery, and the local ice cream shop.

I could tell we had plenty of date locations to choose from. I smiled as he talked about all the things he missed about England. His successors, his bedroom. The candy.

I smiled at the excitement on his face as he talked about the various dates we could go on when we are in England.

I waited for him to take a break from talking. I took his hand in mine, and his head whipped down to our hands, staring in shock. His cheeks had a light pink dusting as he turned his wide eyes at me.

I lifted my other hand to graze his cheek before giving him a gentle kiss on his lips.

Now that I had L, I had no intention of saying good-bye.

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