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It's been a whole month since L has gotten any sleep. You know this because you've examined all of the footage for the past few weeks.

It was starting to get to him, even Matsuda has noticed that the detective is spacing out more than normal.

You decided this needed to end, so you've gone to the store to get everything you needed to make him sleep.

You even had the assistance of Watari, who was ready to unlock his door.

You filled the coffee pot with Chamomile tea and hid several lavender scented air fresheners all over the floor.

You were wearing some lavender scented body spray, just to be sure that he took in the relaxing aroma.

Finally, the last of the taskforce members had gone to bed, and the room was unoccupied apart from you and your favorite genius.

You watched as he began getting drowsy, his head starting to lower, before he'd jolt himself awake and try to stare at the monitors in front of him.

You made sure to appear as though you were finishing up some reports on your computer so that he wouldn't notice you were observing him.

You weren't startled as he suddenly stood up and walked to the kitchen to get some coffee.

You kept an eye on the kitchen monitor while you abruptly switched your computer monitor to the camera just outside L's floor, glad that Watari had given you a temporary password.

Watari was already up there, and he looked straight into the camera, knowing it had to have been you. He informed you that the light on the camera would change colors if your password was used.

You glanced at the kitchen monitor again and noticed that L had a cup of your tea and that he was leaving the kitchen.

You switched your computer back to the report and continued typing away. L finally noticed you when he returned.

"Shouldn't you have retired for the night by now (First Name)?"

"As it happens, I'm a bit behind on my work, because of the family emergency a few days ago. Don't worry about me, though; I don't have too much to catch up on. I'll go to bed when I finish."

"What was the emergency anyway? It didn't take you very long to get back."

"My mother got ill and required some help, and I'm the only person close by." He nodded and started drinking the tea, too tired to notice it wasn't coffee. You went back to the report while waiting for him to fall asleep.

It didn't take long before he placed his head on the the desk and started snoring softly.

You switched back to Watari for a moment and put in another password Watari entrusted to you that would make the light blink a couple of times. He nodded, and you turned off the camera and stood up.

You picked the detective up, noticing that he wasn't all 

that heavy, even when all he eats is sugary stuff.

You sat him down in the elevator, thinking about just how exhausted the man must be if he doesn't even wake up to the feeling of the moving elevator.

The doors opened, and you lifted him once more onto your back and carried him to the older man who opened the door and led you to L's bedroom. He had pulled the blankets down and helped you lay the man down before you pulled the blankets back up, smiling softly as the detective let out a soft sigh and snuggled into the warmth.

You left the room with Watari and went back to the monitor room, taking it upon yourself to watch the monitors since L is unable to.

Several uneventful hours pass, and the taskforce members arrived for a new day. When questioned about L's whereabouts, you explain he fell asleep and you took him to bed. You get a few mumbles of 'about time he took a break' but that was it.

It was almost noon when the genius arrives, looking no different than he typically does; as if he just rolled out of bed; and acts as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

As he is passing by your work station, he dropped a note onto your computer. You glance at him as he sits down in his chair and states at the monitors, more alert than he has been in a while.

You curiously open the note.

(First Name)

While I appreciate you looking out for me and my heath, next time give me a warning before you go through all that trouble.

In addition, if you're going to deposit me in bed, then you should lay down with me. I prefer cuddling when when I sleep.


You chuckled quietly to yourself.

There will definitely be a next time. You are looking forward to it.

Death Note one shots and short storiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя