A better Christmas

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L sighed as he stared at the falling snow from the office he was sitting in.

It was Christmas at Wammys, and the 20-year-old genius was depressed.

He had never liked Christmas. It was the day he was abandoned as a child.

Christmas Eve made him think of his parents, whispering to each other while sneaking glances over at him.

He had been foolish at the time, hoping they had a surprise for him.

Would he get a toy for Christmas? Like the kids at school? Would they spend the day with him?

He did get a surprise that day, just not a good one like he had been hoping. He woke up, shivering the next morning.

That wasn't what surprised him. His room was usually cold, and his thin blanket wasn't enough to keep him warm.

No, it was the harsh breeze that surprised him that morning as he blinked awake.

He found himself laying in a cardboard box. It was still dark, so he couldn't really see anything. It was when the sun came up that he realized that he was in an alleyway.

A peek from the corner of the building revealed a street he did not recognize. He had no idea how he got there, or where he was. He had waited the entire day in the alley. He hoped his parents would return, only to feel disappointment when he crawled back into the box that night.

It was a few days later that Mr. Wammy found the cold and hungry child.

Christmas Eve was a hard day for him, made worse when it snowed the night before Christmas.

The day was a little better thanks to (First name). She always did things to take his mind off of the memories.

She normally did anyway. L had no idea where she was today, he hadn't seen her much lately.

"I'm just busy with a project, Love. Don't worry." She would tell him when he asked.

He was startled out of his depressed thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.

L opened the door, but there was nobody around. Instead, there was an envelope stuck to the door with tape. It wasn't there earlier and had his logo on it.

He opened the envelope and found a note in her handwriting.

My Darling L,

I know that today is a difficult day for you, so I have a special surprise for you waiting for you in my room. See you soon!


(First Name)

(L's pov)

So she hadn't forgotten about me. Her project was just a surprise for me.

I went into her bedroom and found another note in her secret room.

Every room in Wammys has a small extra room that the kid could use for projects or interests.

I entered the room and found a tv with a DVD player. The player had a piece of paper that said 'JUST PRESS PLAY'.

The video was a video of our lives together. Birthdays we celebrated, dressing up for trick or treat as kids. Dates we had gone on, trips to the candy shop. All sorts of wonderful moments that made me happy.

The first scene was from my first birthday at Wammy's. She had found out a few months prior that I had never celebrated a birthday before. She found out when my birthday was and made sure it was celebrated. She had helped Mr. Wammy bake me a birthday cake, and had an older kid take her to town to buy me my first present ever.

She knew that I had nightmares and decided that I needed a stuffed animal. She had a purple teddy bear she slept with called Elizabeth. She bought me a blue version I called Andrew.

I still have him too, though he is rather faded now.

I also watched us get ready for trick or treat that very night. She was dressed like a princess and I was a vampire. We got a lot of candy and couldn't go to sleep that night.

There was a segment from our first date when we went to the bakery. The love we had for each other was obvious now that I knew what love looks like.

I had been afraid of my feelings at first, not able to recognize it. I had never seen love before so I had no idea what I was feeling.

I remember the nerves I felt when I confessed. I was afraid of losing the best thing to ever happen to me. I have no idea what I would have done if she didn't feel the same.

I watched a few trips to the candy shop, prepping for exams or for big cases we had taken on. The candy helped us both focus.

I was smiling by the time the video ended. I stepped out of the room and gasped in surprise.

In the time it took for me to watch the video (First name) had set up a small table and two chairs. There were wrapped lollipops on the table, surrounding a large cake.

She made a chocolate covered cherry cake. It was a dark chocolate cake with a cherry filling. There cake was topped with a dark chocolate ganache. On top of the chocolate is eight dollops of cherry icing with a chocolate covered cherry on top of each dollop.

It looked delicious.

I felt tears in my eyes as I got closer and saw that there was writing on top of the cake in cherry glaze.

'Marry me?'

I heard movement behind me and turned to see my girlfriend of 5 years, down on one knee. She had a ring in her hand and a loving smile on her face.

"I love you L. More than you can even imagine. I have never been happier than when I am with you. I know you have a lot of bad memories of Christmas, but I hope to give you better memories of the day."

I happily say yes and we share a loving embrace before she brings out the knife to cut the cake.

I take the time to savor the moment and decided that Christmas Eve wasn't so bad after all.

It might have had bad memories, but (First name) is giving me good ones to replace the bad feelings I had before.

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