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Prompt:  You thought your crush was one sided.

It's hard, being in love. Especially when the person you love is the world's greatest detective.

Yet, here I am, sitting in my bedroom of the brand-new building he had built for the Kira Investigation, thinking about him. 

L had asked me to assist him in this case early on,  even before we began working with the reduced taskforce. It was my idea to bring in FBI agents when the genius mentioned the need for a closer working relationship with the taskforce.

I grew up in the American branch of Wammys House, so I understand the need for secrecy that all Wammys kids need. I wasn't really part of the detective  program, but I did work closely with those who were. I was trained in psychology, due to my ability to read people.

After working with the sugar addicted man for several weeks I began to fall for the mysterious detective. Then again, I'm not surprised. I have always been attracted to intelligent guys. 

My only problem is that most intelligent guys I have met viewed me as a delicate girl who needs to be shielded from the world. I don't like that; I want a guy who sees me as an equal.

L, or Ryuzaki as he prefers to be called during this case, is the first, and only man really, to actually talk to me and not look at me as some weak female to be protected. He actually treats me as an equal, and listens to my opinions, and considers my ideas, rather than simply dismissing them.

He had even asked me to join him at To Oh when he signed up. We had learned from Chief Yagami that his son, our prime suspect, was planning to go to To Oh.

It was all of this that turned my attention to the man. I will admit that I had found him physically attractive from the beginning. I had always preferred dark haired men, and I had spent several silent hours wondering what it would feel like to run my fingers through his messy black hair.

His dark eyes had also captivated me. Originally seeming to be dull and lifeless, if you pay close attention you can see the spark in his grey eyes grey whenever he comes up with a theory or a plan on how to proceed in the case. It makes me think of the excitement of a child on Christmas morning, though not as obvious.

I sighed, looking over at my alarm clock, which told me that it was one in the morning. I shook the thoughts from my mind and got out of bed.

Since I'm not sleeping, I might as well get some work done, or just stare at the monitors showing Light's and Misa's sleeping forms while daydreaming about telling L how I feel for him and imagining him admitting his feelings.

As I walked through the empty halls, I heard two voices conversing with each other. It was L and Watari.

"There is no way (Alias) will agree to this. Why would she?" L was asking the older man.

"You should just talk to her. You'll never know unless you tell her." Was the reply he received.

"I don't know anything about women and love. I don't even understand my feelings, so how am I supposed to explain them to her? Am I supposed to tell her that she is beautiful and I appreciate her intelligence? Am I  supposed to admit how much I enjoy her company and how she doesn't look at me like I'm some sort of  freak? What am I supposed to do? All I know for sure is that I want her to stay with me, even after the case is over."

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