Journal Part 6

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(Your pov)

It's December 20th, the day L and I have been waiting for.

We spoke to all of the men to let them know what we were planning and even had L let Kitamura know, so the police won't get involved.

That is because we are going to stage my kidnapping.

It all began as I finished up my last commercial with Yotsuba.

I knew that Aiber, aka Coil, would be waiting outside my dressing room to knock me out.

When I woke up, I was in Aiber's back seat, tied up and gagged. I acted like I was scared, in case anyone from Yotsuba was following, at least until we made it to a hidden underground tunnel seven miles away from headquarters.

This tunnel led to a secondary entrance to Headquarters, only to be used if we're likely to be followed. That way no one would figure out our location.

Once we were safely inside the parking garage, Aiber released me from my restraints, apologizing in case they were too tight or uncomfortable.

I waved the apology away, telling him that I was fine and that we need Higuchi to believe the kidnapping.

We entered the monitor room together, as we found that the plan had worked like we expected it too.

Higuchi has called for an emergency meeting to reveal my kidnapping, and Namikawa read the note Aiber left, where he explained that he had been investigating them in order to prove that that he is a better detective than L, and that he was holding me hostage. The letter continued on stating that I would be interrogated unless Kira himself showed up alone at a location of our choosing.

I wasn't really sure if Higuchi would give himself up for me so easily, but we could all see the fear in his eyes. He knows that I have the ability to reveal the source of his power.

Most of the men obviously didn't care about my safety, stating that Kira will probably just kill me before I have the chance to talk.

L gave Aiber a nod and he took off for the next part.

The meeting ended, and L used his phone to call Weddy to make sure that she had been able to bug Higuchi's car.

My boyfriend told the remaining men to go and get ready to head out.

We watched Kira get into his car in a rush, heading in the opposite direction than he normally does.

Higuchi sped down the highway looking nervous as he talked to Rem who I could see was sitting in the back seat.

L gave me a look, and we both stood in unison. It was time to end this.

(Time Skip)

The rest of the plan went pretty well.

Higuchi arrived at the warehouse to find Aiber with a moving body bag.

The body bag held an animatronic, that would move around as if it were a person that was tied up. In the bag with it was a tape recorder, on which we recorded me crying out for help as if I was frightened.

Higuchi bought it, and he gave himself up. L handed Aiber a pair of handcuffs while Mr. Yagami took his Death Note away from him.

Light has grabbed the notebook from L, and he killed the greedy man using his blood on a hidden piece of death note.

After Higuchi's death, we all made it back to our building, along with Aizawa who L called on the way out.

"We are so close to finishing this case, but there is one thing left for us to do." L told the men as we all returned to the monitor room.

"What would that be Ryuzaki? And why is Aizawa here?" Matsuda asked.

"We invited him here, now that the Yotsuba Kira is gone. He will help us with this next part." L explained.

It was then that L and I brought up our evidence against Light, and Aizawa took him into custody.

The rest of the men began collecting everything we have, except for the Death Notes, which were left with us.

The men filed all of the evidence, and once that was done they started heading off, the ones who had been staying here were going to their floors for the night. Mr. Yagami was going up to an empty floor to stay in tonight, as he thought about what he was going to tell his wife and daughter.

Tomorrow would be soon enough to start our new Kira free lives.


It's been three days since Light was arrested.

L and I had been talking to the two Shinigami; Ryuk, who was Light's original Shinigami, finally decided to show up.

The male death god told us that he had been bored with the Shinigami realm, so he dropped the extra notebook in the human world for a but of entertainment.

His said that he wasn't for or against Light; he was merely a spectator in the battle between him and my boyfriend.

In the end, it was decided that we would burn the notebooks in order to keep something like this happening again.

The Shinigami went back to their realm and the men went back home.

Right now, I'm laying in my bed, watching over a peacefully sleeping L, who had his face buried in my side.

I smiled as I brushed his hair away from his eyes, before pulling him closer to me.

I drifted off to sleep, thinking about the bright future ahead of us.

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