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Prompt: You can buy a pill that lets you decide exactly what you dream about while you sleep.

You finally did it. You bought the well-known pill that will allow you to choose what you would dream.

You took the pill and fell asleep, entering the Death Note world in your dreams.

The dream began during Light's and Misa's confinement. 

It took no time at all to explain to L how you were dreaming after taking a pill that would allow you to choose what dream you would have. You told him everything that has happened up to the point you  found yourself in, including things L didn't know, like how Naomi Misora met Kira and he killed her, how he kills and told him to check Light's wallet and watch, after explaining about the hidden compartment in his watch.

L was able to find and confiscate all pieces of Light's Death Note that he had in his wallet and watch, as well as the Death Note that Light had buried in the woods. L was especially interested in the letter Light wrote to Misa.

You stayed with L and the taskforce while Light and Misa were released and was in the room during Light and Misa's 'date', where Misa stated that you and Ryuzaki would make a cute couple.

You were in the room when Light discovered Yotsuba and Matsuda went off to go the company to prove his usefulness. You helped Mr. Yagami move the mattress in place for Matsuda to take his death.

You took Mogi's place as Matsu's replacement as Misa's agent. This allowed you to speak to Rem and explain that you had been talking to L about allowing Misa to only spend some time in a jail, rather than her getting the Death sentence. You explained to the Shinigami  that you could probably prove that Misa was being manipulated by Kira for any actions she had taken afterwards.

Rem was alright with this outcome, knowing that would have to pay for killing the people she used on the tapes. At least the girl she had come to care for would not be killed. Rem told you that when Misa finished the interview, that the current Kira would probably walk her out. Rem will be standing behind him if this is the case.

Misa came into the bathroom after your conversation ended. You asked her how the interview had been going so far, and she replied that it was going well, you nodded and left to wait for her to finish here. 

You knew that Misa would need to talk to the Shinigami in order to get proof that Higuchi is Kira, so  L could make the arrest.

Most of the rest of the events went as they were supposed to. Misa had successfully snuck away from you, though you knew it would happen and had warned L. She had received the confession from Higuchi which allowed L to pursue him.

The only change in events came when it was time to arrest Higuchi. You had already warned the sleep deprived man that Light should not be given access to the Death Note. L decided to handcuff Light to the desk, while being tied to his chair.

With the cameras recording the monitor room and Misa's floor being on lockdown to prevent her escape, as well as preventing her for freeing Light, everyone went up to the helicopter, with you taking Lights place beside L.

This caused Higuchi's arrest to go without a problem, since Light was unable to kill him. Higuchi confessed to being Kira and explained how he had used the notebook to kill. Higuchi was taken into questioning and would survive to face whatever sentence he was  given.

You brought the notebook back to Headquarters with you and showed the men all the rules, while silently explaining to L that the last to rules were fake and that Light had them added to 'prove' that he and Misa were innocent.

Mr. Yagami refused to allow Light to touch the notebook, due to the last fake rule Light had Ryuk write into it. The rule he included in order to protect the notebook from being destroyed by claiming that everyone who touched it would die.

It took everything ounce of control not to giggle at how his precious rule ruined Light's plan to becoming Kira again.

The only reason you weren't arresting the young man right this instant was that the most important pieces of evidence were in the crime lab. The contents of the envelope and Naomi's license were being fingerprinted. The gasoline that was in Light's desk was being tested to prove that it was gasoline, and the letter to Misa was being analyzed by handwriting experts.

It was late on November 4th when Watari returned with the evidence and the results to everything. You and L can present everything to the men tomorrow.

You smiled as you thought about how L would be able to solve the case now and survive this crazy mess.

You went to sleep, ready to face November 5th.

When you woke up, however, You were dismayed to find yourself back in your real-world bedroom instead of your room at Headquarters.

Since your dream ended before L could present his evidence, you decided to watch episode 25, an episode you hardly ever watch, since L dies.

However, you were shocked when the scene of L's death arrived. This is because instead of L and Watari dying, the raven-haired genius stated that it was time to solve this case. He then explained everything from the beginning of the case, presenting evidence as they became relevant.

Most of these pieces were things L shouldn't have knowledge of, let alone corresponding evidence, like when he presented Naomi Misora's driver's license and the piece of Death note Light had used to kill her.

He also had a diagram of how Light set up his drawer to catch fire if anyone found the notebook and explained how it would work.

L explained how Light had set it up to lose his memories of the Death Note after Misa was arrested, and how he planned to regain his memories when the taskforce got a hold of the notebook again, though he was ultimately stopped because L had handcuffed him to the desk, and made sure no one gave him the notebook.

L finally revealed the second notebook, and the letter Light wrote to Misa, confirming that he had been using the young model, which led to her not getting the death sentence Light would be facing.

Aizawa went off to make the call for Misa's arrest, before turning to handcuff Light, who was yelling about how he innocent and that all of the evidence must have been planted.

This is where L showed everyone the conclusions from the crime lab confirming everything L had said. The fingerprints matched everything he said. The gasoline was confirmed in the casing Light had used in his desk, and all handwriting samples matched Light's handwriting taken from To Oh.

In the end Light Yagami died of a heart attack, the last victim of the Kira Case. Mogi confirmed his death. 

Aizawa went off to give his statement to the NPA, and all of the former officers went off to prepare for the rest of their lives.

After the room was cleared, L turned to the camera, and it looked as though he was looking right at you through the television set.

"Thank you (First Name). This case could not have been solved without your knowledge of events and your assistance in gathering all of the evidence." You smiled softly as L talked.

It appeared that your dream had influenced the outcome of the anime and has a major impact on the detective you loved.

"You're Welcome L Lawliet." You replied, and L smiled at the camera, as if he could hear your reply. 

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