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She was beautiful. That was the first thing L noticed as he saw her sitting in the booth. She was sitting alone at the moment, but he could see a cup of coffee by the other bench, which told him that she was with someone.

She had (length/color) hair and bright (color) eyes. She was wearing a dark blue shirt. L could swear he saw her before, but couldn't think of where.

He had just had his tennis match with Light Yagami, and they came here from something to eat.

He had observed her as he walked behind Light to the booth behind her. L sat with his back to the young woman.

The detective and his suspect ordered their drinks and L tested him as he had planned.

While Light was going over the notes, L noticed another girl move past him and sit with the beautiful girl. This girl felt somewhat familiar. Come to think of it, he was sure he had heard the first girl's voice somewhere...

After Light fell into his trap, the teen decided he needed to use the restroom. L took this time to listen to the conversation going on behind him.

"Why are you so focused on that? It's not we are studying that in class." The new girl asked.

"You know I have an interest in this (Friend's name)."

"You never said why you had an interest with this L guy, though (First name)." The friend said, which intrigued the detective.

"He saved my life. That's why." The young woman stated.

"What?!" The friend exclaimed.

"Eleven years ago, I lived in (home country). A child murderer abducted me. This man had killed 15 kids before he kidnapped me while I was walking home from school. I had been locked in a basement for a week when police arrived. The man told me he was planning to kill me that night, and just a couple of hours later he was caught. I was taken to a hospital where I spoke to L through his computer, because he wanted my statement. I decided then and there that I wanted to be a detective, just like him. I want to do for others what L did for me."

L was stunned by that. He had never expected to hear anything like that. L was suddenly reminded of why the two girls felt familiar. They were in his and Light's law classes.

The beautiful girl sat behind him in the class and he friend was a few seats away from her.

The beautiful girl had been running late one day and had forgotten a pencil. He offered her one and saw her blush as she thanked him.

L decided he needed to return to the class. He wanted to actually meet this girl, get a chance to talk to her.

Perhaps he could use his absence from school as a chance to ask her for her notes or something? Maybe they could meet up under the guise of debating current events?

L wasn't given much time to think about how he would talk to this girl. Light had returned and then both of their phones rang.

Mr Yagami had suffered a heart attack, but it wasn't Kira. The two geniuses left for the hospital and L decided that he really needed to return to class.

The next day L sat down at his desk in the classroom and he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned and saw the same beautiful young woman that had been at the cafe.

"I heard you were out sick Ryuga. How are you feeling today?" She sounded genuinely concerned.

"I am feeling better today. Thank you Miss..." I trailed off.

"Sorry." She laughed, and it sounded like music to me. "My name is (First Name) (Last name). I know you are one of the smartest people here, and you are friends with Light Yagami, but if you need any notes for the lectures you missed, or any help, I am more than happy to assist." She offered.

"I'd be grateful for any help thank you. I was able to get notes from Light, but perhaps you have a different perspective? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the lectures sometime."

"That sounds good to me. Just let me know when and where." She replied.

We met up a few days later at the cafe. She brought her notes with her, and I had a copy of Light's notes from class.

We started off talking about a few of the lectures. It had become a debate on the death penalty. The side that was for the death penalty had to explain why the death penalty was good to have. The students on that side talked about how some people are so evil that if they are given the chance to be free they would just continue being criminals. Murderers would continue murdering. Abusers will continue abusing.

The people that were against mostly talked about giving second chances and how everyone has the right to live.

We talked about the pros and cons of the death penalty for a little while. Then the conversation led into current events. We ended up talking about the Kira situation.

"While I can understand punishing criminals, I believe Kira is going about it the wrong way." She began, and I tilted my head at her. I was curious to see where she was going with this.

"For starters, I don't believe people should die unless they are truly, truly evil. People like Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, caused the deaths of six million people. Hitler deserved to die, even if I don't like the idea of killing. Had he lived, he could easily cause millions of other innocent people to die too. The most sadistic of his followers may have also deserved death. They too would have killed many more people. Lesser Nazis deserve life in prison."

"Kira doesn't seem to be looking at all the evidence against the people he targets. It's not very likely he would have seen all the evidence of their crimes, listen to witness testimony, view the crime scenes. What right does he have to decide whether a person should live or die? Some of the people he targets may have been wrongfully convicted. We simply don't know." She explained.

I was fascinated by her thoughts on Kira. Even without overhearing her talking to her friend, I could tell she was pro L.

Before we knew it, we had been talking for several hours. We parted ways with promises to meet up again soon to talk more.

"I look forward to your next meeting Ryuga. I enjoy talking to you."

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you." I replied.

I watched her leave with a smile on my face.

Who knew I could fall in love?

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