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Prompt: Just another day in a heatwave.

You sighed as you stared at your computer, holding an ice cold water bottle to your forehead.

Today was the worst day to be without air conditioning. It was a record high in temperature and humidity.

You were pretty sure you could cook a burger to perfection on you keyboard just from the unbearable heat.

You glanced around you, taking note of all of your coworkers, most of whom seemed as equally uncomfortable.

To your left was Mastuda, head down and face pressed against the desk in front of him. Next to him was Mogi, who was still hard at work. The only way you knew he was hot was the occasional wiping of his brow.

Chief Yagami and Aizawa were doing the same thing as Mogi, just pushing through the heat in order to get their work done so they could head home and get into a nice cool house.
Misa sat in front of you, fanning herself with a gothic style fan while she talked Light's ear off.
Light seemed annoyed, though you couldn't tell if it was because of the heatwave or Misa's yapping.

The only person who didn't seem to notice the heat was Ryuzaki, still wearing his long sleeve white shirt and jeans.

How could he wear those when it was 95°F (35°C) with a humidity of 78%? You looked up when the man's voice reached your ears.

"Its obvious that we are not going to get any work done today since none of you can focus properly. You men can all head home. (First Name) and I can take it from here. We'll call you back when the air conditioner had been fixed." L told the men, even allowing Light and Misa to head home.

When you questioned him about that, L had mentioned that Watari had been out putting up cameras and wiretaps in Misa's home, and he believed that Mr. Yagami could keep an eye on his son for a couple of days.

You gave up on your no longer cool water bottle and went back to writing up your report and looking over what the other men had been working on.

Mogi and Aizawa had been updating some of the files, while Mr. Yagami had the job of sorting out the evidence.

Matsuda was about halfway through a report when L sent everyone home, so you finished that up before heading over to the evidence room.

All that was left there was going over the tapes from Misa's suite. Ryuzaki had already decided that it would only be the two of us to go over them, so you took the first box of tapes back to your computer to watch.

Most of the tapes revolved around Misa hanging out in her living room staring at magazines or her doing her makeup.

You smirked when you got to the 'date'. Especially when L kicked Light in the face. That was something you could watch all day and not get bored.

"That was definitely the best part of the day." You heard L say from behind you. You turned and was surprised by just how close he was.

"I can imagine. It's something he's needed for a long time." You paused the tape and turned to face the slouching male beside you.

"I doubt you came over here to watch Misa stare at magazines all day, so what's up?" You ask.

"There really isn't anything left to do today, and the air conditioner isn't going to be fixed until tomorrow afternoon, so I was thinking about showing you a secret place I've had built into the building, as long as you don't tell anyone else."

"Sure. Sounds like a good way to just hang out with you."

You turned off your computer and stood to follow him as he left the monitor room. He led you down the hallway which led to the elevator that would take you to the basement. At the end was a door that was always locked.

L unlocked the door and held it open for you. The room appeared to be empty, save for the fuse box. You turned to L in confusion, who simply smirked back.

He opened the box, but instead of switches for the power in various rooms, there was just a number keypad and a hand scanner. L put in a code and scanned his hand and suddenly the back wall opened.

The new room was actually a secret elevator that took you to a different section of the basement.

There was an Olympic sized swimming pool and three doors on the wall about halfway down the length of the pool. Two were obviously changing rooms, with the symbols for male and female on them. You figured that the other one was probably a closet with towels or perhaps swimming equipment like goggles and pool games.

"If you'd told me about the pool, I would've grabbed my suit from my room."

"There's no need for that. Your file has your measurements, so I've had several pieces of swimwear delivered. They have been placed in your locker in the changing room. You may keep them if you like." He replied as he went over to the men's changing room.

You walked into the ladies changing room and went over to your locker. Inside was an array of different types of swimsuits. One side was a selection of bikinis in various styles and colors. You never realized just how many different styles of swimsuits there were.

There were a few halter style tops, push up bikinis, strapless, and triangle tops. the bottoms were either typical bikinis or style like women's briefs. Some of them came with skirts to wear over or a dress or lacy robes.

The other side held a variety or one piece suits. Some with a v neck or a big neck, and others that were nearly two pieces showing a good bit of skin on the back and stomach.

You knew that this may be your only chance to snag the genius without the rest of the taskforce interfering with your one on one time with the detective, so you decided to use this break to your advantage.

You chose one of the push up bikinis in (favorite color) and a matching pair of normal bikini bottoms.

Quickly changing and stepping out of the changing room, you found L staring off into space. He turned when he heard you close the door, blushing as he looked you over. The blush deepened as you sauntered towards him.

You placed your hand lightly on his arm, smirking as his breath stuttered out of him.

"You ready?" You asked as he turned away shyly and nodded. You walked over to the deep end and climbed up the diving board. With two small bounces, you dove into the water. L came over to the edge, watching for you to come up, not expecting the playful splash you sent his way.
This led to him jumping in and pay you back in a splash war.

After several minutes of splashing each other, you dove underwater and made your way to him.
You shot up in front of him, startling him. Not letting him recover from the shock, you quickly pressed your lips against his.

This seemed to break him out of his shock, and you felt his arms wrap around you.

You deepened the kiss, and the detective seems to clutch at you desperately.

When you finally pulled away to breathe, he tells you that he had been hoping that you felt the same way he did. You admitted to your feelings, giving him a light kiss.

You and your new boyfriend spent the rest of the afternoon flirting and swimming together.
Who knew that a heatwave would lead you to love?

AN: Hey guys! I've got a new Encanto story! Check it out if you want!

Death Note one shots and short storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن