Set in Stone part 2

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(May 27th)

A lot of things have happened since Sakura TV broadcast the first copycat Kira tape For one, L had deduced that there is now a second Kira. As such, he has brought Light Yagami into the investigation, despite both our beliefs that he is the original.

He had Light create a script for a fake Kira to respond to the copycat. A couple of days later, we received a response to our fake Kira. In this video, the copycat talks about how he doesn't believe Kira has 'the eyes' and mentions revealing their identities to each other by 'showing our Shinigami'.

Those words felt vaguely familiar to me, though I'm not sure why. I thought that maybe I had read about Shinigami somewhere, but I don't understand why I'd have read anything on the subject prior to this case.

This confusing familiarity with the term has led me to hours of research each night after I've gone home, or to my suite depending on how far the hotel is away from my apartment.

On top of that, we had received a diary page from the second Kira, repeating the idea of showing their Shinigami to each other. The page also mentioned meeting friends on specific days in Aoyama and Shibuya. L had Light and Matsuda go to both places on the days indicated

The trip to Aoyama was five days ago, and we have since received another message postmarked for the day after Aoyama. This message stated that he had found Kira.

Today we have yet another video. The copycat Kira has mentioned that he will stop searching for Kira, but is going to continue killing criminals that Kira has yet to kill. He also mentioned sharing the power to those Kira finds worthy.

Both L and I feel that this Kira has made contact with the original and is now taking orders directly from him.

I'm conflicted on the part about sharing the power. While it's more likely to be a bluff to have us distracted from what the pair are really doing. However, this does seem like it's something they can actually do.

Right now, we are in a hotel on the opposite end of Tokyo from my apartment, so I'm staying with L. So once the men leave, I'll continue my research. I feel that I know where I may have seen the word Shinigami, and the eyes that the second Kira had mentioned in the video they sent a month ago.

When I was old enough to understand my foretold prophecy, I had wanted to learn all about what being a soulmate was like.

As I got a bit older, I started looking through anything I could for any reference to soulmates. Old journals made public, to newspaper clippings to books on old legends.

It was in one such book that I had found a reference to soulmates and Shinigami.

I had looked up so much stuff regarding soulmates that I can't really remember the story, so I decided that I needed to look it up once I had the chance.

After the men left for the night, I returned to my suite to continue searching for the legend that I vaguely remember.

I had been on my laptop looking over old Japanese legends when I heard a knock on my door. Curious, I opened the door to see my boyfriend standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"You've been pretty distracted lately (First Name). Is everything alright?" He asked.

"I'm alright. Just thinking about this whole Shinigami thing. Especially since we got that tape last month where the copycat Kira was talking about having the eyes. They sounded somewhat familiar to me but I wasn't sure why. However, I finally found what I've been looking for." I went on to explained to him how excited I had been when I learned that I had a soulmate and how I had researched everything I could, and how I had one time come across a legend involving a pair of soulmates and Shinigami.

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