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Prompt: For years, he carefully planned this day.

Ship: L x reader

(L's pov)

Growing up at Wammys and training to become the world's greatest detective never prepared me for the situation I currently face.

I never really had the time to bother with such trivial things like falling in love, and my job doesn't exactly allow me to socialize.

So when I first met her, I was blindsided by the things that had begun happening to me.

I had hired (Alias) for the Kira Case because she is the best criminal profiler around. I had  worked with her on a couple o other cases, but this was the first time I had actually decided to meet her, rather then communicate through our laptops.

The first time I saw her; I couldn't take my eyes off her. Taking in her beautiful (eye color) eyes and her (length/color) hair.

Unlike the men I had met the week before her arrival, she was dressed in such a way that would indicate that she doesn't really care about what people think.

She wore a pair of (favorite color) sweats, and her hair appeared unbrushed, as if she couldn't be bothered with it. I also noticed that she didn't wear any makeup, which is different from other females I have observed over the years.

The first time she spoke, I was amazed by now musical sounding her voice was, like listening to my favorite song. It was so beautiful.

Over the weeks, as I spent more time with (Alias), I noticed that my body was reacting to her. I  could feel my heart pounding in my chest whenever she turned her eyes towards me. My face would feel warm, and I would become flustered.

I had thought I was becoming ill, until I looked my symptoms up.

I had fallen in love with her. So, being the blunt man that I am, I took her aside and told her. To my surprise she confessed that she felt the same way.

That was the start of our relationship, just over 4 years ago.

We kept our relationship secret, keeping the professional act around the taskforce and our original suspects, Light Yagami and Misa Amane. We would only be intimate at night after everyone else had either left or gone to bed.

Now the Kira Case is finally over, and both Death Notes have been destroyed. The men have left my building, so it's just me and (Alias) now.

I have been planning this day ever since she agreed to be my girlfriend.

I gave her the day off, telling her that she had been such a big help in the investigation that I had made plans for her to spend the day at the spa. Something she had always wanted to try but is far to busy for.

It would take her a few hours to go through the full treatment I had paid for so I kept myself busy by setting everything up.

I want to make this day perfect for her.

(Your pov)

That trip to the spa was absolutely amazing. I never knew I could feel so relaxed. My boyfriend sure knows how to pamper me.

I walked back into the monitor room, wanting to thank L for setting all of that up for me, but he was wasn't there. I looked in the kitchen, then went over to the monitors, looking through every floor, but he was nowhere to be found.

Maybe he went out to the roof or had to go out? But you would think he would leave a note in case I returned before he did.

I decided to thank him when I see him next and got into the elevator to go to my floor. 

I found a bouquet of roses beside a note on my coffee table. The letter was in L's handwriting,  telling me to put on the dress hanging on the door of my wardrobe and meet him downstairs in an hour.

I opened the door to find a beautiful knee length (favorite color) dress and smiled as I prepared for our date wondering what is on my boyfriend's mind.

I went downstairs to find L waiting for me in a matching dress shirt and black slacks.

"You look beautiful (Alias), just as I knew you would." He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"You look great too L." He looked down in embarrassment, his pale cheeks becoming a light pink.

He took my hand, and we walked to the car that Watari was driving. We ended up at my favorite restaurant, and we were led into a separate room where there was a small dance floor on the far side, only taking up a little less than a third of the floor. Two speakers were playing light classical music, creating an overall calming and romantic atmosphere.

There was also a lone table, a little bit away from the door we had entered but not very far  from the doors leading to the kitchen. On the table were two slices of decadent looking  (favorite dessert). 

We ate the dessert while chatting about plans for the future and things we were looking  forward to now that Kira has been caught.

After we both finished, L stood up and offered me his hand. I smiled as I took his hand and he helped me up before leading me to the dance floor.

We danced through a few slow songs, while I simply enjoyed being in the detectives arms. After we took a break to rest, L led me out of the restaurant, and we began to walk down the sidewalk towards Tokyo Bay.

"Thank you for setting everything up today, Ryuzaki. I really enjoyed the trip to the spa, and  our date has been a wonderful surprise."

"The day is not over yet my love." He replied as we stopped to watch the sunset in a hues of pink, orange and yellow.

I turned to smile at L when I notice that he was down on one knee, gazing at me with love filled eyes, his hand reaching for something in his pocket. I took in a sharp breath and stared at the man I love, realizing what he was doing.

"(Alias), I love you more than I can ever say, and I know that I want you in my life forever. So there is something I must ask you. Will you marry me?" He asked, as he revealed a small black box. Opening it to reveal the a beautiful diamond ring with four (favorite gemstones) around it.

I nodded, barely able to muster out a yes. He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before pulling me in for the most meaningful kiss I had ever had.

The perfect ending to the perfect day and the perfect beginning to a long and happy life with the greatest detective.

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