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(L's pov)

If I had been told that I would find love during the Kira Case, I would have had the person given a mental evaluation.

I never felt the need for human companionship, being far too busy with my three detective identities to ever bother with something so trivial as love.

When I accepted this case, I knew that there was a 98% chance that I would not survive. I wasn't  bothered by the idea of dying. 

I have become exhausted by my schedule, with the multitude of cases. I have been planning to allow my successors take over.

Yet, here I am. We have endured nearly five years of chasing down one Kira to the next, but Light and Misa have been caught, and their Death Notes are in my possession, ready to be destroyed.

We started with Light and Misa, then they lost their memories and one of the notebooks went missing.

After a couple of months of no suspects, we finally narrowed the location of the third Kira to Yotsuba.

We had captured Higuchi, who had been acting as Kira, but in the middle of the questioning he lost focus, only to return to reality with no memories of why he was apprehended in the first place.

We had at least found out that the weapon was a black notebook that had a list of instructions on the back of the cover.

The following Kira was a college Professor who was using the notebook to take out some students and staff members who had gotten too close to finding out that she had been having an affair with the Dean. However, instead of heart attacks she kept giving them accidental deaths, like falling down the stairs or being hit by a car.

After that it was a student who embodied similar ideals to Light. She had found the notebook in the teachers desk while searching for test answers. When we captured her, She stated that she idolized Kira and wanted to worship him properly.

The girl was the daughter of a high political figure who was using the notebook for Kira, killing criminals all over the world, but she was also taking out people her father didn't like when he had to work abroad. 

By the time we obtained the first Death Note, the world's population fell by nearly 30% with the worst being Japan. Europe was hit with the second largest death toll, followed by America.

Now though, the case has been wrapped up, and

everyone had gone home for a much deserved break.

Everyone except for her.

(First Name) (Last Name). The must intriguing person I have had until now seen.

Right now she is in her suite, and I am observing her through the cameras in fascination.

She was listening to music, and twirling around the living room. Her (hair length/color) flowing around her as she danced.

Her hips were swaying as she moved and her cheeks were rosy. 

I have never met someone so lively and full of energy.

Typically people like that get on my nerves, like  Matsuda, but (First Name) isn't like that.

She knew the case was serious and worked hard,  always at headquarters on time, if not early, and often staying with me late into the night, despite her being obviously tired.

She was the only person who shared my views of the case, and we frequently devoted evenings to sharing theories. She always possessed some perceptive

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