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Prompt: You thought he was dead, but there he is, right in front of you on the street, smiling at you.

It's been three months since your world ended. When Roger got the text from L's computer, sent after three days without activity.

L is dead.

It felt as though everything had changed when Roger told you and the boys.

Who are you exactly?

You're not a successor. L did not want you to take on the mantle of the World's Greatest Detective.

You're his girlfriend turned fiancee. You and L were planning to get married at Wammys once he returned from Japan.

Now, the future you had dreamed of for years is gone. The only other people you were close to there was Near, Mello and Matt.

Mello up and left after he learned of L's death, and Near hasn't left his room since then, probably busy on the Kira Case now that L is gone.

To be honest, you didn't leave your room anymore either.

Matt is the only person you see now. He would always come to your room to make sure you are alright and to keep you busy so you wouldn't think of L.

You looked up as the door to your room opened, revealing the gamer who was holding a chocolate bar he probably snagged from the kitchen, since Mello is no longer here to hoard them in his stash.

You give the teen a small smile as he sat the candy down on the end table.

"You really should get out for a little while (Alias). Hiding in this room all day isn't good for you."

"What do you suggest I do Matt?"

"Go for a walk. Go see a movie or go to the arcade or something." He suggests, making you laugh.

"The arcade is more your thing, and I'm not really up for a movie."

"Then just go for a walk then. Trust me, the fresh air will do you some good."

You nodded, and with a sigh went over to you closet. You weren't really in the mood to leave your room, but you knew how pushy Matt could be. Perhaps if you took the advice now, he wouldn't try to force you outside later on.

Matt was gone by the time you turned around with your chosen outfit. A pair of jeans and your favorite sweatshirt. Nothing fancy, but certainly warm enough for the frigid winter air. You grabbed your coat and left your room, ignoring the kids that were wandering the halls.

It's been a long time since you've walked down the streets of the nearby town. You took in the few changes that have happened since your childhood.

The park where you and L played tennis had been changed. They replaced the old tennis court with a basketball court.

The swings and monkey bars you used to play at was gone. In their place was a large playground maze in the shape of an open castle. It looked like the kind of place you and L could enjoy making up stories about it you were children again.

You turned away suddenly, before your mind could torture you with images of kids looking like you and your deceased fiancee playing on the playground.

You continued on, turning the corner and seeing the old candy shop that you both frequented as children. The old man who owned the shop passed away a few years ago, and the new owner wasn't able to keep up with everything the business needed.

You shivered when the wind began to pick up. Clutching your coat closer to your body, you wandered into a small cafe to escape the cold.

After ordering a cup of coffee and a slice of (favorite flavor) cake, you turned to find a spot to sit down.

The cafe was relatively empty. A couple in one corner, a businessman sitting at the far end of the bar.

As your eyes ghosted across the room, you were stopped short when you say a painfully familiar mop of black hair. You did a double take in shock.

Black hair? Check. Eyebags? Check. Long sleeve white shirt? Check. Crouching? Check. Cup of coffee and a mountain of sugar cubes? Check.

It wasn't possible, you were not seeing L sitting at the booth. Your mind had to have been playing tricks on you.

You walked over to the booth, his head lifting up when he saw you approach.

"Sit with me (First Name)." L stated. He was the only one you trusted with your true name.

"Is it really you?" You couldn't help but ask. "Roger told us that you were dead."

"The message from my computer. I know. Near has kept me up to date. Says that you've been locked up in your room. I was the one to ask Matt to convince you to come out for a while. I was planning on watching for you to come down, and I would reveal myself to you. Instead, you found me." He smiled that smile you have missed since he left for Japan.

You sat in a peaceful quiet as the waitress arrived with your order. You took a sip of your coffee and a bite of cake as you observed the one you love.

You made small talk, making the appearance that you are simply friends catching up with each other after time apart. He asked you how you had been doing since he left, and you told him that you had been working on new computer programs that are now being implemented into the Wammys education system.

You finished your food and left, returning to the orphanage, ending up in his bedroom that has been untouched since he left.

"What happened? Did you catch Kira?"

"Yes. Near assisted me in coming up with a plan to corner him. With the help of the Shinigami, I faked my death and was in a week long coma. Afterwards, Near and I made plans to prove that my suspect was Kira."

"Matt said there were two Kiras?"

"I had determined that the second was being manipulated by the original."


"Both Kiras were young adults. The original was a stereotypical popular boy. Good looking, well dressed, seemingly perfect. He apparently found a killer notebook, called a Death Note, during his last month of high school. The second Kira was female. She was obsessed with him talking about how they were soulmates. He was never interested in her for anything but what she could do for him."

"She loved him and wanted to do whatever she could for him so he would return those feelings? That just sad."

"It is. Anyway, she found out what he was planning for her, and she changed sides. She gave me her weapon and her Shinigami helped me convict him by faking my death; this lulling him into a false sense of security. From there Near and I cornered him, and he snapped. He was killed by his Shinigami and the two gods left, taking the weapons with them."

You sat back in thought. If anyone else were to tell you a story about Shinigami and murdering people by heart attacks, you'd just laugh them out of the room.

However, L is a skeptic of all things supernatural, so if he is talking about Shinigami as though they exist, then they must actually exist. He isn't one to bother with legends and fairytales.

All you could do was wrap your arms around the man you loved, just grateful that he was home, safe and sound.

He returned the hug, leaning into you, and you just sat there, comforted by the presence of the other after the stressful months apart.

You can only hope that he doesn't have to face such a dangerous case again.

Now it was time to focus on better things. Your future with the World's Greatest Detective.

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