Secret Feelings

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There was something bothering her, that much was obvious.

L didn't know a lot about emotions, or how to comfort people. But he could read body language, and there was something off about the only female officer on the team.

To most of the taskforce, she was focused on her work. She was staring hard at her computer screen.

In fact, she hasn't moved in any way. That told L that she was not focused on the screen at all.

If you had known that L was watching you, you would have confirmed that you were unable to focus.

Your mind was on something very different from the Kira Case.

You were in love. And not with just anyone. You had to fall in love with Ryuzaki. The dark-haired genius detective.

He told the task force not to let emotions cloud your minds. He meant that you shouldn't use emotions to dictate how you feel about suspects, something the men were unable to do.

You were the only person to trust L's judgement on Light being Kira.

You knew Light, though not as well as the others. You had seen him at the police station a lot.

And you had noticed the change in him. It creeped you out.

There was just something inside you that screamed that he was dangerous. You had even told L about that.

You told him about situations you had been in when some sort of instinct told you to focus on something.

Every single time this instinct had saved you and sometimes other people. That same feeling that calls to you every time you see Light.

The instinct had never done that before the Kira Case.

Though that wasn't what you were dealing with now, of course.

Your mind was racing with random thoughts about L.

You thought about his voice, which was a sound you could listen to all day and not get bored.

You thought about his eyes, that sent shivers down your spine when they looked your way.

You thought about his fluffy hair and wondered if it was as soft as it looked.

You thought about kissing him, cuddling him, going on dates with him. Watching anime and solving crimes together.

You thought about making cakes and pastries for him, and trying to get him to laugh.

Has he ever laughed before? He always seemed so serious, but you knew he had a dry sense of humor. You heard him tell jokes before. They never fail to amuse you.

You wonder how he would react if you told him. Would he be surprised? Would he remain silent? Confused? Would he reject you?

To be honest, the last one is the most likely. He doesn't seem to understand what love is.

Perhaps he would just tell you to ignore your feelings since they'll just get in the way of the case.

It's what you've been trying to do, but it gets harder each day. You don't know how to continue ignoring your feelings.

You felt like you could finally relax when Lunchtime came around. You could escape for a little while and try to get yourself focused on the work.

You were stopped outside the door by Misa Amane.

She wanted girl talk, and she wanted to get out for a while, but she wasn't allowed unless she was with an officer.

Since you were heading out to lunch anyway you offered to take her with you.

(Your pov)

We went to an out of the way place and sat in the back so we could talk but not be overheard.

"So what has been going with you lately (Alias)? You've been really spaced out lately." She asked. I sighed, but decided to go ahead and tell her.

"I want someone I can't have, and it's killing me inside. I can't focus with these feelings!" I blurted quietly. I explained how my feelings began and how they continue to grow with each passing day.

I tell her my thoughts about him, and how I try so hard to ignore them, so I can work.

"Wow...You've got it bad for him, haven't you?" She asked with wide eyes.

I just sigh dejectedly. She tells me that I should just tell him. He is a genius in most things, but understanding girls he is probably clueless.

"Wouldn't that just make it awkward?"

"Isn't it already? Besides, chances are L at least knows something is bothering you. He is observant after all."

"I am so screwed..."I groaned laying my head on my arm.

We returned a little while later. I still felt worried about confessing to L, but at least I felt a little better.

It was enough to focus on my work, so I could get through the rest of the day. I hoped that I could get out before L grills me.

I should have known that it wasn't going to happen. L kept me back at the end of the day when the others left.

He turned to me and told me that he had noticed that I wasn't focused earlier.

"You can talk to me, you know. We can't afford to be distracted. This case is too dangerous." He started. That just made me feel worse.

"I know L; I apologize for my distraction. I'm alright now, though. I talked it out with Misa, she was able to help me out." I gave him a smile. He gave me a skeptic look, but left it alone.

I left with a sigh, heading up to my floor.

(L's pov)

I wonder what had her so distracted. I don't want to think about the possibility that she is Kira, which went up when she let slip that Misa helped her with her distraction.

Is it possible? I had no choice but to check.

I talked to Miss Amane the next morning, before she had to leave for her movie shoot.

The information the model shared was...interesting.

I need to talk to (First name). I watched her for the entire day, and I have been able to confirm what Misa said.

(First name) is in love with me. She isn't bothered when I asked her to get things for me.

She glances at me throughout the day, especially when either of us enters or leaves the room.

She gives barely noticeable smiles whenever I win in argument with Light.

I thought about my feelings while watching her.

I wouldn't be against the idea of dating her.

(First name) is beautiful. She is smart, caring, and kind. She doesn't look at me weird for the way I sit or hold things.

If anything, she seems to find my quirks amusing.

She also doesn't argue with me about my deductions of Light being the Original Kira.

I remember asking her about it when I told the taskforce of my suspicions.

"There is Light's behavior. I just can't figure out what exactly it is. Perhaps it's his behavior towards you?"

"Well, I am his rival here."

"True. Light has always had a bit of a superiority complex. He hates facing anyone who might be better at something than he is."

"Another point for him being Kira." I had muttered. She gave a pretty sounding laugh.

"Exactly why I am not surprised you suspect him. He fits the profile perfectly."

The day went by, and I came up with a plan.

I made a quick trip out to get things set up for tomorrow.

(Your pov)

L has been watching me all day, I could tell. Does he know? Is he planning to fire me for being so distracted?

I was curious when he left for a little while. He was gone for a little more than an hour.

When he returned, he went back to his work as though nothing happened.

Towards the end of the day, he spoke up.

"There is nothing going on in the case right now, so I feel it is safe for all of you to take tomorrow off. Spend the day with your family or whatever you need to catch up on."

I shrugged, I didn't have any family in Japan to visit so I'll just hang out of my floor or go run some errands or something. I don't really want to drive all the way home either. I live on the other side of Tokyo.

I watched as everyone left, even Light who was heading home with his father.

"(First name)" She looked up when I said her name.

"I've been watching you for the past couple of days, and I have come to the conclusion that you are in love with me." He stated bluntly. I looked down with a blush on her cheeks. I should have known.

"I am not adverse to a relationship with you. In fact, I was wondering if you would mind going on a date with me tomorrow." I looked up in shock.


"Yes. I have things set up on my floor for the day. Unless you want to go somewhere else."

"No, what you have planned is fine with me."

I smiled as I got up and went to my floor. I got ready for bed wondering what L had planned for us.

Maybe I could have the man I want after all.

Death Note one shots and short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora