Blind Date

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Prompt: Write a story in which two people who know each other are introduced - but neither person admits to knowing the other.

(Lights pov)

If I had known just how difficult this mission was going to be, I would never have allowed Misa to talk me into it.

It all started last week when Misa and I were talking about Ryuzaki's frustration with the case. She mentioned that if he took a break, maybe it'll clear his head and we can actually find Kira.

All we really want is to catch Kira do we could clear our names and go back to our lives.

Misa was saying that if we could get him to leave Headquarters maybe he would find a girlfriend.

"The question is, what kind of girl would work for him? What would he want in a girl, and what girl would want someone like him?" I had thought out loud.

She replied that there was a secretive girl who had been working at modeling agency. The girl models a unique style that is somewhere between gothic and rocker girl, however she never allows shots of her face. All photographs of her are below the neck.

"I don't understand why that is really, she always just says she doesn't want to be recognized, but why is she a model if not for the recognition? I mean it's not like she isn't super pretty because she is."

After talking for a little while we decided to set them up on a blind date.

So here I am trying to get the Detective to leave the monitor room.

"Come on Ryuzaki. The case isn't going anywhere. There hasn't been any leads in weeks and you need a break."

"You would want me distracted from the case wouldn't you Kira?" L replied.

"For the last time, I am not Kira!" I snapped. "Besides you need a break. Nothing is happening with the case and your comments about me being Kira is just getting in the way of catching the real Kira!"

"And what do you want me to do Light?" He asked in exasperation.

"Misa has decided that you need a girlfriend. Since you're not interested in leaving the taskforce to meet girls, she has set up a blind date for you. Some mysterious girl from her modeling agency.

His only response was to glare at me as I forced him to leave the monitors to my father and the other men.

(Your pov)

"Why are we doing this again Misa?" I whined to my friend as she helped me with my makeup.

"My boyfriend has a coworker who has been pretty depressed lately. We think that he needs a short break from work and some good company to help him out."

"Why me, though? I don't really go on dates or anything. I'm really introverted you know."

"So is Ryuzaki. He just hides in his office all day working. I think he's lonely, and I know you don't have a boyfriend (First Name)."

I couldn't deny that. I've simply never been interested in dating.

There has only ever been one guy I was interested in, but never got the chance to say anything.

I sigh as Misa walked around me to make sure that I was ready for this blind date.

(Time skip)

I stood beside Misa as we waited for her boyfriend to show up with the guy she set me up with.

Misa squealed when two guys entered the cafe. One guy is about her age and dressed in an almost semi formal attire, khakis and a button down shirt.

I almost forget to breath when I see the man that followed the guy that is obviously Misa's boyfriend.

He hasn't changed in the three years since I've last seen him.

Disheveled black hair and iconic white long sleeve shirt and jeans. I smiled uncertainly as his grey eyes meet mine and widen unnoticeably, at least to anyone besides me and the boys back home.

"(First Name) this is my boyfriend Light, and the man with him is Ryuzaki. Ryuzaki, this is (First Name). She works at my modeling agency."

I realize that Misa and Light have no idea that we know each other, and by the surprised look in his eyes L had not been expecting to run into me.

I decide to treat this as a first meeting and shake his hand and the two of us settle at a table, with Misa and Light sitting at another table within sight but not within hearing range.

After ordering our coffees and food; strawberry shortcake for L and hot fudge sundae for me; we quietly begin talking about what's been going on for the last few of years.

"I will admit that I had not been expecting to see you in Japan (First Name)." L finally gets to the point.

"I understand that you were not told of my involvement. He called me a few months ago to see if I would take the job. I agreed to act as your eyes and ears when Misa wasn't at HQ."

"I see. So how did she convince you to go on this date? Last I heard you weren't interested in dating."

"It's not that I'm not interested in dating, it's just that there was only one guy I was interested in. As for Misa, she kind of forced my hand. Told me that the guy she was setting me up with was in need of a break from work and was getting frustrated with it. I can understand why now. What about you? How did they get you to leave your computer?"

"Light dragged me away from my monitors." He mumbled under his breath. I giggled at the image in my head of a pouting L staring longingly at the computer while being dragged away by the teen.

"Anyway, if you were interested in someone, why wouldn't you tell them? Or did they turn you down?"

"No, I wasn't turned down or anything. The guy I liked was a bit of a workaholic. He was always busy, and I didn't want to distract him. He's a really good friend of mine, and I feared the friendship ending if I told him and he rejected me. By the time I was ready to tell him, he had been getting ready to move on with his life." I shrugged, as he tilted his head in thought.

"If the guy was smart, I'm sure he would've made room for you in his life. He would have made a foolish mistake not to. Maybe I can help you with that. A girl like you deserves to be happy. With all of my connections in sure I can find him for you." He replied.

"I'm sure you can Ryuzaki, but I'm sure he is too busy to deal with a girlfriend anyway."

"No matter how busy he is (First Name), I'm sure he'd still make time for you."

"I don't know about that. His work is really important."

"Nothing is more important than being with the one you love."

"You really think so?"

"I do. I want to help you find him. What's his name?"

"I don't know what his name is. He lived at the same place I did." I hinted, telling him that he was a Wammys kid without saying it out loud.

"That makes it easier. What's his alias?" I smirk and take a pen out of my purse and wrote it on the napkin beside me.

(L's pov)

I was surprised to see that (First Name) was the girl Misa and Light had set me up with. Perhaps this day would not be so problematic. The two Kiras are right in that I need a break, and this is the only person in the world besides Watari that I trust enough to relax around, though I really dislike the public place they chose for us.

She was just as beautiful as I remember. Same silky (length/color) hair, same bright (color) eyes, same easy smile that could brighten my day.

I had a big crush on her back at Wammys, and while we were best friends, I was afraid that I was too weird for her to end up with, so I kept telling myself to let her go.

I would hide in my room, working on an endless string of cases to avoid being alone with her for too long, and I ended up leaving home so that she could have a happy life with a good-looking man who deserves her love.

So to see her here and single were difficult for me.

Being reunited after these past three years I don't know how long I can keep my feelings a secret from her.

So when she mentioned a guy, she was interested in I decided to help her find him. It would hurt for her to find love, but I want her to be happy, not alone like me.

She slides a folded napping towards me. I take it and open it carefully.

Written on the napkin was a single letter.


Perhaps I can find love and happiness after all.

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